VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.0: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    .NET demo applications for VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK
    In This Topic
    VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK includes .NET demo projects, which demonstrate the main features of the SDK. Demo projects are written in C# and VB.NET and designed in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.

    Console demos for Windows, Linux and macOS

    Barcode Reader Console Demo

    Demonstrates how to read barcodes from images.

    Barcode Generator Console Demo

    Demonstrates how to generate barcode images.

    WPF demos for Windows

    WPF Simple Barcode Reader Demo

    Demonstrates how to read barcodes from images. Uses "Automatic recognition" mode by default.

    WPF Simple Barcode Writer Demo

    Demonstrates how to generate barcode images.

    WinForms demos for Windows

    Barcode Reader & Writer Demo

    Demonstrates how to read and write barcodes from images. Possesses advanced barcode recognition and creation settings. Outputs extended barcode recognition results with Barcode Print Quality Test data according to ISO 15415 and 15416 standard.
    For getting the source codes of demo you need to do the following steps:

    Simple Barcode Reader Demo

    Demonstrates how to read barcodes from images. Uses "Automatic recognition" mode by default.

    Simple Barcode Writer Demo

    Demonstrates how to generate barcode images.

    MAUI demos for Android

    MAUI Barcode Demo

    Demonstrates how to generate barcode image and recognize barcode from generated image. Also barcode image can be loaded from image gallery.