VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.0: Documentation for .NET developer
Vintasoft.Barcode.GS1 Namespace / GS1Codec Class
Members Object Syntax Example Hierarchy Requirements SeeAlso
In This Topic
    GS1Codec Class
    In This Topic
    Class that allows to encode/decode the GS1 information from barcode.
    Object Model
    GS1Codec GS1Codec GS1Codec GS1Codec GS1Codec GS1Codec GS1Codec GS1Codec
    Public Class GS1Codec
    public class GS1Codec
    public __gc class GS1Codec
    public ref class GS1Codec

    This C#/VB.NET code shows how to generate Code128 barcode with GS1 information (GS1-128) and read generated barcode.

    Imports System.Text
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode.GS1
    Imports Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets
    Imports Vintasoft.Imaging
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Test that shows how to encode the barcode data in GS1 format using the GS1Codec class,
    ''' create image with GS1-128 barcode,
    ''' read GS1-128 barcode from image and
    ''' parse data stored in GS1 format.
    ''' </summary>
    Class GS1CodecExample
        ''' <summary>
        ''' Runs the test.
        ''' </summary>
        Public Shared Sub TestGS1Codec()
            Dim valueVisible As Boolean = True
            ' form the GS1 Application identifiers
            Dim aiValues As GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue() = New GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(3) {}
            Dim ai As GS1ApplicationIdentifier
            ' 01 - Global Trade Item Number
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("01")
            aiValues(0) = New GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "0123456789123C")
            ' 310 - Net weight, kilograms
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("310")
            aiValues(1) = New GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "0012.55")
            ' 30 - Count of Items
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("30")
            aiValues(2) = New GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "10")
            ' 90 - Company Internal Information
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("90")
            aiValues(3) = New GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "ABCabc12345")
            ' get GS1 printable value
            Dim printableValue As New StringBuilder()
            For Each value As GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue In aiValues
            ' create the barcode writer
            Using writer As New BarcodeWriter()
                ' specify that writer must create output image as 24-bpp image
                writer.Settings.PixelFormat = BarcodeImagePixelFormat.Bgr24
                ' specify that writer must generate Code128 barcode
                writer.Settings.Barcode = BarcodeType.Code128
                ' encode GS1 value in GS1-128 symbology
                writer.Settings.Value = GS1Codec.GS1_128.Encode(aiValues, writer.Settings)
                ' set printable value
                If valueVisible Then
                    writer.Settings.ValueVisible = True
                    writer.Settings.PrintableValue = printableValue.ToString()
                    writer.Settings.ValueVisible = False
                End If
                ' create image with barcode
                Using barcodeImage As VintasoftBitmap = writer.GetBarcodeAsVintasoftBitmap()
                    ' delete aiValues array
                    aiValues = Nothing
                    ' create barcode reader
                    Using reader As New BarcodeReader()
                        ' specify that reader must search for GS1-128 barcodes only
                        reader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = BarcodeType.None
                        ' read barcode from image
                        Dim infos As IBarcodeInfo() = reader.ReadBarcodes(barcodeImage)
                        ' gets a GS1 Application identifiers from barcode value
                        aiValues = DirectCast(infos(0), GS1BarcodeInfo).ApplicationIdentifierValues
                        printableValue = New StringBuilder()
                        ' print Application identifiers values
                        For i As Integer = 0 To aiValues.Length - 1
                            Dim aiValue As GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue = aiValues(i)
                            ai = aiValue.ApplicationIdentifier
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0}] {1}", i + 1, aiValue))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Application identifier   : {0}", ai.ApplicationIdentifier))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Value                    : {0}", aiValue.Value))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Data title               : {0}", ai.DataTitle))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Data content             : {0}", ai.DataContent))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Format                   : {0}", ai.Format))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Is contains decimal point: {0}", ai.IsContainsDecimalPoint))
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Is variable length       : {0}", ai.IsVariableLength))
                        ' print GS1 printable value
                        Console.WriteLine("Printable GS1 value: " & printableValue.ToString())
                    End Using
                End Using
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Class
    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode.BarcodeInfo;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode.GS1;
    using Vintasoft.Barcode.SymbologySubsets;
    using Vintasoft.Imaging;
    /// <summary>
    /// Test that shows how to encode the barcode data in GS1 format using the GS1Codec class,
    /// create image with GS1-128 barcode,
    /// read GS1-128 barcode from image and
    /// parse data stored in GS1 format.
    /// </summary>
    class GS1CodecExample
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestGS1Codec()
            bool valueVisible = true;
            // form the GS1 Application identifiers
            GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue[] aiValues = new GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue[4];
            GS1ApplicationIdentifier ai;
            // 01 - Global Trade Item Number
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("01");
            aiValues[0] = new GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "0123456789123C");
            // 310 - Net weight, kilograms
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("310");
            aiValues[1] = new GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "0012.55");
            // 30 - Count of Items
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("30");
            aiValues[2] = new GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "10");
            // 90 - Company Internal Information
            ai = GS1ApplicationIdentifiers.FindApplicationIdentifier("90");
            aiValues[3] = new GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue(ai, "ABCabc12345");
            // get GS1 printable value
            StringBuilder printableValue = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue value in aiValues)
            // create the barcode writer
            using (BarcodeWriter writer = new BarcodeWriter())
                // specify that writer must create output image as 24-bpp image
                writer.Settings.PixelFormat = BarcodeImagePixelFormat.Bgr24;
                // specify that writer must generate Code128 barcode
                writer.Settings.Barcode = BarcodeType.Code128;
                // encode GS1 value in GS1-128 symbology
                writer.Settings.Value = GS1Codec.GS1_128.Encode(aiValues, writer.Settings);
                // set printable value
                if (valueVisible)
                    writer.Settings.ValueVisible = true;
                    writer.Settings.PrintableValue = printableValue.ToString();
                    writer.Settings.ValueVisible = false;
                // create image with barcode
                using (VintasoftBitmap barcodeImage = writer.GetBarcodeAsVintasoftBitmap())
                    // delete aiValues array
                    aiValues = null;
                    // create barcode reader
                    using (BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader())
                        // specify that reader must search for GS1-128 barcodes only
                        reader.Settings.ScanBarcodeTypes = BarcodeType.None;
                        // read barcode from image
                        IBarcodeInfo[] infos = reader.ReadBarcodes(barcodeImage);
                        // gets a GS1 Application identifiers from barcode value
                        aiValues = ((GS1BarcodeInfo)infos[0]).ApplicationIdentifierValues;
                        printableValue = new StringBuilder();
                        // print Application identifiers values
                        for (int i = 0; i < aiValues.Length; i++)
                            GS1ApplicationIdentifierValue aiValue = aiValues[i];
                            ai = aiValue.ApplicationIdentifier;
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", i + 1, aiValue));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Application identifier   : {0}", ai.ApplicationIdentifier));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Value                    : {0}", aiValue.Value));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Data title               : {0}", ai.DataTitle));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Data content             : {0}", ai.DataContent));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Format                   : {0}", ai.Format));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Is contains decimal point: {0}", ai.IsContainsDecimalPoint));
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Is variable length       : {0}", ai.IsVariableLength));
                        // print GS1 printable value
                        Console.WriteLine("Printable GS1 value: " + printableValue.ToString());

    Inheritance Hierarchy



    Target Platforms: .NET 8; .NET 7; .NET 6; .NET Framework 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

    See Also