API changes in version 12.2
In This Topic
API changes in Vintasoft.Barcode.dll
New classes:
public class Vintasoft.Barcode.GrayscaleImageSource
Provides information about 8-bit grayscale image source. |
public class Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.DotCodeInfo
Contains information about recognized DotCode barcode. |
public class Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology
Defines the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology - subset of DotCode barcode symbology with values in GS1 System data format. |
Changed classes:
Added properties
public bool DotCodeInterpretFncCharacters { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes. |
public int DotCodeMatrixMaxArea { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
public int DotCodeMatrixMinArea { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
public int MaximumThreadCount { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the maximum number of threads the barcode reader can create for barcode search. |
Added properties
public bool DotCodeInterpretNonDataCharacters { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must interpret non-data characters in DotCode barcode. |
public int DotCodeMatrixHeight { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets DotCode matrix height. |
public int DotCodeMatrixWidth { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets DotCode matrix width. |
public double DotCodeMatrixWidthHeightRatio { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the width/height aspect ratio of DotCode matrix. |
public bool DotCodeRectangularModules { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must generate the Dotcode cells with square form. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlagValueItem SymbolSeparation { get ; }
Gets the Symbol Separation character. |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.StructuredAppendCharacter CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(int, int)
Creates a new DotCode Structured Append character with specified symbol position and symbol count. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Barcode.GS1.GS1Codec GS1DotCode { get ; }
Gets a GS1 DotCode codec (for encoding GS1 value in DotCode barcodes). |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416QualityGrade ConvertQualityGradeValueToQualityGrade(double)
Converts quality grade value to quality grade. |
Added properties
public double DecodabilityGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Decodability. |
public double DefectsGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Defects. |
public double ModulationGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Modulation. |
public double ScanGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of scan profile. |
public double SymbolContrastGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.SymbolContrast. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology GS1DotCode { get ; }
Gets the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Changed enumerations:
Added fields
public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeType DotCode
DotCode is a two-dimensional dot code symbology that designed to be reliably read when printed by high-speed inkjetor laser dot technologies.
- Fast and stable recognition algorithm.
- Unlimited symbol size.
- Ability to encode binary and ASCII data.
- Reed-Solomon error detection and correction.
- Extended Channel Interpretation allows to use characters from other character sets and other data interpretations.
Allowable non-data special flags:
- <ECInnnnnn> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateECICharacter(System.Int32)
- <FNC1> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.Fnc1
- <SYMBOL_SEPARATION> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.SymbolSeparation
- <READER_PROGRAMMING> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.ReaderProgramming
- <SA_n_m> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(System.Int32,System.Int32)
API changes in Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.dll
New classes:
public class Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.DotCodeInfo
Contains information about recognized DotCode barcode. |
public class Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology
Defines the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology - subset of DotCode barcode symbology with values in GS1 System data format. |
Added properties
public bool DotCodeInterpretFncCharacters { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes. |
public int DotCodeMatrixMaxArea { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
public int DotCodeMatrixMinArea { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots. |
public int MaximumThreadCount { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the maximum number of threads the barcode reader can create for barcode search. |
Added properties
public bool DotCodeInterpretNonDataCharacters { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must interpret non-data characters in DotCode barcode. |
public int DotCodeMatrixHeight { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets DotCode matrix height. |
public int DotCodeMatrixWidth { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets DotCode matrix width. |
public double DotCodeMatrixWidthHeightRatio { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the width/height aspect ratio of DotCode matrix. |
public bool DotCodeRectangularModules { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must generate the Dotcode cells with square form. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlagValueItem SymbolSeparation { get ; }
Gets the Symbol Separation character. |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.StructuredAppendCharacter CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(int, int)
Creates a new DotCode Structured Append character with specified symbol position and symbol count. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.GS1.GS1Codec GS1DotCode { get ; }
Gets a GS1 DotCode codec (for encoding GS1 value in DotCode barcodes). |
Added methods
public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416QualityGrade ConvertQualityGradeValueToQualityGrade(double)
Converts quality grade value to quality grade. |
Added properties
public double DecodabilityGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Decodability. |
public double DefectsGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Defects. |
public double ModulationGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Modulation. |
public double ScanGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade value of scan profile. |
public double SymbolContrastGradeValue { get ; }
Gets a grade of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.SymbolContrast. |
Added properties
public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology GS1DotCode { get ; }
Gets the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Added methods
public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings)
Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings. |
Changed enumerations:
Added fields
public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeType DotCode
DotCode is a two-dimensional dot code symbology that designed to be reliably read when printed by high-speed inkjet orlaser dot technologies.
- Fast and stable recognition algorithm.
- Unlimited symbol size.
- Ability to encode binary and ASCII data.
- Reed-Solomon error detection and correction.
- Extended Channel Interpretation allows to use characters from other character sets and other data interpretations.
Allowable non-data special flags:
- <ECInnnnnn> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateECICharacter(System.Int32)
- <FNC1> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.Fnc1
- <SYMBOL_SEPARATION> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.SymbolSeparation
- <READER_PROGRAMMING> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.ReaderProgramming
- <SA_n_m> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(System.Int32,System.Int32)