VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI Namespace / WebAnnotationViewerJS type
Constructors SeeAlso
In This Topic
    WebAnnotationViewerJS Class Members
    In This Topic
    The following tables list the members exposed by WebAnnotationViewerJS.
    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the WebAnnotationViewerJS class.
    Public MethodAdds annotation to the annotation collection of focused image and starts building of annotation.
    Public MethodBegins the viewer initialization. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodDisables the automatic scrolling to the focused image when focused index is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodDisposes the viewer.
    Public MethodEnables the automatic scrolling to the focused image when focused index is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodEnds the viewer initialization.
    Public MethodSets the focus to the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a rectangle, in image space, in device-independent pixels (1/96th inch), that restricts the area of image where annotation can be built.
    Public MethodGets the annotation view controller associated with the viewer.
    Public MethodGets the interaction mode that defines how user can interact with annotations.
    Public MethodGets the annotation visual tool used for interaction with annotations.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether annotations can be moved between images in multipage display mode.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the image is centered in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether image viewer should change the focused image when viewer is scrolling. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a handler for "contextmenu" event of the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the parent DOM element of viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets an identifier of the parent DOM element of viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether viewer must load annotations from the server-side.
    Public MethodGets current display mode of image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the appearance of the focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the index of focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the anchor style of the image in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the appearance of the image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the image cache manager associated with the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the image collection associated with the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating how an image is positioned within the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the annotation can be built only in specified region.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the viewer must automatically scroll to the focused image in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether viewer displays images in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for displayed images.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for visible images.
    Public MethodGets the main (master) viewer for the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the maximum count of items, which can be processed by one "GetImageInfo" request. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the image padding in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the images layout direction in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the count of displayed images in row or column in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets an image which should be used for animating image loading. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the rendering settings of this image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the timeout, in milliseconds, which are used for resizing content in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether viewer must synchronize the image cache with image collection state. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the image tile size in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether rendered image tiles must be saved in cache on server. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use the image appearances only in single-page mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use vector rendering for vector documents. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a CSS-color that is used for filling page when image viewer renders page using vector rendering. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the rotation angle, in degrees, for all images in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the current visual tool of the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets the image zoom in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodReturns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodReturns an image by location. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodReturns the image index by location. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodReturns size and resolution of image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodReturns an image, which location is closest to the point, with coordinates in the image viewer space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodReturns the scroll position in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodInvalidates the specified region of image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSends a request for asynchronous rendering of tiles of the specified images. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodScrolls the image viewer to the specified point on image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodScrolls to the annotation in viewer.
    Public MethodScrolls the image viewer to the specified point on image viewer and tries to center the specified point in the viewer if possible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodGets a rectangle, in image space, in device-independent pixels (1/96th inch), that restricts the area of image where annotation can be built.
    Public MethodSets the interaction mode that defines how user can interact with annotations.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether annotations can be moved between images in multipage display mode.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the image is centered in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether image viewer should change the focused image when viewer is scrolling. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a handler for "contextmenu" event of the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether viewer must load annotations from the server-side.
    Public MethodSets current display mode of image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the appearance of the focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the index of focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the anchor style of the image in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the appearance of the image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the image cache manager of viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating how an image is positioned within the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the annotation can be built only in specified region.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for displayed images.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for visible images.
    Public MethodSets the main (master) viewer for the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the maximum count of items, which can be processed by 1 "GetImageInfo" request. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the image padding in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the images layout direction in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the count of displayed images in row or column in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets an image which should be used for animating image loading. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the rendering settings of this image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the timeout, in milliseconds, which are used for resizing content in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether viewer must synchronize the image cache with image collection state. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the image tile size in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether rendered image tiles must be saved in cache on server. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use the image appearances only in single-page mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use vector rendering for vector documents. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets a CSS-color that is used for filling page when image viewer renders page using vector rendering. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the rotation angle, in degrees, for all images in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the current visual tool of the viewer.
    Public MethodSets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the image zoom in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the index of focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodChanges the FocusedIndex property to the index of image, which is located in specified point. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodSets the image tile size in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch).
    Public MethodTransforms point from coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to an image coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to the browser (screen) coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch) to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer.
    Public MethodTransforms point from the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch) to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer.
    Public MethodTransforms point from an image coordinate space to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the image coordinate space to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the browser (screen) coordinate space to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the browser (screen) coordinate space to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch).
    Public MethodTransforms point from the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the image coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodTransforms point from the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the browser (screen) coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodUpdates the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public MethodZooms the viewer to the specified rectangle of current image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when an exception occurs during working with the annotation collection.
    Public EventOccurs when annotation interaction mode is changed.
    Public EventOccurs when the annotation is moved between images in multipage display mode.
    Public EventOccurs when the annotation is moving between images in multipage display mode.
    Public EventOccurs when the rotation angle of focused image view is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when viewer is disposed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when focused index is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when the contextmenu event is fired for image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when image information is loaded. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when image information is loading. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when error occurs during getting information about image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when image visible area is painted. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when image painting is started. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when image rendering is failed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when image tile is painted. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when the rotation angle of all image views is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when the rotation angle of all image views is changing. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when visual tool is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when visual tool is changing. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    Public EventOccurs when zoom is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS)
    See Also