Scanning batch with possible multiple pages

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Scanning batch with possible multiple pages

Post by chuckles »

I have a batch of invoices that have a barcode on the first page of each invoice. I am scanning these batches in a modal environment, processing each page by itself. This is becoming increasingly slow over a network. Is there a way to scan and process all pages until another barcode is detected? Also is there a way to decrease the chance of a faulty barcode scan. I am getting a higher than normal "misread" on pages that do no have a barcode. I currently have resolution set to 300. If I increase it more, will it decrease my ppm?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Scanning batch with possible multiple pages

Post by Alex »


I have some questions about your application:
1. What scanner do you use? Is it network scanner?
2. Do you use barcode reading feature of scanner OR do you use the software barcode reader?

Best regards, Alexander
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:27 am

Re: Scanning batch with possible multiple pages

Post by chuckles »

I use the Fujitsu series (5000 series, 6000 series) of scanners. I am using the software detection of barcode. I read the image and detect if a barcode exisits in the image. All code is derived from examples provided in your documentation over the years, so I may be using outdated techniques.

Here is the scan program I am using

Code: Select all

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Vintasoft.Twain;
using Vintasoft.Barcode;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace InvoiceTracking
    class ScannerModal

        private Device _device;
        private Device _cleandevice;
        private string _barcode = "";
        private BarcodeReader _barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
        private IBarcodeInfo[] _infos;
        private string _fileLocation = @"C:\ScannedInvoices\";

        protected bool _autoCleanBuffer;
        protected bool _automaticRecognition;
        protected int _bitDepth;
        protected bool _disableAfterAcquire;
        protected int _fileJpegQuality;
        protected ImageFilter _imageFilter;
        protected bool _modalUI;
        protected NoiseFilter _noiseFilter;
        protected PixelFlavor _pixelFlavor;
        protected PixelType _pixelType;
        protected float _resolution;
        protected bool _showIndicators;
        protected bool _showUI;
        protected float _threshold;
        protected TransferMode _transferMode;
        protected Vintasoft.Twain.UnitOfMeasure _unitOfMeasure;
        protected bool _useADF;
        protected bool _useDuplex;
        protected short _xferCount;
        protected bool _pdfMultiPage;

        private bool _noBarcode;
        private string ShiftDate;
        private string Location;
        private int _Invoices;
        private int _Errors;
        private Label _customerName;
        private ListBox _invoiceList;
        private ListBox _invoiceErrors;
        private int _primaryCustomerNumber;
        private int _customerNumber;
        private string _prevBarcode;
        private string _scannedInvoice;
        private string _scanLogs;
        private bool _ignoreErrors;
        public string _FluidsConnectionString;
        public string _AdminConnectionString;
        public string _CustomersConnectionString;
        public string _InvoiceTrackingConnectionString;

        public ScannerModal(Device device)
            this._barcode = "";
            this._barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
            this._fileLocation = "C:\\ScannedInvoices\\";
            this._cleandevice = device;
            this._device = this._cleandevice;
            _Invoices = 0;
            _Errors = 0;

        private void _device_ImageAcquired()
            Image _image = this._device.AcquiredImages.Last.GetAsBitmap();
            Bitmap tmp = (Bitmap)_image;
            AcquiredImage _imageInfo = this._device.AcquiredImages.Last;
            this._infos = this.ReadBarcodes(tmp);
            int i;
            switch (_noBarcode)
                case true:
                case false:

        private void noBarcode()
            // if noBarcode and no previous barcode read, throw error

            if (_prevBarcode == null || _prevBarcode.Trim() == "")
                this._barcode = "";
                MessageBox.Show("No Barcode was detected. The image will be discarded.  Correct issue and resubmit.\n ");

            if (MessageBox.Show("No Barcode was detected. Do you want to append this page to " + this._prevBarcode +
                                     "\n Select Yes to append it or No to discard the page. \n." +
                                     "in the package or Cancel to Bypass",
                                     "No Barcode ws detected", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                this._barcode = _prevBarcode;
                this._noBarcode = true;
            this._device.AcquiredImages.RemoveAt(this._device.AcquiredImages.Count - 1);

        private void Barcode()
            int i = 0;
            this._barcode = this._infos[0].Value;
            if (!(int.TryParse(this._infos[0].Value, out i)))
                    MessageBox.Show("The Barcode ( " + this._barcode + " ) appears to be invalid. The image will be discarded.  Correct issue and resubmit.\n " +
                                     "If Barcode is correct, please contact support");
                    this._barcode = "";
            if (i < 250000 || i > 1000000)
                MessageBox.Show("The Barcode ( " + _barcode + " ) appears to be out of the normal range. The image will be discarded.  Correct issue and resubmit.\n " +
                                 "If Barcode is correct, please contact support");
                this._barcode = "";
            this._barcode = i.ToString();
            RemoveDuplicates(ref _invoiceList);
            _prevBarcode = this._barcode;

        private string BarcodeFound(int result)
            FluidsDataContext fdc = new FluidsDataContext(_FluidsConnectionString);
            _prevBarcode = this._barcode;
            if (_ignoreErrors == false)
                BillingDetail bdtl = (from p in fdc.BillingDetails where p.InvoiceNumber.ToString() == this._barcode select p).FirstOrDefault();
                if (bdtl == null)
                    if (MessageBox.Show("The following Invoice was not found in the Pinnergy System \n " +
                                         this._barcode + " / " + _primaryCustomerNumber.ToString() +
                                         "\n Select OK to keep it in the package or Cancel to Bypass",
                                         "Invoice Not found", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
                    return result.ToString();
                    if (bdtl.CustomerNumber != _primaryCustomerNumber)
            return result.ToString();

        public string AcquireImages(ref ListBox listBox1, ref ListBox listBox2, ref int CustomerNumber, ref string PrevBarcode, bool ignoreErrors, string scannedImageDirectory)
            _invoiceList = listBox1;
            _invoiceErrors = listBox2;
            _ignoreErrors = ignoreErrors;
            _primaryCustomerNumber = CustomerNumber;
            _prevBarcode = PrevBarcode;
            _scannedInvoice = scannedImageDirectory;


                this._device.AcquiredImages.AutoClean = this._autoCleanBuffer;
                this._device.AcquiredImages.PdfMultiPage = this._pdfMultiPage;
                this._device.DisableAfterAcquire = this._disableAfterAcquire;
                this._device.ModalUI = this._modalUI;
                this._device.ShowIndicators = this._showIndicators;
                this._device.ShowUI = this._showUI;
                this._device.BitDepth = this._bitDepth;
                this._device.ImageFilter = this._imageFilter;
                this._device.NoiseFilter = this._noiseFilter;
                this._device.PixelFlavor = this._pixelFlavor;
                this._device.PixelType = this._pixelType;
                this._device.Resolution = new Resolution((float)this._resolution, (float)this._resolution);
                this._device.Threshold = this._threshold;
                this._device.TransferMode = this._transferMode;
                this._device.UnitOfMeasure = this._unitOfMeasure;

                string paramString = "1 - PdfMultiPage  " + _device.AcquiredImages.PdfMultiPage.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "2 - AutoClean  " + _device.AcquiredImages.AutoClean + "\n";
                paramString += "3 - BitDepth  " + _device.BitDepth.ToString() + "\n";
                //                paramString += "4 - Brightness  " + _device.Brightness.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "5 - DisableAfterAcquire  " + _device.DisableAfterAcquire + "\n";
                paramString += "6 - FileJpegQuality  " + _device.FileJpegQuality.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "7 - ImageFilter  " + _device.ImageFilter.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "8- ImageLayout  " + _device.ImageLayout.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "9- ModalUI  " + _device.ModalUI.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "10- NoiseFilter  " + _device.NoiseFilter.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "11- PixelFlavor  " + _device.PixelFlavor.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "12- PixelType  " + _device.PixelType.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "13- Resolution  " + _device.Resolution.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "14- ShowIndicators  " + _device.ShowIndicators.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "25- ShowUI  " + _device.ShowUI.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "26- Threshold  " + _device.Threshold.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "17- TransferMode  " + _device.TransferMode + "\n";
                paramString += "18- UnitOfMeasure  " + _device.UnitOfMeasure.ToString() + "\n";
                paramString += "19- XferCount  " + _device.XferCount.ToString() + "\n";
                //                MessageBox.Show("Scanner Settings" + "\n" + paramString);

                AcquireModalState acquireModalState = AcquireModalState.None;
                    acquireModalState = this._device.AcquireModal();
                    AcquireModalState acquireModalState1 = acquireModalState;
                    switch (acquireModalState1)
                        case AcquireModalState.ImageAcquired:
                        case AcquireModalState.ScanCompleted:
                        case AcquireModalState.ScanFailed:
                        case AcquireModalState.ScanCanceled:
                        case AcquireModalState.UserInterfaceClosed:
                while (acquireModalState != AcquireModalState.None);
            catch (TwainException twainException)
                TwainException ex = twainException;
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
            //            MessageBox.Show("Stage 3" + _scannedImageDirectory);
            listBox1 = _invoiceList;
            listBox2 = _invoiceErrors;
            CustomerNumber = _primaryCustomerNumber;
            PrevBarcode = _prevBarcode;

            RemoveDuplicates(ref listBox1);

            return "Invoices Processed      :  " + "\t" + _Invoices.ToString() + "\n" +
                    "Errors Processed        :  " + "\t" + _Errors.ToString() + "\n";


        private void BarcodeError()
            string errorlevel = "";
                FluidsDataContext fdc = new FluidsDataContext(_FluidsConnectionString);
                string dirLocation = _scannedInvoice ;//+ this.ShiftDate != null? this.ShiftDate : "";

                //if (!Directory.Exists(_scannedImageDirectory.Trim()))
                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(dirLocation.Trim());
                //    errorlevel += "Directory Created - " + dirLocation.Trim() + "\n";
                //    errorlevel += "Directory Already Exists - " + dirLocation.Trim() + "\n";
                //            _route = string.Concat("\\Receiving\\" + this.Location.Trim() + "\\", this.ShiftDate.Replace("/", "_"), "\\");
                errorlevel += "Error Image will be created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";
                string _errorInScan = string.Concat("ERR", System.DateTime.Now.ToFileTime());
                this._device.AcquiredImages.Last.Save(string.Concat(dirLocation, _errorInScan, ".pdf"));
                errorlevel += "Error Image created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, _errorInScan, ".pdf") + "\n";
                this._device.AcquiredImages.RemoveAt(this._device.AcquiredImages.Count - 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Scanning Previous Invoice" + "\n" + errorlevel); //  + " / " + this.ShiftDate.ToString() != null ? this.ShiftDate : "");

        private void AppendMultiPage()
            string errorlevel = "";
                FluidsDataContext fdc = new FluidsDataContext(_FluidsConnectionString);
                string dirLocation = _scannedInvoice;// +"\\Invoice\\";//+ this.ShiftDate != null? this.ShiftDate : "";

                //if (!Directory.Exists(_scannedInvoice.Trim()))
                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(dirLocation.Trim());
                //    errorlevel += "Directory Created - " + dirLocation.Trim() + "\n";
                //    errorlevel += "Directory Already Exists - " + dirLocation.Trim() + "\n";
                if (File.Exists(string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf")))
                    errorlevel += "Image will be created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";

                    this._device.AcquiredImages.Last.Save(string.Concat(dirLocation, RemoveLeadingZeros(this._barcode), ".pdf"));
                    errorlevel += "Image created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";

                    errorlevel += "Error Image will be created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";
                    string _errorInScan = string.Concat("ERR", System.DateTime.Now.ToFileTime());
                    this._device.AcquiredImages.Last.Save(string.Concat(dirLocation, _errorInScan, ".pdf"));
                    errorlevel += "Error Image created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, _errorInScan, ".pdf") + "\n";
                    MessageBox.Show("Error Scanning Previous Invoice" + "\n" + errorlevel); //  + " / " + this.ShiftDate.ToString() != null ? this.ShiftDate : "");
                this._device.AcquiredImages.RemoveAt(this._device.AcquiredImages.Count - 1);
                //                MessageBox.Show("Stage 2" + _scannedImageDirectory);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Scanning Previous Invoice" + "\n" + errorlevel); //  + " / " + this.ShiftDate.ToString() != null ? this.ShiftDate : "");
                // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString() + " / " + ex.InnerException.ToString());

        private void BSaveImage_Click(bool nodelete)
            string errorlevel = "";
                FluidsDataContext fdc = new FluidsDataContext(_FluidsConnectionString);
                string dirLocation = _scannedInvoice;// +"\\Invoice\\";//+ this.ShiftDate != null? this.ShiftDate : "";

                //if (!Directory.Exists(_scannedInvoice.Trim()))
                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(dirLocation.Trim());
                //    errorlevel += "Directory Created - " + dirLocation.Trim() + "\n";
                //    errorlevel += "Directory Already Exists - " + dirLocation.Trim() + "\n";

                if (File.Exists(string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf")))
                    if (!nodelete)
                        File.Delete(string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf"));
                        errorlevel += "Image Deleted - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";
                if (!this._noBarcode)
                    errorlevel += "Image will be created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";
                    this._device.AcquiredImages.Last.Save(string.Concat(dirLocation, RemoveLeadingZeros(this._barcode), ".pdf"));
                    errorlevel += "Image created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";


                    errorlevel += "Error Image will be created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, this._barcode, ".pdf") + "\n";
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    TimeSpan timeOfDay = now.TimeOfDay;
                    string _errorInScan = string.Concat("ERR", timeOfDay.ToString().Replace(":", "").Replace(".", ""));
                    this._device.AcquiredImages.Last.Save(string.Concat(dirLocation, _errorInScan, ".pdf"));
                    errorlevel += "Error Image created/appended - " + string.Concat(dirLocation, _errorInScan, ".pdf") + "\n";
                    MessageBox.Show("Error Scanning Previous Invoice" + "\n" + errorlevel); //  + " / " + this.ShiftDate.ToString() != null ? this.ShiftDate : "");
                this._device.AcquiredImages.RemoveAt(this._device.AcquiredImages.Count - 1);
            catch (Exception ex)

                MessageBox.Show("Error Scanning Previous Invoice" + "\n" + errorlevel); //  + " / " + this.ShiftDate.ToString() != null ? this.ShiftDate : "");
                // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString() + " / " + ex.InnerException.ToString());

        protected virtual void GetOptions()
            string Folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
            XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(string.Concat(Folder, "\\options.xml"));
            this._scannedInvoice = xDocument.Element("root").Element("scannedInvoice").Value;
            this._scanLogs = xDocument.Element("root").Element("scanLogs").Value;
            this._autoCleanBuffer = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("AutoCleanBuffer").Value);
            this._automaticRecognition = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("AutomaticRecognition").Value);
            this._bitDepth = Convert.ToInt32(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("BitDepth").Value);
            this._disableAfterAcquire = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("DisableAfterAcquire").Value);
            this._fileJpegQuality = Convert.ToInt32(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("FileJpegQuality").Value);
            this._imageFilter = (ImageFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(ImageFilter), xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("ImageFilter").Value);
            this._modalUI = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("ModalUI").Value);
            this._noiseFilter = (NoiseFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(NoiseFilter), xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("NoiseFilter").Value);
            this._pixelFlavor = (PixelFlavor)Enum.Parse(typeof(PixelFlavor), xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("PixelFlavor").Value);
            this._pixelType = (PixelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(PixelType), xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("PixelType").Value);
            this._resolution = (float)Convert.ToInt32(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("Resolution").Value);
            this._showIndicators = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("ShowIndicators").Value);
            this._showUI = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("ShowUI").Value);
            this._threshold = (float)Convert.ToInt32(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("Threshold").Value);
            this._transferMode = (TransferMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(TransferMode), xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("TransferMode").Value);
            this._unitOfMeasure = (Vintasoft.Twain.UnitOfMeasure)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vintasoft.Twain.UnitOfMeasure), xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("UnitOfMeasure").Value);
            this._pdfMultiPage = Convert.ToBoolean(xDocument.Element("root").Element("Peripherals").Element("BatchScanner").Element("PdfMultiPage").Value);

        private void InitScanDirection()
            this._barcodeReader.Settings.ScanDirection = ScanDirection.LeftToRight;

        protected IBarcodeInfo[] ReadBarcodes(Bitmap bmp)
            this._barcodeReader.Settings.AutomaticRecognition = this._automaticRecognition;
            this._barcodeReader.Settings.ScanDirection = ScanDirection.LeftToRight;
            IBarcodeInfo[] iBarcodeInfos = this._barcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(bmp);
            if (iBarcodeInfos.Count<IBarcodeInfo>() <= 0)
                this._barcodeReader.Settings.ScanDirection = ScanDirection.BottomToTop;
                iBarcodeInfos = this._barcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(bmp);
                if (iBarcodeInfos.Count<IBarcodeInfo>() <= 0)
                    this._barcodeReader.Settings.ScanDirection = ScanDirection.RightToLeft;
                    iBarcodeInfos = this._barcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(bmp);
                    if (iBarcodeInfos.Count<IBarcodeInfo>() <= 0)
                        this._barcodeReader.Settings.ScanDirection = ScanDirection.TopToBottom;
                        iBarcodeInfos = this._barcodeReader.ReadBarcodes(bmp);
                        if (iBarcodeInfos.Count<IBarcodeInfo>() <= 0)
                            // no barcode found
                            _noBarcode = true;
                            return iBarcodeInfos;
                            _noBarcode = false;
                            return iBarcodeInfos;
                        _noBarcode = false;
                        return iBarcodeInfos;
                    _noBarcode = false;
                    return iBarcodeInfos;
                _noBarcode = false;
                return iBarcodeInfos;

        private void SetBarcodeTypes()
            BarcodeType scanBarcodeTypes = (BarcodeType)((long)0);
            scanBarcodeTypes = scanBarcodeTypes | (BarcodeType)((long)4);
            scanBarcodeTypes = scanBarcodeTypes | (BarcodeType)((long)32);
            this._barcodeReader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = scanBarcodeTypes;

        protected string RemoveLeadingZeros(string s)
            char[] charsToTrim = { '0' };
            string nvarchar = s;
            string newString = nvarchar.TrimStart(charsToTrim);
            return newString;
        private void RemoveDuplicates(ref ListBox listBox1)
            // if item is empty or duplicate, remove it.  only works for sorted listbox
            listBox1.Sorted = true;

            for (int i = listBox1.Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (listBox1.Items[i].ToString().Trim() == "")
                    if (listBox1.Items.IndexOf(listBox1.Items[i].ToString()) < i)

Site Admin
Posts: 2320
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Re: Scanning batch with possible multiple pages

Post by Alex »


First, please divide your code on 3 parts: part where you acquire images from scanner, part where you process images and part where you read barcodes from images.
Next, measure the work speed of each part and determine where the performance is the lowest.
Next, try to make the performance optimization.

Best regards, Alexander
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