VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
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    API changes in version 12.1
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    API changes in Vintasoft.Barcode.js

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public object get_Barcode1DSubsets { get ; } Gets the 1D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    public object get_Barcode2DSubsets { get ; } Gets the 2D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    public object set_Barcode1DSubsets { set ; } Sets the 1D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    public object set_Barcode2DSubsets { set ; } Sets the 2D barcode symbology subsets to search.
    Removed properties
    public object get_BarcodeSubsets { get ; } Use the get_Barcode1DSubsets and get_Barcode2DSubsets properties instead.
    public object set_BarcodeSubsets { set ; } Use the set_Barcode1DSubsets and set_Barcode2DSubsets properties instead.

    Added enumerations:

    public enum Vintasoft.Barcode.Web1DBarcodeSubsetNamesFlagedEnumJS Specifies available types of 1D barcode symbology subsets.
    public enum Vintasoft.Barcode.Web2DBarcodeSubsetNamesFlagedEnumJS Specifies available types of 2D barcode symbology subsets.

    Removed enumerations:

    public enum Vintasoft.Barcode.WebBarcodeSubsetNamesEnumJS Use the Web1DBarcodeSubsetNamesEnumJS and Web2DBarcodeSubsetNamesEnumJS enumerations instead.