'Declaration Public Function New( _
ByVal barcodeTypeBarcode type.As String, _
ByVal valueBarcode value.As String, _
ByVal hexValueBarcode value in hex representation.As String, _
ByVal baseValueValue of base barcode type.As String, _
ByVal confidenceBarcode confidence.As String, _
ByVal readingQualityBarcode reading quality.As Double, _
ByVal thresholdThreshold value of barcode.As Integer, _
ByVal regionInformation about region of barcode.As Vintasoft.Barcode.Region, _
ByVal matrixSizeMatrix size.As Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointI, _
ByVal cellSizeCell size.As Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointF _
public WebAztecBarcodeRecognitionResult(
string barcodeType,
string value,
string hexValue,
string baseValue,
string confidence,
double readingQuality,
int threshold,
Vintasoft.Barcode.Region region,
Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointI matrixSize,
Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointF cellSize
public: WebAztecBarcodeRecognitionResult(
string* barcodeType,
string* value,
string* hexValue,
string* baseValue,
string* confidence,
double readingQuality,
int threshold,
Vintasoft.Barcode.Region region,
Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointI matrixSize,
Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointF cellSize
string^ barcodeType,
string^ value,
string^ hexValue,
string^ baseValue,
string^ confidence,
double readingQuality,
int threshold,
Vintasoft.Barcode.Region region,
Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointI matrixSize,
Vintasoft.Primitives.VintasoftPointF cellSize
- barcodeType
- Barcode type.
- value
- Barcode value.
- hexValue
- Barcode value in hex representation.
- baseValue
- Value of base barcode type.
- confidence
- Barcode confidence.
- readingQuality
- Barcode reading quality.
- threshold
- Threshold value of barcode.
- region
- Information about region of barcode.
- matrixSize
- Matrix size.
- cellSize
- Cell size.