VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.0: Documentation for .NET developer
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    Recommendations for 1D & 2D barcode creation
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    1D barcodes

    Code 39 and Code 128 are the most stable linear barcodes for damage and distortion.
    The most compact barcode is Code 128 (both numeric and symbol data).

    Recommendations for 1D barcode creation and further reading:

    2D barcodes

    Data Matrix is the most stable 2D barcode for damage and distortion. Also it is the most compact one. After come Aztec, QR, DotCode and PDF417.
    All 2D barcodes can contain text and binary data and can restore up to 30% of damaged data using Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm.

    Recommendations for 2D barcode creation and further reading: