Recognize barcodes in image in ASP.NET Core application
In This Topic
This tutorial shows how to create a blank ASP.NET Core Web application in Visual Studio .NET 2022 and recognize barcodes in image in ASP.NET Core application.
Here are steps, which must be done:
Create a blank ASP.NET Core Web application.
Open Visual Studio .NET 2022 and create a new project, of ASP.NET Core Web application type:
Configure the project to use .NET 8.0:
Server side: Add references to the Vintasoft assemblies to ASP.NET Core Web application.
Add references to the Vintasoft.Barcode.dll, Vintasoft.Barcode.SkiaSharp.dll, Vintasoft.Shared.dll, Vintasoft.Shared.Web.dll, Vintasoft.Barcode.Web.Services.dll and Vintasoft.Barcode.AspNetCore.ApiControllers.dll assemblies from "<InstallPath>\VintaSoft Barcode .NET 15.1\Bin\DotNet8\AnyCPU\" folder in ASP.NET Core Web application.
Server side: Add Web API controller that allows to recognizes barcodes in image.
- Add the "Controllers" folder to the project.
Press the right mouse button on the "Controllers" folder and select the "Add => Controller..." menu from context menu
Select Empty API controller template, set the controller name to the "MyVintasoftBarcodeApiController" and press the "Add" button
Specify that MyVintasoftBarcodeApiController class is derived from Vintasoft.Barcode.AspNetCore.ApiControllers.VintasoftBarcodeApiController class
Here are source codes of MyVintasoftBarcodeApiController class:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Vintasoft.Barcode.AspNetCore.ApiControllers;
namespace WebApplication1.Controllers
public class MyVintasoftBarcodeApiController : VintasoftBarcodeApiController
public MyVintasoftBarcodeApiController(IWebHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
: base(hostingEnvironment)
Server side: Add Newtonsoft JSON for deserialization of barcode recognition results.
Add reference to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson nuget-package:
Server side: Create MVC controller for web view that will display barcode recognition result.
Press the right mouse button on the "Controllers" folder and select the "Add => Controller..." menu from context menu
Select "MVC Controller - Empty" template, set the controller name to the "HomeController" and press the "Add" button
Open "Program.cs" file, add controllers with views and Newtonsoft.Json formatters to the services of ASP.NET Core application:
Add created MVC controller to the endpoints of ASP.NET Core application:
Here are C# source codes of Program.cs file:
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add services to the container.
var app = builder.Build();
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapControllerRoute("default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
Client side: Create web view for displaying barcode recognition result.
Open "HomeController.cs" file, press the right mouse button on the "Index" method of HomeController class and select the "Add View..." menu from context menu
Select "Razor View - Empty" template, press the "Add" button, Set view name to "Index" and press the "Add" button => "Views\Home\Index.cshtml" file will be created
Client side: Add Vintasoft JavaScript files to the project.
Add the "wwwroot\Scripts\" folder to ASP.NET Core application.
Copy Vintasoft.Shared.js and Vintasoft.Barcode.js files from "<InstallPath>\VintaSoft Barcode .NET 15.1\Bin\JavaScript\" folder into "wwwroot\Scripts\" folder.
Client side: Add JavaScript code, which recognizes barcode in image and displays barcode recognition result, to the web view.
- Create folder "wwwroot\UploadedImageFiles\SessionID" and copy image file with barcodes "<InstallPath>VintaSoft\Barcode .NET 15.1\Images\AllSupportedBarcodes.png" to the folder. We will recognize barcodes in this image.
Open web view - file "Views\Home\Index.cshtml".
Add base code:
Here is base HTML code:
Layout = null;
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<title>ASP.NET Core Barcode Generator Demo</title>
Add references to Vintasoft JavaScript files:
Here is HTML code that adds references to Vintasoft JavaScript files:
<script src="~/Scripts/Vintasoft.Shared.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/Vintasoft.Barcode.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Add HTML markup (a div element that will display barcode recogntion result) to the web view:
Here is HTML markup code:
<div id="barcodeInformation"></div>
Add JavaScript code that recognizes barcode in image and displays barcode recognition result:
Here is JavaScript code that recognizes barcode in image and displays barcode recognition result:
<script type="text/javascript">
* Barcodes are recognized successfully.
function __readBarcodes_success(data) {
if (data.success) {
// get the barcode recognition result
var barcodeRecognitionResults = data.results;
var htmlMarkup = '';
// if no barcodes found
if (barcodeRecognitionResults.length == 0) {
htmlMarkup = 'No barcodes found.';
// if barcodes are found
else {
htmlMarkup = barcodeRecognitionResults.length.toString() + ' barcodes are found.<br />';
htmlMarkup += '<br />';
// for each recognized barcode
for (var i = 0; i < barcodeRecognitionResults.length; i++) {
// get the barcode recognition result
var barcodeRecognitionResult = barcodeRecognitionResults[i];
// output information about recognized barcode
htmlMarkup += '[' + (i + 1) + ':' + barcodeRecognitionResult.barcodeType + ']<br />';
htmlMarkup += ' Value: ' + barcodeRecognitionResult.value + '<br />';
htmlMarkup += ' Confidence: ' + barcodeRecognitionResult.confidence + '<br />';
htmlMarkup += ' Reading quality: ' + barcodeRecognitionResult.readingQuality.toFixed(2) + '<br />';
htmlMarkup += ' Threshold: ' + barcodeRecognitionResult.threshold + '<br />';
htmlMarkup += ' Region: ' +
'LT=(' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.leftTop.x + ',' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.leftTop.y + '); ' +
'RT=(' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.rightTop.x + ',' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.rightTop.y + '); ' +
'LB=(' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.leftBottom.x + ',' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.leftBottom.y + '); ' +
'RB=(' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.rightBottom.x + ',' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.rightBottom.y + '); ' +
'Angle=' + barcodeRecognitionResult.region.angle.toFixed(1) + '°<br />';
htmlMarkup += '<br />';
var barcodeInformationElement = document.getElementById("barcodeInformation");
barcodeInformationElement.innerHTML = htmlMarkup;
* Barcode recognition is failed.
function __readBarcodes_fail(data) {
// show information about error
// set the session identifier
// create service that allows to recognize barcodes
var barcodeService = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceControllerJS("vintasoft/api/MyVintasoftBarcodeApi");
// create the barcode reader
var barcodeReader = new Vintasoft.Barcode.WebBarcodeReaderJS(barcodeService);
// specify that Code39 barcode must be searched
barcodeReader.get_Settings().set_BarcodeType(new Vintasoft.Barcode.WebBarcodeTypeEnumJS("Code39"));
// create web image that references to a file "AllSupportedBarcodes.png" in directory "/UploadedImageFiles/SessionID/"
var imageSource = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageSourceJS("AllSupportedBarcodes.png");
var image = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS(imageSource, 0);
// send an asynchronous request for barcode recognition
barcodeReader.readBarcodes(image, this.__readBarcodes_success, this.__readBarcodes_fail);
- Delete "Pages" folder.
Run the ASP.NET Core application and see the result.