Added methods
public void addFile(string)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFile(string, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFile(string, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. This function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFile(string, function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. |
public void addFiles(string [], function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFiles(string [], Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. |
public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. |
public void addFiles(string [], function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property. |
public void addFiles(string [], function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. |
public void addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS [], function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. |
public void clearCache(function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server to clear cache of image collection files on server. Function uses web service specified by the WebServiceJS.defaultImageService property. |
public void clearCache(function, function, Vintasoft.Shared.WebServiceJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server to clear cache of image collection files on server. |
public number moveRange(number, number [])
Removes images at specified indexes and inserts them at specified index. |
public void swap(number, number)
Swaps the specified images in the collection. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. WebThumbnailViewerJS
Added properties
public boolean get_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key). |
public boolean get_CanDragThumbnails { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to drag thumbnails. |
public boolean get_CanNavigateThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to navigate thumbnails using keyboard. |
public boolean get_CanSelectThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { get ; }
Gets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to select thumbnails using keyboard ("Shift" key). |
public boolean set_CanDeleteThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; }
Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to delete thumbnails using keyboard ("Delete" key). |
public boolean set_CanDragThumbnails { set ; }
Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to drag thumbnails. |
public boolean set_CanNavigateThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; }
Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to navigate thumbnails using keyboard. |
public boolean set_CanSelectThumbnailsUsingKeyboard { set ; }
Sets a value indicating whether the thumbnail viewer allows to select thumbnails using keyboard ("Shift" key). |
Changed properties
public object get_SelectedIndices { get ; }
public number [] get_SelectedIndices { get ; }
public number set_SelectedIndices { set ; }
public number [] set_SelectedIndices { set ; }
Added methods
public number getCustomViewRotationAngle(number)
Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in thumbnail viewer. |
public void setCustomViewRotationAngle(number, number)
Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single thumbnail in thumbnail viewer. |
Added events
public event (object event, { number angle, number index }) customViewRotationAngleChanged
Occurs when custom rotation angle for thumbnail view is changed. |
public event (object event, { number [] indexes }) thumbnailsDeleted
Occurs when the thumbnails deleted. |
public event (object event, { number [] indexes, boolean cancel }) thumbnailsDeleting
Occurs when the thumbnails start deleting. |
Renamed events
public event (object event, { number angle }) imageRotated
public event (object event, { number angle }) viewRotationAngleChanged
public event (object event, { number newAngle, number currentAngle }) imageRotating
public event (object event, { number newAngle, number currentAngle }) viewRotationAngleChanging
Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebDocumentViewerJS
Added properties
public string get_OpenedFileId { get ; }
Gets an identifier of file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function. |
Added methods
public void addFile(string)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFile(string, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFile(string, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFileWithAuthentication(string)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFileWithAuthentication(string, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFileWithAuthentication(string, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void addFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void downloadFile(string)
Downloads a file from server. |
public void downloadFile(string, function)
Downloads a file from server. |
public void downloadFile(string, function, function)
Downloads a file from server. |
public void exportAndDownloadFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS)
Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file and downloads the file. |
public void exportAndDownloadFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function)
Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file and downloads the file. |
public void exportAndDownloadFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function, function)
Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file and downloads the file. |
public void exportFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS)
Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file. |
public void exportFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function)
Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file. |
public void exportFile(Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer. WebExportFileSettingsJS, function, function)
Exports images (with annotations), which are loaded in web image viewer, to a file. |
public void openFile(string, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFile(string, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFile(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (without file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFileWithAuthentication(string)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFileWithAuthentication(string, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFileWithAuthentication(string, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void openFileWithAuthentication(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS, function, function)
Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information (with file authentication) about images, which are stored in file on server, clears the web document viewer and adds images to the web document viewer. |
public void removePages(number [])
Removes the specified pages from image collection. |
public void saveChanges()
Saves changes in a file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function. |
public void saveChanges(function)
Saves changes in a file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function. |
public void saveChanges(function, function)
Saves changes in a file that was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function. |
public void saveChangesAndDownloadFile()
Saves changes in a file, which was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function, and downloads the file. |
public void saveChangesAndDownloadFile(function)
Saves changes in a file, which was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function, and downloads the file. |
public void saveChangesAndDownloadFile(function, function)
Saves changes in a file, which was previously opened using the WebDocumentViewerJS.openFile or WebDocumentViewerJS.openFileWithAuthentication function, and downloads the file. |
public void swapPages(number, number)
Swaps the specified pages in source document. |
Changed methods
public void removePage(number, function, function)
public void removePage(number)
Added events
public event (object event, { number [] indexes }) thumbnailsDeleted
Occurs when the thumbnails deleted. |
public event (object event, { number [] indexes, boolean cancel }) thumbnailsDeleting
Occurs when the thumbnails start deleting. |
Removed events
public event (object event, { string fileId, string filePassword, boolean handled }) fileAuthenticationRequest
This event is no longer supported. |