VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    Evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK
    In This Topic
    This article contains information for .NET developing using the evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK.
    If you need information about ASP.NET developing using the evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK, please read this article.

    General information about evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK

    The evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK allows you to test the SDK functionality and so check if it suits your requrements.

    The evaluation version allows to develop .NET applications for test purposes only.

    The evaluation version does NOT allow to use the developed test applications in production or for commercial purposes.

    The evaluation version works during 30 days of evaluation period. For activating the evaluation period you should request the evaluation license.

    The evaluation version has several minor limitations of use listed below.

    It's prohibited to rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, crack, otherwise reverse engineer the evaluation version.

    If you installed the evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK to your Windows computer, you can request the evaluation license file ("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\VintaSoft\Barcode .NET\VSBarcodeNet15_1.Windows.Evaluation.lic") and SDK will automatically get the evaluation license from evaluation license file when your .NET desktop application is executed on your computer.

    If you did not installed the evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK to your Windows computer (for example, you downloaded VintaSoft DLLs from, you need to embed the evaluation license into source codes of your .NET application.

    If you want to deploy developed .NET application to other computer, you need to embed the evaluation license into source codes of your .NET application.

    Request an evaluation license file

    If you installed the evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK to your Windows computer, the installer will run the Evaluation License Manager (file "<SdkInstallPath>\VintaSoft\Barcode .NET 15.1\VSBarcodeNetEvaluationLicenseManager.exe") at the end of SDK installation process. Also you can run the Evaluation License Manager manually at any time.

    If you want to get the evaluation license file, you need to do the following steps:
    1. Run the Evaluation License Manager:
    2. If you do not have account on VintaSoft User Portal, click the "Create account" link and you will be redirected to the web site.
    3. Specify email and password for your account on VintaSoft User Portal and click the "Request 30 days evaluation license" button.
    4. The evaluation license will be saved to the file "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\VintaSoft\Barcode .NET\VSBarcodeNet15_1.Windows.Evaluation.lic" if request was successful.

    Request C#/VB.NET code to embed the evaluation license into source codes of your .NET application

    If you need C#/VB.NET code to embed the evaluation license into source codes of your .NET application, you need to do the following steps:
    1. Go to VintaSoft User Portal at
    2. Click "Register account now" link if you do not have account in VintaSoft User Portal.
    3. Login to VintaSoft User Portal.
    4. Select "View Evaluation Licenses" tab.
    5. Click "Request license for Windows/Linux/macOS/Android development" button in "Request evaluation license for VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK" section if you do not requested the evaluation license earlier.
    6. Click "Get C#/VB.NET code for SDK registration" button at the right side of information about evaluation license => Text with C#/VB.NET code for SDK registration will be copied to the clipboard.
    7. Insert C#/VB.NET code from clipboard at the start of your .NET code.

    Limitations of evaluation version of VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK

    Evaluation version has the following limitations:
    1. Evaluation version of barcode reader replaces barcode value by text string "*DEMO*" for IntelligentMail, RSS 14, RSS 14 Stacked, RSS Limited, RSS Expanded, RSS Expanded Stacked, MicroPDF417 CC-A (GS1 2D component), MicroPDF417 CC-B (GS1 2D component), PDF417 CC-C (GS1 2D component), GS1-128 CC-A, GS1-128 CC-B and GS1-128 CC-C barcode types.

      Use on-line VintaSoft Barcode Advanced Demo if you want to test this disabled functionality.

    2. Evaluation version of barcode reader cannot recognize the following barcode types: PathCode, GS1 DataBar family.

      Use on-line VintaSoft Barcode Advanced Demo if you want to test this disabled functionality.

    3. Evaluation version of barcode writer cannot generate the following barcode types: QR XFACompressed, HIBC LIC QR Code, Swiss QR Code, PathCode, GS1 DataBar family.

      Use on-line VintaSoft Barcode Advanced Demo if you want to test this disabled functionality.

    4. Evaluation version of barcode writer adds the "*Demo*" watermark to any generated barcode.

      Use on-line VintaSoft Barcode Advanced Demo if you want to test this disabled functionality.

    5. Evaluation version of barcode writer adds the "*Demo*" text to a value of generated 2D barcode.

      Use on-line VintaSoft Barcode Advanced Demo if you want to test this disabled functionality.

    6. Evaluation version of SDK can extract image-resources only from the first page of multipage PDF document.

    7. In evaluation version of SDK the barcode recognition speed slows down approximately by 1 ms for every 1000 barcode recognition operations.
      In evaluation version of SDK the barcode recognition algorithm leaks 2 KB of memory for every 1 barcode recognition operations.