VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    How to create barcode that stores text with different encodings?
    In This Topic
    Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, PDF417 or Micro PDF417 barcodes can contain ECI characters in a data message, this feature allows to store text with different encodings in the barcode value.

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that demonstrates how to create image with Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, PDF417 or Micro PDF417 barcode, which stores text in different encodings.
    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo;
    using Vintasoft.Imaging;
    /// <summary>
    /// Class that shows how to create an image with barcode Aztec, DataMatrix, QR, PDF417
    /// or Micro PDF417, which stores text in different encodings.
    /// Barcode value is encoded using the EciCharacterEncoder class.
    /// </summary>
    class EciCharacterEncoderExample
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run()
            // ECI characters are available only for Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, Han Xin Code, PDF417 or Micro PDF417 barcodes
            BarcodeType barcode = BarcodeType.DataMatrix;
            // create the encoder of Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) characters
            EciCharacterEncoder eciEncoder = new EciCharacterEncoder(barcode);
            // create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 28592
            EciCharacterEncoding cp28592EciEncoding =
            // append text in codepage 28592 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp28592EciEncoding, "ążśźęćń󳥯ŚŹĘĆŃÓŁ");
            // create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 28595
            EciCharacterEncoding cp28595EciEncoding =
            // append text in codepage 28595 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp28595EciEncoding, "АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОП");
            // create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 950
            EciCharacterEncoding cp950EciEncoding =
            // append text in codepage 950 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp950EciEncoding, "日月火水木金土");
            // create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 28591
            EciCharacterEncoding cp28591EciEncoding =
            // append text in codepage 28591 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp28591EciEncoding, "test!");
            // create the barcode writer
            using (BarcodeWriter writer = new BarcodeWriter())
                // specify that writer must generate barcode of specified type
                writer.Settings.Barcode = barcode;
                // set the barcode value as value encoded by ECI encoder
                writer.Settings.ValueItems = eciEncoder.ToValueItems();
                // create image with barcode
                using (VintasoftBitmap barcodeImage = writer.GetBarcodeAsVintasoftBitmap())
                    // create the barcode reader
                    using (BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader())
                        // specify that reader must search for barcodes of specified type
                        reader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = barcode;
                        // read barcode from image
                        ValueItemBase[] decodeItems = reader.ReadBarcodes(barcodeImage)[0].ValueItems;
                        // decode the barcode value
                        string decodedString = EciCharacterDecoder.Decode(decodeItems);
                        // if decoded value does not match source value
                        if (decodedString != "ążśźęćń󳥯ŚŹĘĆŃÓŁАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОП日月火水木金土test!")
                            // throw exception
                            throw new ApplicationException();
    Imports System.Text
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo
    Imports Vintasoft.Imaging
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Class that shows how to create an image with barcode Aztec, DataMatrix, QR, PDF417
    ''' or Micro PDF417, which stores text in different encodings.
    ''' Barcode value is encoded using the EciCharacterEncoder class.
    ''' </summary>
    Class EciCharacterEncoderExample
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Runs the test.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Shared Sub Run()
            ' ECI characters are available only for Aztec, DataMatrix, DotCode, QR, Han Xin Code, PDF417 or Micro PDF417 barcodes
            Dim barcode As BarcodeType = BarcodeType.DataMatrix
            ' create the encoder of Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI) characters
            Dim eciEncoder As New EciCharacterEncoder(barcode)
            ' create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 28592
            Dim cp28592EciEncoding As EciCharacterEncoding = EciCharacterEncoding.GetEciCharacterEncodingForEncoding(Encoding.GetEncoding(28592))
            ' append text in codepage 28592 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp28592EciEncoding, "azszecnolAZSZECNOL")
            ' create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 28595
            Dim cp28595EciEncoding As EciCharacterEncoding = EciCharacterEncoding.GetEciCharacterEncodingForEncoding(Encoding.GetEncoding(28595))
            ' append text in codepage 28595 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp28595EciEncoding, "����������������")
            ' create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 950
            Dim cp950EciEncoding As EciCharacterEncoding = EciCharacterEncoding.GetEciCharacterEncodingForEncoding(Encoding.GetEncoding(950))
            ' append text in codepage 950 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp950EciEncoding, "???????")
            ' create the ECI encoding for encoding text in codepage 28591
            Dim cp28591EciEncoding As EciCharacterEncoding = EciCharacterEncoding.GetEciCharacterEncodingForEncoding(Encoding.GetEncoding(28591))
            ' append text in codepage 28591 to ECI encoder
            eciEncoder.AppendText(cp28591EciEncoding, "test!")
            ' create the barcode writer
            Using writer As New BarcodeWriter()
                ' specify that writer must generate barcode of specified type
                writer.Settings.Barcode = barcode
                ' set the barcode value as value encoded by ECI encoder
                writer.Settings.ValueItems = eciEncoder.ToValueItems()
                ' create image with barcode
                Using barcodeImage As VintasoftBitmap = writer.GetBarcodeAsVintasoftBitmap()
                    ' create the barcode reader
                    Using reader As New BarcodeReader()
                        ' specify that reader must search for barcodes of specified type
                        reader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = barcode
                        ' read barcode from image
                        Dim decodeItems As ValueItemBase() = reader.ReadBarcodes(barcodeImage)(0).ValueItems
                        ' decode the barcode value
                        Dim decodedString As String = EciCharacterDecoder.Decode(decodeItems)
                        ' if decoded value does not match source value
                        If decodedString <> "azszecnolAZSZECNOL����������������???????test!" Then
                            ' throw exception
                            Throw New ApplicationException()
                        End If
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class