API changes in version 11.0
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage SessionDataStorage { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing images of current session. |
Added constructors
public void VintasoftBarcodeWebService(string)
Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.VintasoftBarcodeWebService class. |
public void VintasoftBarcodeWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage)
Initializes a new instance of the Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.VintasoftBarcodeWebService class. |
Removed constructors
public void VintasoftBarcodeWebService(string, string, Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage)
Use VintasoftBarcodeWebService(Vintasoft.Data.IDataStorage) constructor instead. |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.BarcodeReadResponseParams ReadBarcodesFromBase64(Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.BarcodeReadFromBase64RequestParams)
Reads information about barcodes from web image, which is represented by a Base64 string. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.WebBarcodeReaderSettings barcodeReaderSettings { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a barcode reader settings. |
Removed properties
public bool automaticRecognition { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.automaticRecognition property instead. |
public string [] barcodeSubsets { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.barcodeSubsets property instead. |
public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeType barcodeType { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.barcodeType property instead. |
public bool collectTestInformation { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.collectTestInformation property instead. |
public bool erode { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.erode property instead. |
public int expectedBarcodes { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.expectedBarcodes property instead. |
public float imageScaleFactor { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.imageScaleFactor property instead. |
public bool interpretEciCharacters { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.interpretEciCharacters property instead. |
public bool invertImageColors { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.invertImageColors property instead. |
public int matrixBarcodeMaxCellSize { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.matrixBarcodeMaxCellSize property instead. |
public float pharmacodeMaxHeight { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.pharmacodeMaxHeight property instead. |
public float pharmacodeMinHeight { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.pharmacodeMinHeight property instead. |
public float pharmacodeMinPadding { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.pharmacodeMinPadding property instead. |
public int recognitionTimeout { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.recognitionTimeout property instead. |
public Vintasoft.Shared.Web.WebRectangle region { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.region property instead. |
public Vintasoft.Barcode.ScanDirection scanDirection { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.scanDirection property instead. |
public int scanInterval { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.scanInterval property instead. |
public bool searchCode39WithoutStartStop { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.searchCode39WithoutStartStop property instead. |
public bool searchQRModel1Barcodes { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.searchQRModel1Barcodes property instead. |
public int threshold { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.threshold property instead. |
public int thresholdIterations { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.thresholdIterations property instead. |
public int thresholdMax { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.thresholdMax property instead. |
public int thresholdMin { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.thresholdMin property instead. |
public Vintasoft.Barcode.ThresholdMode thresholdMode { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.thresholdMode property instead. |
public bool useMultithreading { get ; set ; }
Use barcodeReaderSettings.useMultithreading property instead. |