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How to show the filename in the thumbnailviewer

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:34 pm
by Ektoplasma

I would like to show the filename under each thumbnail. How would I do this?
Here is the code how I show the thumbnails by now:

Code: Select all

private void ShowThumbnails(string currentFolder)
       foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(currentFolder).Where(f => f.EndsWith(".png") || f.EndsWith(".jpg") || f.EndsWith(".jpeg")))
I work with Visual Studio 10 Express, WPF and C#

Thank you for your help,

Re: How to show the filename in the thumbnailviewer

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:45 am
by Alex
Hello Heinz,

Here is a code snippet which shows how to show text under each thumbnail:

Code: Select all

void MainWindow()
   thumbnailViewer1.ThumbnailAdded += new EventHandler<ThumbnailImageItemEventArgs>(thumbnailViewer_ThumbnailAdded);

void thumbnailViewer_ThumbnailAdded(object sender, ThumbnailImageItemEventArgs e)
    // add decoder name on thumbnail
    TextBlock text = new TextBlock();
    text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; 
    text.Text = e.Thumbnail.Source.SourceInfo.DecoderName;
    e.Thumbnail.Content = text;
Best regards, Alexander

Re: How to show the filename in the thumbnailviewer

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:05 pm
by Ektoplasma
Hello Alex,

thank you for the code snippet.
It works fine, but the text appears not under but above each thumbnail.
And it does not create a new line when the text is larger then the image width.

I tried to find properties or methods but couldn't find anything.
Can you tell me how I could show the text under each thumbnail and let
the text create a newline when it is bigger the the image width?

Thank you
with best regards,

Re: How to show the filename in the thumbnailviewer

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:50 am
by Alex
Hello Heinz,
Can you tell me how I could show the text under each thumbnail and let the text create a newline when it is bigger the the image width?
Here is the code snippet:

Code: Select all

void MainWindow()
    // increase the thumbnail height, this is necessary for reserving space for text under thumbnail
    thumbnailViewer.ThumbnailSize = new Size(thumbnailViewer.ThumbnailSize.Width, thumbnailViewer.ThumbnailSize.Height + 50);
    // subscribe to the ThumbnailAdded event
    thumbnailViewer1.ThumbnailAdded += new EventHandler<ThumbnailImageItemEventArgs>(thumbnailViewer_ThumbnailAdded);

void thumbnailViewer_ThumbnailAdded(object sender, ThumbnailImageItemEventArgs e)
    // reserve space for text
    Thickness thumbnailImagePadding = e.Thumbnail.ThumbnailImagePadding;
    thumbnailImagePadding.Bottom = 50;
    e.Thumbnail.ThumbnailImagePadding = thumbnailImagePadding;

    // create the text block with filename
    TextBlock text = new TextBlock();
    text.Text = e.Thumbnail.Source.SourceInfo.Filename;
    text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
    text.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
    text.Margin = new Thickness(0, e.Thumbnail.Height - 50, 0, 0);
    // add text block as content of thumbnail
    e.Thumbnail.Content = text;
Best regards, Alexander

Re: How to show the filename in the thumbnailviewer

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:02 pm
by Ektoplasma
Hi Alex,

thank you, this works :-)
