VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for .NET developer
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    API changes in version 12.2
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    API changes in Vintasoft.Barcode.dll

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Barcode.GrayscaleImageSource Provides information about 8-bit grayscale image source.
    public class Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.DotCodeInfo Contains information about recognized DotCode barcode.
    public class Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology Defines the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology - subset of DotCode barcode symbology with values in GS1 System data format.

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public bool DotCodeInterpretFncCharacters { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes.
    public int DotCodeMatrixMaxArea { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    public int DotCodeMatrixMinArea { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    public int MaximumThreadCount { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the maximum number of threads the barcode reader can create for barcode search.

    Added properties
    public bool DotCodeInterpretNonDataCharacters { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must interpret non-data characters in DotCode barcode.
    public int DotCodeMatrixHeight { get ; set ; } Gets or sets DotCode matrix height.
    public int DotCodeMatrixWidth { get ; set ; } Gets or sets DotCode matrix width.
    public double DotCodeMatrixWidthHeightRatio { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the width/height aspect ratio of DotCode matrix.
    public bool DotCodeRectangularModules { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must generate the Dotcode cells with square form.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlagValueItem SymbolSeparation { get ; } Gets the Symbol Separation character.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.StructuredAppendCharacter CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(int, int) Creates a new DotCode Structured Append character with specified symbol position and symbol count.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Barcode.GS1.GS1Codec GS1DotCode { get ; } Gets a GS1 DotCode codec (for encoding GS1 value in DotCode barcodes).

    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416QualityGrade ConvertQualityGradeValueToQualityGrade(double) Converts quality grade value to quality grade.

    Added properties
    public double DecodabilityGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Decodability.
    public double DefectsGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Defects.
    public double ModulationGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Modulation.
    public double ScanGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of scan profile.
    public double SymbolContrastGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade of Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.SymbolContrast.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology GS1DotCode { get ; } Gets the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.Barcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Changed enumerations:

    Added fields
    public Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeType DotCode DotCode is a two-dimensional dot code symbology that designed to be reliably read when printed by high-speed inkjetor laser dot technologies.
    • Fast and stable recognition algorithm.
    • Unlimited symbol size.
    • Ability to encode binary and ASCII data.
    • Reed-Solomon error detection and correction.
    • Extended Channel Interpretation allows to use characters from other character sets and other data interpretations.

    Allowable non-data special flags:
    • <ECInnnnnn> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateECICharacter(System.Int32)
    • <FNC1> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.Fnc1
    • <SYMBOL_SEPARATION> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.SymbolSeparation
    • <READER_PROGRAMMING> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.ReaderProgramming
    • <SA_n_m> - Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(System.Int32,System.Int32)

    API changes in Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.dll

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.DotCodeInfo Contains information about recognized DotCode barcode.
    public class Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology Defines the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology - subset of DotCode barcode symbology with values in GS1 System data format.

    Added properties
    public bool DotCodeInterpretFncCharacters { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode reader must interpret FNC characters in DotCode barcodes.
    public int DotCodeMatrixMaxArea { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the maximum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    public int DotCodeMatrixMinArea { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the minimum area of DotCodeBarcode, in dots.
    public int MaximumThreadCount { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the maximum number of threads the barcode reader can create for barcode search.

    Added properties
    public bool DotCodeInterpretNonDataCharacters { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must interpret non-data characters in DotCode barcode.
    public int DotCodeMatrixHeight { get ; set ; } Gets or sets DotCode matrix height.
    public int DotCodeMatrixWidth { get ; set ; } Gets or sets DotCode matrix width.
    public double DotCodeMatrixWidthHeightRatio { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the width/height aspect ratio of DotCode matrix.
    public bool DotCodeRectangularModules { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode writer must generate the Dotcode cells with square form.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlagValueItem SymbolSeparation { get ; } Gets the Symbol Separation character.
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.StructuredAppendCharacter CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(int, int) Creates a new DotCode Structured Append character with specified symbol position and symbol count.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.GS1.GS1Codec GS1DotCode { get ; } Gets a GS1 DotCode codec (for encoding GS1 value in DotCode barcodes).

    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416QualityGrade ConvertQualityGradeValueToQualityGrade(double) Converts quality grade value to quality grade.

    Added properties
    public double DecodabilityGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Decodability.
    public double DefectsGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Defects.
    public double ModulationGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.Modulation.
    public double ScanGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade value of scan profile.
    public double SymbolContrastGradeValue { get ; } Gets a grade of Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.QualityTests.ISO15416ScanReflectanceProfile.SymbolContrast.

    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.SymbologySubsets.GS1.GS1DotCodeBarcodeSymbology GS1DotCode { get ; } Gets the GS1 DotCode barcode symbology.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Added methods
    public void Encode(Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.ValueItemBase, Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.WriterSettings) Encodes the barcode symbology subset value into the source barcode symbology value using provided barcode writer settings and saves the source barcode symbology value in the barcode writer settings.

    Changed enumerations:

    Added fields
    public Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeType DotCode DotCode is a two-dimensional dot code symbology that designed to be reliably read when printed by high-speed inkjet orlaser dot technologies.
    • Fast and stable recognition algorithm.
    • Unlimited symbol size.
    • Ability to encode binary and ASCII data.
    • Reed-Solomon error detection and correction.
    • Extended Channel Interpretation allows to use characters from other character sets and other data interpretations.

    Allowable non-data special flags:
    • <ECInnnnnn> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateECICharacter(System.Int32)
    • <FNC1> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.Fnc1
    • <SYMBOL_SEPARATION> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.SymbolSeparation
    • <READER_PROGRAMMING> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.ReaderProgramming
    • <SA_n_m> - Vintasoft.WpfBarcode.BarcodeInfo.NonDataFlags.CreateDotCodeStructuredAppendCharacter(System.Int32,System.Int32)