VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for Web developer
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    XLSX: Work with worksheets in XLSX document
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    WebSpreadsheetEditorControlJS control allows to view the XLSX worksheet in a web browser.
    WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS control allows to work (view, add, copy, rename, move, delete) with worksheets of XLSX document in a web browser.
    Worksheets can be changed using mouse/keyboard or programmatically.

    Add new worksheet to an XLSX document

    If you want to add an XLSX worksheet using mouse, you should do the following steps:
    Here is JavaScript code that demonstrates how to add the new worksheet to XLSX document:
    // _spreadsheetDocumentEditorControl is an instance of WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS class
    // add new worksheet after focused worksheet

    Copy an existing worksheet into XLSX document

    If you want to copy an existing worksheet into XLSX document using mouse, you should do the following steps:

    Here is JavaScript code that demonstrates how to copy an existing worksheet into XLSX document:
    // _spreadsheetDocumentEditorControl is an instance of WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS class
    // create copy of focused worksheet and paste created copy after focused worksheet

    Rename an existing worksheet of XLSX document

    If you want to rename an existing worksheet of XLSX document using mouse, you should do the following steps:
    Here is JavaScript code that demonstrates how to rename an existing worksheet of XLSX document:
    // _spreadsheetDocumentEditorControl is an instance of WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS class
    // rename the focused worksheet

    Move an existing worksheet of XLSX document

    If you want to move an existing worksheet of XLSX document using mouse, you should do the following steps:
    Here is JavaScript code that demonstrates how to move the first worksheet to the third place in XLSX document with three worksheets:
    // _spreadsheetDocumentEditorControl is an instance of WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS class
    // create and array with worksheet indexes
    var newIndexes = [1, 2, 0];
    // reorder the worksheets in workbook using order specified in array "newIndexes"

    Delete an existing worksheet from XLSX document

    If you want to delete an existing XLSX worksheet using mouse, you should do the following steps:

    Here is JavaScript code that demonstrates how to delete an existing worksheet from XLSX document:
    // _spreadsheetDocumentEditorControl is an instance of WebSpreadsheetDocumentEditorControlJS class
    // remove the focused worksheet