| Name | Description |
  | DAA | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver license name. |
  | DAB | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver last name. |
  | DAC | Gets the data element identifier that specifies first name of the cardholder. |
  | DAD | Gets the data element identifier that specifies Middle name(s) of the cardholder. |
  | DAE | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver name suffix. |
  | DAF | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver name prefix. |
  | DAG | Gets the data element identifier that specifies street portion of the cardholder address. |
  | DAH | Gets the data element identifier that specifies second line of street portion of the cardholder address. |
  | DAI | Gets the data element identifier that specifies city portion of the cardholder address. |
  | DAJ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies state portion of the cardholder address. |
  | DAK | Gets the data element identifier that specifies postal code portion of the cardholder address in the U.S. and Canada. |
  | DAL | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver residence street address 1. |
  | DAM | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver residence street address 2. |
  | DAN | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver residence city. |
  | DAO | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver residence jurisdiction code. |
  | DAP | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver residence postal code. |
  | DAQ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies the number assigned or calculated by the issuing authority. |
  | DAR | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver license classification code. |
  | DAS | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver license restriction code. |
  | DAT | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver license endorsements code. |
  | DAU | Gets the data element identifier that specifies height of cardholder. |
  | DAV | Gets the data element identifier that specifies height, in CM. |
  | DAW | Gets the data element identifier that specifies cardholder weight in pounds. |
  | DAX | Gets the data element identifier that specifies cardholder weight in kilograms. |
  | DAY | Gets the data element identifier that specifies color of cardholder's eyes (ANSI D-20 codes). |
  | DAZ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies hair color of the cardholder. |
  | DBA | Gets the data element identifier that specifies date on which the driving and identification privileges granted by the document are no longer valid (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DBB | Gets the data element identifier that specifies Date on which the cardholder was born (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DBC | Gets the data element identifier that specifies gender of the cardholder. |
  | DBD | Gets the data element identifier that specifies date on which the document was issued (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DBE | Gets the data element identifier that specifies issue timestamp. |
  | DBF | Gets the data element identifier that specifies number of duplicates. |
  | DBG | Gets the data element identifier that specifies other given name by which cardholder is known. |
  | DBH | Gets the data element identifier that specifies organ donor. |
  | DBI | Gets the data element identifier that specifies non-resident indicator. |
  | DBJ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies unique customer identifier. |
  | DBK | Gets the data element identifier that specifies social security number. |
  | DBL | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver "AKA" date of birth. |
  | DBM | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver "AKA" social security number. |
  | DBN | Gets the data element identifier that specifies other family name by which cardholder is known. |
  | DBO | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver "AKA" last name. |
  | DBP | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver "AKA" first name. |
  | DBQ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver "AKA" middle name. |
  | DBR | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver "AKA" suffix. |
  | DBS | Gets the data element identifier that specifies other suffix by which cardholder is known. |
  | DCA | Gets the data element identifier that specifies jurisdiction-specific vehicle class / group code, designating the type of vehicle the cardholder has privilege to drive. |
  | DCB | Gets the data element identifier that specifies jurisdiction-specific codes, which represent restrictions to driving privileges (such as airbrakes, automatic transmission, daylight only, etc). |
  | DCD | Gets the data element identifier that specifies jurisdiction-specific codes, which represent additional privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class (such as transportation of passengers, hazardous materials, operation of motorcycles, etc). |
  | DCE | Gets the data element identifier that specifies weight range of cardholder. |
  | DCF | Gets the data element identifier that specifies number, which must uniquely identify a particular document issued to that customer from others that may have been issued in the past. |
  | DCG | Gets the data element identifier that specifies country in which DL/ID is issued. |
  | DCH | Gets the data element identifier that specifies federal commercial vehicle codes. |
  | DCI | Gets the data element identifier that specifies place of birth: country and municipality and/or state/province. |
  | DCJ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies audit information. |
  | DCK | Gets the data element identifier that specifies inventory control number. |
  | DCL | Gets the data element identifier that specifies code for race or ethnicity of the cardholder, as defined in AAMVA D20. |
  | DCM | Gets the data element identifier that specifies standard vehicle classification code(s) for cardholder. |
  | DCN | Gets the data element identifier that specifies standard endorsement code(s) for cardholder. |
  | DCO | Gets the data element identifier that specifies standard restriction code(s) for cardholder. |
  | DCP | Gets the data element identifier that specifies text that explains the jurisdiction-specific code(s) for classifications of vehicles cardholder is authorized to drive. |
  | DCQ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies text that explains the jurisdiction-specific code(s) that indicates additional driving privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class. |
  | DCR | Gets the data element identifier that specifies text describing the jurisdiction-specific restriction code(s) that curtail driving privileges. |
  | DCS | Gets the data element identifier that specifies Family name of the cardholder. |
  | DCU | Gets the data element identifier that specifies Name Suffix of cardholder. |
  | DDA | Gets the data element identifier that specifies DHS required field that indicates compliance. |
  | DDB | Gets the data element identifier that specifies DHS required field that indicates date of the most recent version change or modification to the visible format of the DL/ID (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DDC | Gets the data element identifier that specifies date on which the hazardous material endorsement granted by the document is no longer valid. MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada. |
  | DDD | Gets the data element identifier that specifies DHS required field that indicates that the cardholder has temporary lawful status = '1'. |
  | DDE | Gets the data element identifier that specifies a code that indicates whether a family name field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or - unknown whether truncated (U). |
  | DDF | Gets the data element identifier that specifies a code that indicates whether a first name field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or - unknown whether truncated (U). |
  | DDG | Gets the data element identifier that specifies a code that indicates whether a middle name field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or - unknown whether truncated (U). |
  | DDH | Gets the data element identifier that specifies date on which the cardholder turns 18 years old (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DDI | Gets the data element identifier that specifies date on which the cardholder turns 19 years old (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DDJ | Gets the data element identifier that specifies date on which the cardholder turns 21 years old (MMDDCCYY for U.S., CCYYMMDD for Canada). |
  | DDK | Gets the data element identifier that specifies field that indicates that the cardholder is an organ donor = '1'. |
  | DDL | Gets the data element identifier that specifies field that indicates that the cardholder is a veteran = '1'. |
  | PAA | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver permit classification code. |
  | PAB | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver permit expiration date. |
  | PAC | Gets the data element identifier that specifies permit identifier. |
  | PAD | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver permit issue date. |
  | PAE | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver permit restriction code. |
  | PAF | Gets the data element identifier that specifies driver permit endorsement code. |