VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for Web developer
In This Topic
    Create new menu button for Web Document Viewer UI
    In This Topic
    Here is JavaScript code that shows how to create UI button, which allows to show information about opened PDF document,
    and new button to the main menu of web document viewer:
     * Main function.
    function __main() {
        // create the default web document viewer settings
        var docViewerSettings = new Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.WebDocumentViewerSettingsJS("documentViewerContainer");
        // get items of document viewer
        var items = docViewerSettings.get_Items();
        // get the main menu of document viewer
        var mainMenu = items.getItemByRegisteredId("mainMenu");
        // if main menu is found
        if (mainMenu != null) {
            // get items of main menu
            var mainMenuItems = mainMenu.get_Items();
            // create button
            var showPdfDocumentInfoButton = __createPdfDocumentInfoButton();
            // add the button to the menu panel
        // create the document viewer
        var docViewer = new Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.WebDocumentViewerJS(docViewerSettings);
     Creates UI button that allows to show information about opened PDF document.
    function __createPdfDocumentInfoButton() {
        return new Vintasoft.Imaging.DocumentViewer.UIElements.WebUiButtonJS({
            title: "Show information about PDF document",
            onClick: function (event, uiElement) {
                // get the document viewer
                var docViewer = uiElement.get_RootControl();
                // if it exist
                if (docViewer != null) {
                    // get image viewer
                    var viewer = docViewer.get_ImageViewer();
                    // get focused image
                    var focusedImage = viewer.get_FocusedImage();
                    // get PDF document page associated with focused image
                    var pdfPage = Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.WebPdfDocumentControllerJS.getPageAssociatedWithImage(focusedImage);
                    // message with information about PDF document
                    var message = "";
                    // if PDF page exists
                    if (pdfPage != null) {
                        // get PDF document
                        var doc = pdfPage.get_Document();
                        // if information about PDF document is available
                        if (doc.isDocumentInfoReceived()) {
                            // get information about PDF document
                            var info = doc.getDocumentInfo();
                            // add information about document to the message
                            for (var key in info) {
                                message += key + " : " + info[key] + "\n";
                        // else
                        else {
                            // specify that information about PDF document is not available
                            message = "Information about PDF document is not available, call the requestDocumentInfo method."
                    // else
                    else {
                        // specify that PDF document, which is associated with focused image, does not exist
                        message = "The focused image is not associated with PDF page.";
                    // show message