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Save all scanned images in one document tif

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:32 am
by jhavierc
Save all scanned images in one document tif

Hello everyone, my problem is this

I'm driving VintaSoftTwain.NET SDK for a project, buy the license, all in order, I solve the problem and ask for help, is like saving all the images scanned into a tif document, the demo that comes with the installer installs each scanned page in a separate image and I want all pages in one document
A document or tif image has several pages and that's what I do
If anyone knows how to do it please write me urgent

thanks :roll: help me plz

Re: Save all scanned images in one document tif

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:55 pm
by Alex

Please read the "Programming" section in the documentation.

Best regards, Alexander