VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.5: Documentation for Web developer
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    Show DICOM metadata over image in web DICOM viewer
    In This Topic
    VintaSoft Web DICOM Viewer allows to display the text overlays over image in web DICOM viewer. Text overlay is represented by WebDicomTextOverlayJS class and allows to specify text, text anchor, text format, text font, overlay visibility.

    The WebDicomViewerControlJS.get_TextOverlays function allows to get collection that contains text overlays, which are shown in DICOM viewer.

    Here is JavaScript code that shows how to add a text overlay with DICOM tag value to the DICOM viewer:
     Adds a text overlay with DICOM tag value to the DICOM viewer.
     @param {object} dicomControl An instance of Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebDicomControlJS class.
    function addTextOverlayWithDicomTagValueToDicomViewer(dicomControl) {
        // get DICOM viewer that is used in DICOM control
        var dicomViewerControl = dicomControl.get_DicomViewerControl();
        // get file metadata from DICOM image
        var fileMetadata = dicomViewerControl.get_FocusedImage().get_FileMetadata();
        // zero-based index of metadata element
        var metadataElementIndex = 1;
        // get metadata element
        var metadataElement = fileMetadata[metadataElementIndex];
        // get element identifier
        var medataElementId = metadataElement.get_ElementId();
        // create anchor that defines position of text overlay
        var anchor = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Primitives.WebAnchorTypeEnumJS("Top");
        // create text overlay for metadata element
        var textOverlay = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebDicomMetadataTextOverlayJS(anchor, medataElementId);
        // get the text overlay collection that is used by DICOM viewer
        var textOverlayCollection = dicomViewerControl.get_TextOverlays();
        // add text overlay to the text overlay collection
        // redraw DICOM viewer

    Here is JavaScript code that shows how to add a text overlay with static text to the DICOM viewer:
     Adds a text overlay with static text to the DICOM viewer.
     @param {object} dicomControl An instance of Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebDicomControlJS class.
    function addTextOverlayWithStaticTextToDicomViewer(dicomControl) {
        // get DICOM viewer that is used in DICOM control
        var dicomViewerControl = dicomControl.get_DicomViewerControl();
        // create anchor that defines position of text overlay
        var anchor = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Primitives.WebAnchorTypeEnumJS("Top");
        // create text overlay
        var textOverlay = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebDicomTextOverlayJS(anchor);
        // set text for text overlay
        // get the text overlay collection that is used by DICOM viewer
        var textOverlayCollection = dicomViewerControl.get_TextOverlays();
        // add text overlay to the text overlay collection
        // redraw DICOM viewer

    Here is JavaScript code that shows how to change a text overlay in DICOM viewer:
     Changes a text overlay in DICOM viewer.
     @param {object} dicomControl An instance of Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebDicomControlJS class.
    function changeOverlayTextInDicomViewer(dicomControl) {
        // get DICOM viewer that is used in DICOM control
        var dicomViewerControl = dicomControl.get_DicomViewerControl();
        // get text overlay collection
        var textOverlayCollection = dicomViewerControl.get_TextOverlays();
        // zero-based index of overlay element that shoud be changed
        var overlayElementIndex = 9;
        var overlayElement = textOverlayCollection.getItem(overlayElementIndex);
        // set new position for overlay
        overlayElement.set_Anchor(new Vintasoft.Imaging.Primitives.WebAnchorTypeEnumJS("TopLeft"));
        // set new text for overlay
        // create new font properties for overlay text
        var fontName = "Calibri";
        var fontSize = 20;
        var fontColor = "rgb(255,0,0)";
        var isBold = false;
        var isItalic = false;
        var isUnderline = false;
        var isStrikeout = false;
        var fontProperties = overlayElement.get_FontProperties();
        if (fontProperties != null) {
            isBold = fontProperties.get_IsBold();
            isItalic = fontProperties.get_IsItalic();
            isUnderline = fontProperties.get_IsUnderline();
            isStrikeout = fontProperties.get_IsStrikeout();
        fontProperties = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebVintasoftFontPropertiesJS(fontName, fontSize, fontColor, isBold, isItalic, isUnderline, isStrikeout);
        // set new font properties for overlay
        // redraw DICOM viewer

    Here is JavaScript code that shows how to remove text overlays from DICOM viewer:
     Removes text overlays from DICOM viewer.
     @param {object} dicomControl An instance of Vintasoft.Imaging.Dicom.WebDicomControlJS class.
    function removeTextOverlaysFromDicomViewer(dicomControl) {
        // get DICOM viewer that is used in DICOM control
        var dicomViewerControl = dicomControl.get_DicomViewerControl();
        // get the text overlay collection that is used by DICOM viewer
        var textOverlayCollection = dicomViewerControl.get_TextOverlays();
        // zero-based index of text overlay that must be removed from the text overlay collection
        var overlayElementIndex = 9;
        // get overlay element
        var overlayElement = textOverlayCollection.getItem(overlayElementIndex);
        // remove overlay element from the text overlay collection
        // zero-based index of overlay element that must be removed from the text overlay collection
        overlayElementIndex = 10;
        // remove overlay element by index
        // redraw DICOM viewer