VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI Namespace / WebAnnotationPenJS type
In This Topic
    WebAnnotationPenJS Class Methods
    In This Topic
    For a list of all methods of this type, see WebAnnotationPenJS.
    Public MethodCreates a new annotation pen that is a copy of the current annotation pen.
    Public MethodCopies the state of the current annotation pen to the target annotation pen.
    Public MethodDetermines that this annotation pen is equals to the specified annotation pen.
    Public MethodGets the color of the pen.
    Public MethodGets the dash pattern.
    Public MethodGets the style for dashed lines.
    Public MethodGets the cap style used at the end of lines drawn with the pen.
    Public MethodGets the join style for the ends of two consecutive lines.
    Public MethodGets the number that specifies maximum miter length.
    Public MethodGets the cap style used at the beginning of lines drawn with the pen.
    Public MethodGets the width of the pen.
    Public MethodSets the color of the pen.
    Public MethodSets the dash pattern.
    Public MethodSets the style for dashed lines.
    Public MethodSets the cap style used at the end of lines drawn with the pen.
    Public MethodSets the join style for the ends of two consecutive lines.
    Public MethodSets the number that specifies maximum miter length.
    Public MethodSets the cap style used at the beginning of lines drawn with the pen.
    Public MethodSets the width of the pen.
    See Also