VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.5: Documentation for Web developer
In This Topic
    VintaSoft Annotation .NET Plug-in: API changes in version 9.1.2
    In This Topic

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Html5.js

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public string get_Guid { get ; } Gets the GUID of annotation.
    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public boolean drawInContentSpace(object, object) Draws an annotation on the canvas drawing context in the coordinate space of annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added properties
    public string get_Type { get ; } Gets annotation type.
    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added properties
    public string get_Type { get ; } Gets annotation type.
    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added properties
    public string get_Type { get ; } Gets annotation type.
    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added properties
    public string get_Type { get ; } Gets annotation type.
    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added properties
    public string get_Type { get ; } Gets annotation type.
    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Svg.js

    Changed classes:

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    Added methods
    public object deserialize(object) Deserializes annotation.
    public object serialize() Returns a JSON-object for annotation serialization.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Web.Services.dll

    Changed classes:

    Changed methods
    protected string [] GetAnnotationCollectionFromDataStorage(string, string, int []) protected string [] GetAnnotationCollectionFromDataStorage(string, string, string, int [])
    protected System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary < int,System.Exception> SaveAnnotationCollectionToDataStorage(string, string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary < int, string>) protected System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary < int,System.Exception> SaveAnnotationCollectionToDataStorage(string, string, string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary < int, string>)