We are proud to announce the release of new major version 12.2 of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK and the related Annotation, PDF, Office, OCR, DICOM, JBIG2, JPEG2000, Document Cleanup, Forms Processing Plug-ins.
What's new in VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.2:
The majority of new functionality added to Office plug-in and described on that plug-in history page.
.NET development
Created the document converter - Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentConverter class, which provides optimal multi-threading algorithm for easy conversion of images to all image and document formats supported by the SDK.
Added the ability to load images into image collection dynamically. That allowed to improve the image viewer when it displays document with large number of pages. If this functionality is enabled, the image viewer starts the document preview almost immediately, because the image collection does not load information about all pages at once.
Image codecs:
Improved the algorithm of TIFF decoder and encoder.
Improved the algorithm of PCX decoder.
Demo applications:
Added many improvements and optimizations into the code of Vintasoft Image Converter Demo.
Added the ability to work with worksheets of spreadsheet document
Get a list of worksheets
Add/delete/rename a worksheet; copy/insert a worksheet; reorder worksheets
Added the ability to work with a worksheet of spreadsheet document
Render a worksheet
Change settings of worksheet preview
Navigate by cells using mouse and keyboard
Insert or delete columns/rows
Change size of columns/rows
Show/hide columns/rows
Search and replace text
Added the ability to work with selected cells of worksheet
Select cells using mouse and keyboard
Copy, paste and delete selected cells
Change style properties (font, filling, borders, number format, text style, alignment, indent, etc) of selected cells
Change size of selected cells
Auto-fit the column width or the row height of selected cells
Clear styles, content, hyperlinks of selected cells
Merge and unmerge selected cells
Show and hide selected cells
Set a hyperlink to URL or location in document for selected cells
Added the ability to work with a cell of worksheet
Display formatted and localized text of cell
Calculate a cell formula value
Edit the cell text directly in the cell region
Edit the cell text in formula bar
Highlight references while editing the cell formula
Added the ability to work with Drawing (Charts, Images, Graphics)
Render drawings on worksheet
Auto-update the chart when its data changes
Select a drawing on worksheet
Add a picture
Delete a drawing (Charts, Images, Graphics)
Added the ability to work with comments
Render comments on worksheet
Add, edit, delete a comment
Here is screenshot of VintaSoft Spreadsheet Editor Demo for WinForms:
Demo applications:
Created new desktop demo application - Vintasoft Spreadsheet Editor, which allows to view and edit a spreadsheet (XLSX) document. The demo is available for WPF and WinForms platforms.
JavaScript UI control that works in all major HTML5 web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, etc)
User interface is compatible with personal computers, * and smartphones
Load an existing spreadsheet (XLSX) document
View and edit a spreadsheet (XLSX) document
View a worksheet list, add/rename/move/delete a worksheet
Select/resize/add/remove rows/columns on worksheet
Navigate by cells using mouse and keyboard
Select cells using mouse and keyboard
Change the style properties (font, filling, borders, number format, text style, alignment, indent, etc) of selected cells
Display formatted and localized text of cell
Calculate the cell formula value
Edit a cell text directly in the cell region on worksheet
Edit the cell text in formula bar
Search for text in spreadsheet document
Download the edited spreadsheet document
"Standard" dialogs (rename worksheet, search text, etc) for Bootstrap, JQuery UI, pure JavaScript
User interface can be customized
Here is screenshot of VintaSoft Spreadsheet Editor Demo for ASP.NET Core:
Created tutorials, which describe how to add the web spreadsheet document editor to an ASP.NET Core, Angular, React.js, ASP.NET MVC5, ASP.NET WebForms application
Demo applications:
Created new web demo application - Vintasoft Spreadsheet Editor, which allows to view and edit the spreadsheet (XLSX) document. Demo is available for ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core + Angular, ASP.NET MVC5, ASP.NET WebForms.
What's new in VintaSoft OCR .NET Plug-in 7.2:
.NET development
The used Tesseract OCR engine has been updated to version 5.3
Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
Web development
Added the ability specify that image orientation should be selected automatically when image/page is printed (the ImagePrintDocument.UseImageAutoOrientation property).
Added additional print settings to the PdfEditorDemo, DocumentViewerDemo and PrintDemo projects.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Fixed the bug in algorithm that renders image-resource that uses 4-bit mask.
Fixed the bug in parser of Type1 font.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Added improvements in SpreadsheetVisualEditor class:
Added the ability to edit the comment properties using font and text properties.
Added functionality "Style Painter".
Fixed the bugs in SpreadsheetVisualEditor class.
Several improvements in SpreadsheetEditorDemo and WpfSpreadsheetEditorDemo projects.
Web development
Added many improvements in WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control:
Added the ability to add picture to a worksheet.
Added the ability to remove drawings (Picture, Char, Shape) from worksheet.
Added the ability to show formulas in cells.
Added many improvements to the UI that allows to add and edit comments.
Added the ability to clear the font color and background color for the cell.
Added the "Style Painter" button.
Added new buttons, which allow to change the cells border.
Fixed the bugs in WebSpreadsheetEditorControlJS control.
Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
.NET development
Now Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing.SkiaSharp.dll use SkiaSharp 2.88.5. Previous version of Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing.SkiaSharp.dll used SkiaSharp 2.88.0.
Demo applications:
Added localization to 3 WinForms demo applications (DICOM Viewer Demo, PDF Editor Demo, Spreadsheet Editor Demo) as an example of how the application UI can be translated into any language.
Web development
Added the removeItemByRegisteredId function to the WebUiControlSettingsJS class.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Improved the PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 converters.
Fixed the bug in PdfAnnotationTool class.
Fixed the bug in PDF renderer.
Fixed the bug in PDF/A converter.
Fixed the bug in parser of Type1 fonts.
Demo applications:
Added the localization of WinForms version of Vintasoft PDF Editor Demo application using resource-file Strings.resx. Now application contains German localization as an example how to translate application UI to any language.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Now SpreadsheetVisualEditor class automatically calculates width of column if left mouse button is double clicked on the column resize area.
Now SpreadsheetVisualEditor class automatically calculates height of row if left mouse button is double clicked on the row resize area.
Added the NumberFormatDecimalPlaces property to the SpreadsheetVisualEditor class.
Fixed the bugs in SpreadsheetVisualEditor class.
Demo applications:
Added the localization of WinForms version of Vintasoft Spreadsheet Editor Demo application using resource-file Strings.resx. Now application contains German localization as an example how to translate application UI to any language.
Web development
Added new buttons to the WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control:
create new XLSX document
delete cells
insert cells
clear the cells content
increase the number of decimal places in number format
decrease the number of decimal places in number format
Now WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control automatically calculates width of column if left mouse button is double clicked on the column resize area.
Now WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control automatically calculates height of row if left mouse button is double clicked on the row resize area.
Added the NumberFormatDecimalPlaces property to the WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control.
Fixed the bugs in WebSpreadsheetEditorControlJS control.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Demo applications:
Added the localization of WinForms version of Vintasoft DICOM Viewer Demo application using resource-file Strings.resx. Now application contains German localization as an example how to translate application UI to any language.
Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Now the SpreadsheetVisualEditor and WpfSpreadsheetVisualEditor classes allow to edit a chart using mouse:
Supported chart types: Column (Clustered, Stacked, 100% Stacked, 3D Clustered, 3D Stacked, 3D 100% Stacked), Line (Line with Markers, Curves, Stacked, 100% Stacked), Pie (Pie, Doughnut), Bar (Clustered, Stacked, 100% Stacked), Area (Stacked, 100% Stacked)
Highlight the chart data area
Move and change size of the chart data area
Add/remove rows/columns in the chart data area
Change the fonts and colors in chart
Change chart parameters (markers, series color, etc)
Swap rows and columns in chart.
Now the SpreadsheetVisualEditor and WpfSpreadsheetVisualEditor classes allow to insert a chart to a worksheet:
Supported chart types: Column (Clustered, Stacked, 100% Stacked, 3D Clustered, 3D Stacked, 3D 100% Stacked), Line (Line with Markers, Curves, Stacked, 100% Stacked), Pie (Pie, Doughnut), Bar (Clustered, Stacked, 100% Stacked), Area (Stacked, 100% Stacked)
Preview the chart with user data before inserting the chart to a worksheet.
Fixed the bugs in SpreadsheetVisualEditor and WpfSpreadsheetVisualEditor classes.
Demo applications:
SpreadsheetEditorDemo: Added the ability to edit an existing chart and add new chart to a worksheet.
Web development
Now the WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control allows to edit chart using mouse:
Highlight the chart data area
Move and change size of the chart data area
Add/remove rows/columns in the chart data area
Change the fonts and colors in chart
Now the WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control allows to insert chart to a worksheet:
Supported chart types: Column (Clustered, Stacked, 100% Stacked, 3D Clustered, 3D Stacked, 3D 100% Stacked), Line (Line with Markers, Curves, Stacked, 100% Stacked), Pie (Pie, Doughnut), Bar (Clustered, Stacked, 100% Stacked), Area (Stacked, 100% Stacked)
Preview the chart with user data before inserting the chart to a worksheet.
Added the dialog, which allows to edit numeric format of cell, to the WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control.
Fixed the bugs in the WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control.
Demo applications:
AspNetCoreSpreadsheetEditorDemo: Added the ability to edit an existing chart and add new chart to a worksheet.
Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
Web development
Added the getScrollPosition function to the WebImageViewerJS class.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Added the AutoHeight and AutoWidth properties to the OfficeAnnotationData class. Now the Office-annotation can automatically increase the size when user enters the text.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Fixed the bug in PdfAnnotationTool class.
Fixed the bug in algorithm that decodes CMYK image with transparency mask.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Fixed the bugs in SpreadsheetVisualEditor class.
Fixed the bugs in algorithm that renders chart in XLSX document.
What's new in this version of VintaSoft Document Cleanup .NET Plug-in:
.NET development
Optimized the performance of BorderClearCommand class.
Added the ability to unite text regions into larger text regions after image segmentation in DocumentSegmentationCommand class.