VintaSoft Barcode .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for .NET developer
Vintasoft.Barcode.QualityTests Namespace / ISO15415QualityTest Class
Constructors Properties Methods SeeAlso
In This Topic
    ISO15415QualityTest Class Members
    In This Topic
    The following tables list the members exposed by ISO15415QualityTest.
    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the ISO15415QualityTest class.
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets the additional grades that depends from barcode symbology.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the factor of aperture diameter.
    Public PropertyGets an Axial Nonuniformity.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of AxialNonuniformity.
    Public PropertyGets the barcode information.
    Public PropertyGets a ISO15516 Center/RAP pattern test for multi-row symbologies (MicroPDF417).
    Public PropertyGets a grade of CenterPatternTest.
    Public PropertyGets a Codeword Print Quality Grade based on codeword decodability for a two-dimensional multi-row symbol.
    Public PropertyGets a Codeword Print Quality Grade based on codeword defects for a two-dimensional multi-row symbol.
    Public PropertyGets a Codeword Print Quality Grade for a two-dimensional multi-row symbol.
    Public PropertyGets a Codeword Print Quality Grade based on codeword modulation for a two-dimensional multi-row symbol.
    Public PropertyGets the efficiency with which linear scans can recover data from a two-dimensional multi-row symbol.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of CodewordYield.
    Public PropertyGets the contrast uniformity.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of Decode.
    Public PropertyGets the distortion angle of barcode matrix.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of Fixed Pattern Damage.
    Public PropertyGets a global threshold (GT), in percents of reflectance.
    Public PropertyGets a Grid Nonuniformity.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of GridNonuniformity.
    Public PropertyGets a max reflectance, in percents of reflectance.
    Public PropertyGets a min reflectance, in percents of reflectance.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of Modulation.
    Public PropertyGets the matrix that contains cells modulation of a matrix barcode.
    Public PropertyGets the barcode quiet zone, in percentages, which is required by barcode symbology specification.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of QuietZone.
    Public PropertyGets the size of quiet zone, measured in single modules.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of Reflectance Margin.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of Scan.
    Public PropertyGets a ISO15516 Start/RAP pattern test for multi-row symbologies (PDF417/MicroPDF417).
    Public PropertyGets a grade of StartPatternTest.
    Public PropertyGets a ISO15516 Stop/RAP pattern test for multi-row symbologies (PDF417/MicroPDF417).
    Public PropertyGets a grade of StopPatternTest.
    Public PropertyGets a Symbol contrast.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of SymbolContrast.
    Public PropertyGets an informative ISO15416 Quality Test for a two-dimensional multi-row symbol.
    Public PropertyGets an Unused Error Correction.
    Public PropertyGets a grade of UnusedErrorCorrection.
    Public Methods
    Public MethodOverloaded. Calculates all parameters and grades for specified barcode on image.
    See Also