VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for Web developer
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    VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK: API changes in version 12.3
    In This Topic

    API changes in Vintasoft.Shared.js

    Changed classes:

    Added methods
    public void addFile(string) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFile(string, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFile(string, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFile(string, function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection.
    public void addFiles(string [], function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFiles(string [], Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection.
    public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection.
    public void addFiles(string [], function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    public void addFiles(string [], function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection.
    public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection.
    public void clearCache(function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server to clear cache of image collection files on server. Function uses web service specified by the WebServiceJS.defaultImageService property.
    public void clearCache(function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server to clear cache of image collection files on server.
    public number moveRange(number, number []) Removes images at specified indexes and inserts them at specified index.
    public void swap(number, number) Swaps the specified images in the collection.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.UIElements. WebUiMultiSelectElementJS A web UI element that represents multiselect element.

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. WebImageViewerJS
    Renamed methods
    public number getCustomImageRotationAngle(number) public number getCustomViewRotationAngle(number)
    public void setCustomImageRotationAngle(number, number) public void setCustomViewRotationAngle(number, number)
    Removed methods
    public void resetCustomImageRotationAngle(number) This method is no longer supported.
    Added events
    public event (object event, { number angle, number index }) customViewRotationAngleChanged Occurs when focused image custom rotation angle is changed.
    public event (object event, { number imageIndex, object originalEvent }) imageContextMenu Occurs when the contextmenu event is fired for image.
    Renamed events
    public event (object event, { number angle }) imageRotated public event (object event, { number angle }) viewRotationAngleChanged
    public event (object event, { number newAngle, number currentAngle }) imageRotating public event (object event, { number newAngle, number currentAngle }) viewRotationAngleChanging

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. WebThumbnailViewerJS
    Added properties
    public boolean get_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key).
    public boolean get_CanDragThumbnails { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to drag thumbnails.
    public boolean get_CanNavigateThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to navigate thumbnails using keyboard.
    public boolean get_CanSelectThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to select thumbnails using keyboard ("Shift" key).
    public boolean set_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key).
    public boolean set_CanDragThumbnails { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to drag thumbnails.
    public boolean set_CanNavigateThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to navigate thumbnails using keyboard.
    public boolean set_CanSelectThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to select thumbnails using keyboard ("Shift" key).
    Changed properties
    public object get_SelectedIndices { get ; } public number [] get_SelectedIndices { get ; }
    public number set_SelectedIndices { set ; } public number [] set_SelectedIndices { set ; }
    Added methods
    public number getCustomViewRotationAngle(number) Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in thumbnail viewer.
    public void setCustomViewRotationAngle(number, number) Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single thumbnail in thumbnail viewer.
    Added events
    public event (object event, { number angle, number index }) customViewRotationAngleChanged Occurs when custom rotation angle for thumbnail view is changed.
    public event (object event, { number [] indexes }) thumbnailsDeleted Occurs when the thumbnails deleted.
    public event (object event, { number [] indexes, boolean cancel }) thumbnailsDeleting Occurs when the thumbnails start deleting.
    Renamed events
    public event (object event, { number angle }) imageRotated public event (object event, { number angle }) viewRotationAngleChanged
    public event (object event, { number newAngle, number currentAngle }) imageRotating public event (object event, { number newAngle, number currentAngle }) viewRotationAngleChanging

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.UIElements. WebUiControlSettingsJS
    Added properties
    public boolean get_CanDownloadFile { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether control can download file.
    public boolean get_CanExportAndDownloadFile { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether control can export and download file.
    public boolean get_CanUploadImageFromUrl { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether control can upload image from URL.
    public boolean set_CanDownloadFile { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether control can download file.
    public boolean set_CanExportAndDownloadFile { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether control can export and download file.
    public boolean set_CanUploadImageFromUrl { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether control can upload image from URL.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS Represents settings for exporting the file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebExportFileSettingsPanelJS A web UI panel that allows to enter URL of the image/document file to be opened in web document viewer.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiAnnotationCommentListPanelJS A web UI panel that allows to display a list of annotation comments.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiAnnotationCommentSettingsPanelJS A web UI panel that allows to change settings of the annotation comment.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiPdfImageResourcePanelJS A web UI panel that allows to view information about a PDF image resource.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiPdfRedactionMarkSettingsPanelJS A web UI panel that allows to view and edit the settings of PDF redaction mark.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiPropertyGridPanelJS A Web UI panel that allows to view and change the object settings in the property grid.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiUploadImageFromUrlPanelJS A web UI panel that allows to enter URL of the image/document file to be opened in web document viewer.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.UIElements. WebImageViewerContextMenuJS A web UI context menu for image viewer.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.UIElements. WebThumbnailViewerContextMenuJS A web UI context menu for thumbnail viewer.

    Renamed classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.UIElements. WebAnnotationContextMenuJS public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.UIElements. WebAnnotationViewerContextMenuJS

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebDocumentViewerJS
    Added properties
    public string get_OpenedFileId { get ; } Gets an identifier of file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function.
    Added methods
    public void addFile(string) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFile(string, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFile(string, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFileWithAuthentication(string) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFileWithAuthentication(string, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFileWithAuthentication(string, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void addFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void downloadFile(string) Downloads a file from server.
    public void downloadFile(string, function) Downloads a file from server.
    public void downloadFile(string, function, function) Downloads a file from server.
    public void exportAndDownloadFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS) Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file and downloads the file.
    public void exportAndDownloadFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function) Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file and downloads the file.
    public void exportAndDownloadFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function, function) Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file and downloads the file.
    public void exportFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS) Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file.
    public void exportFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function) Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file.
    public void exportFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function, function) Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file.
    public void openFile(string, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFile(string, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFileWithAuthentication(string) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFileWithAuthentication(string, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFileWithAuthentication(string, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void openFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function) Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer.
    public void removePages(number []) Removes the specified pages from image collection.
    public void saveChanges() Saves changes in a file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function.
    public void saveChanges(function) Saves changes in a file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function.
    public void saveChanges(function, function) Saves changes in a file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function.
    public void saveChangesAndDownloadFile() Saves changes in a file, which was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function, and downloads the file.
    public void saveChangesAndDownloadFile(function) Saves changes in a file, which was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function, and downloads the file.
    public void saveChangesAndDownloadFile(function, function) Saves changes in a file, which was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function, and downloads the file.
    public void swapPages(number, number) Swaps the specified pages in source document.
    Changed methods
    public void removePage(number, function, function) public void removePage(number)
    Added events
    public event (object event, { number [] indexes }) thumbnailsDeleted Occurs when the thumbnails deleted.
    public event (object event, { number [] indexes, boolean cancel }) thumbnailsDeleting Occurs when the thumbnails start deleting.
    Removed events
    public event (object event, { string fileId, string filePassword, boolean handled }) fileAuthenticationRequest This event is no longer supported.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebDocumentViewerSettingsJS
    Added properties
    public boolean get_ShowAnnotationCommentListPanelInSidePanel { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the side panel of web document viewer should contain the annotation comment list panel.
    public boolean get_ShowAnnotationListPanelInSidePanel { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the the side panel should contain the annotation list panel.
    public boolean get_ShowAnnotationMenuInMainMenu { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the main menu of web document viewer should contain the annotation menu.
    public boolean set_ShowAnnotationCommentListPanelInSidePanel { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the side panel of web document viewer should contain the annotation comment list panel.
    public boolean set_ShowAnnotationListPanelInSidePanel { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the the side panel of web document viewer should contain the annotation list panel.
    public boolean set_ShowAnnotationMenuInMainMenu { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the main menu of web document viewer should contain the annotation menu.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiAnnotationListPanelJS
    Changed events
    public event (object event, { Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI. WebAnnotationViewJS annotation }) showAnnotationProperties public event (object event, { Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI. WebAnnotationViewJS annotation, boolean handled }) showAnnotationProperties

    Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiDocumentPasswordPanelJS
    Removed events
    public event (object event, { string fileId }) authenticationFailed This event is no longer supported.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiImageViewerPanelJS
    Added properties
    public boolean get_CanSetCustomViewRotationUsingContextMenu { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether panel should show a context menu that allows to set custom image rotation.
    public boolean set_CanSetCustomViewRotationUsingContextMenu { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether panel should show a context menu that allows to set custom image rotation.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Panels. WebUiThumbnailViewerPanelJS
    Added properties
    public boolean get_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingContextMenu { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using context menu.
    public boolean get_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key).
    public boolean get_CanSetCustomViewRotationUsingContextMenu { get ; } Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to rotate thumbnail view using context menu.
    public boolean set_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingContextMenu { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using context menu.
    public boolean set_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key).
    public boolean set_CanSetCustomViewRotationUsingContextMenu { set ; } Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to rotate thumbnail view using context menu.
    Added events
    public event (object event, { number [] indexes }) thumbnailsDeleted Occurs when the thumbnails deleted.
    public event (object event, { number [] indexes, boolean cancel }) thumbnailsDeleting Occurs when the thumbnails start deleting.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.Bootstrap.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebExportFileSettingsDialogJS A web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to view and edit the settings for exporting images to a file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiAnnotationCommentSettingsDialogJS A web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to change settings of the annotation comment.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiMultiPropertyGridDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to view and edit settings of several objects in several property grids.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiPdfImageResourceDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to view information about a PDF image resource.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiPdfRedactionMarkSettingsDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to view and edit the PDF redaction mark settings.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiPropertyGridDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to view and change the object settings in the property grid.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiUploadImageFromUrlDialogJS A web UI dialog (based on the Bootstrap) that allows to enter URL of the image/document file to be opened in web document viewer.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs.jQueryUI.js

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebExportFileSettingsDialogJS A web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to view and edit the settings for exporting images to a file.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiAnnotationCommentSettingsDialogJS A web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to change settings of the annotation comment.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiMultiPropertyGridDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to view and edit settings of several objects in several property grids.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiPdfImageResourceDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to view information about a PDF image resource.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiPdfRedactionMarkSettingsDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to view and edit the PDF redaction mark settings.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiPropertyGridDialogJS A Web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to view and change the object settings in the property grid.
    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.Dialogs. WebUiUploadImageFromUrlDialogJS A web UI dialog (based on the jQuery UI) that allows to enter URL of the image/document file to be opened in web document viewer.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services.dll

    New classes:

    public class Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. SaveImageFileRequestParams Request to a web service. Contains parameters, which must be sent to a web service for saving changes in a file on server.

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. VintasoftFileWebService
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams SaveImageFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. SaveImageFileRequestParams) Saves images to an image file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. VintasoftImageCollectionWebService
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears cache.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. VintasoftImageWebService
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears the image tiles cache and thumbnails cache for specified file.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.AspNetCore.ApiControllers.dll

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.AspNetCore.ApiControllers. VintasoftFileApiController
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams SaveImageFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. SaveImageFileRequestParams) Saves images to an image file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.AspNetCore.ApiControllers. VintasoftImageApiController
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears the image tiles cache and thumbnails cache for specified file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.AspNetCore.ApiControllers. VintasoftImageCollectionApiController
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears cache.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Api2Controllers.dll

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Api2Controllers. VintasoftFileApi2Controller
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams SaveImageFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. SaveImageFileRequestParams) Saves images to an image file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Api2Controllers. VintasoftImageApi2Controller
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears the image tiles cache and thumbnails cache for specified file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Api2Controllers. VintasoftImageCollectionApi2Controller
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears cache.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers.dll

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers. VintasoftFileHandler
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams SaveImageFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.Services. SaveImageFileRequestParams) Saves images to an image file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers. VintasoftImageHandler
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears the image tiles cache and thumbnails cache for specified file.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Web.HttpHandlers. VintasoftImageCollectionHandler
    Added methods
    public Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileResponseParams ClearCache(Vintasoft.Shared.Web. WebImageFileRequestParams) Clears cache.