VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Barcode Namespace / WebMicroPDF417SymbolTypeEnumJS Enumeration
Members Hierarchy BrowserCompatibility SeeAlso
In This Topic
    WebMicroPDF417SymbolTypeEnumJS Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies available symbol types of Micro PDF417 barcode.
    UndefinedUndefined symbol.
    Col1Row11Symbol containing 1 column and 11 rows.
    Col1Row14Symbol containing 1 column and 14 rows.
    Col1Row17Symbol containing 1 column and 17 rows.
    Col1Row20Symbol containing 1 column and 20 rows.
    Col1Row24Symbol containing 1 column and 24 rows.
    Col1Row28Symbol containing 1 column and 28 rows.
    Col2Row8Symbol containing 2 column and 8 rows.
    Col2Row11Symbol containing 2 column and 11 rows.
    Col2Row14Symbol containing 2 column and 14 rows.
    Col2Row17Symbol containing 2 column and 17 rows.
    Col2Row20Symbol containing 2 column and 20 rows.
    Col2Row23Symbol containing 2 column and 23 rows.
    Col2Row26Symbol containing 2 column and 26 rows.
    Col3Row6Symbol containing 3 column and 6 rows.
    Col3Row8Symbol containing 3 column and 8 rows.
    Col3Row10Symbol containing 3 column and 10 rows.
    Col3Row12Symbol containing 3 column and 12 rows.
    Col3Row15Symbol containing 3 column and 15 rows.
    Col3Row20Symbol containing 3 column and 20 rows.
    Col3Row26Symbol containing 3 column and 26 rows.
    Col3Row32Symbol containing 3 column and 32 rows.
    Col3Row38Symbol containing 3 column and 38 rows.
    Col3Row44Symbol containing 3 column and 44 rows.
    Col4Row4Symbol containing 4 column and 4 rows.
    Col4Row6Symbol containing 4 column and 6 rows.
    Col4Row8Symbol containing 4 column and 8 rows.
    Col4Row10Symbol containing 4 column and 10 rows.
    Col4Row12Symbol containing 4 column and 12 rows.
    Col4Row15Symbol containing 4 column and 15 rows.
    Col4Row20Symbol containing 4 column and 20 rows.
    Col4Row26Symbol containing 4 column and 26 rows.
    Col4Row32Symbol containing 4 column and 32 rows.
    Col4Row38Symbol containing 4 column and 38 rows.
    Col4Row44Symbol containing 4 column and 44 rows.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    Browser Compatibility
    See Also