| Name | Description |
| addAndBuildAnnotation | Adds annotation to the annotation collection of focused image and starts building of annotation. |
| beginInit | Begins the viewer initialization. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| disableAutoScrollToFocusedImage | Disables the automatic scrolling to the focused image when focused index is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| dispose | Disposes the viewer. |
| enableAutoScrollToFocusedImage | Enables the automatic scrolling to the focused image when focused index is changed. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| endInit | Ends the viewer initialization. |
| focus | Sets the focus to the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_AnnotationController | Gets the annotation view controller associated with the viewer. |
| get_AnnotationInteractionMode | Gets the interaction mode that defines how user can interact with annotations. |
| get_AnnotationVisualTool | Gets the annotation visual tool used for interaction with annotations. |
| get_CanMoveAnnotationsBetweenImages | Gets a value indicating whether annotations can be moved between images in multipage display mode. |
| get_CenterImage | Gets a value indicating whether the image is centered in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ChangeFocusedImageWhenScrolling | Gets a value indicating whether image viewer should change the focused image when viewer is scrolling. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ContextMenuFunc | Gets a handler for "contextmenu" event of the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_Control | Gets the parent DOM element of viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ControlId | Gets an identifier of the parent DOM element of viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_DisableAnnotationDeserialization | Gets a value indicating whether viewer must load annotations from the server-side. |
| get_DisplayMode | Gets current display mode of image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_FocusedImage | Gets a focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_FocusedImageAppearance | Gets the appearance of the focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_FocusedIndex | Gets the index of focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_HScroll | Gets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ImageAnchor | Gets the anchor style of the image in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ImageAppearance | Gets the appearance of the image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ImageCacheManager | Gets the image cache manager associated with the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_Images | Gets the image collection associated with the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ImageSizeMode | Gets a value indicating how an image is positioned within the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_IsAutoScrollToFocusedImageEnabled | Gets a value indicating whether the viewer must automatically scroll to the focused image in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_IsDisposed | Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_IsMultipageDisplayMode | Gets a value indicating whether viewer displays images in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_LoadAnnotationsOnlyForDisplayedImages | Gets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for displayed images. |
| get_LoadAnnotationsOnlyForVisibleImages | Gets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for visible images. |
| get_MasterViewer | Gets the main (master) viewer for the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_MaxGetImageInfoCount | Gets the maximum count of items, which can be processed by one "GetImageInfo" request. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_MultipageDisplayImagePadding | Gets the image padding in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_MultipageDisplayLayoutDirection | Gets the images layout direction in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_MultipageDisplayMode | Gets the multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_MultipageDisplayRowCount | Gets the count of displayed images in row or column in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ProgressImage | Gets an image which should be used for animating image loading. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_RenderingSettings | Gets the rendering settings of this image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ResizeTimeout | Gets the timeout, in milliseconds, which are used for resizing content in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_SyncCacheWithImages | Gets a value indicating whether viewer must synchronize the image cache with image collection state. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_TilesFormat | Gets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_TileSize | Gets the image tile size in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_UseCache | Gets a value indicating whether rendered image tiles must be saved in cache on server. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_UseImageAppearancesInSinglePageMode | Gets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use the image appearances only in single-page mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_UseVectorRendering | Gets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use vector rendering for vector documents. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_VectorContentBackgroundColor | Gets a CSS-color that is used for filling page when image viewer renders page using vector rendering. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_ViewRotationAngle | Gets the rotation angle, in degrees, for all images in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_VisualTool | Gets the current visual tool of the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_VScroll | Gets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| get_Zoom | Gets the image zoom in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| getCustomViewRotationAngle | Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| getImageByLocation | Returns an image by location. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| getImageIndexByLocation | Returns the image index by location. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| getImageInfo | Returns size and resolution of image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| getNearestImage | Returns an image, which location is closest to the point, with coordinates in the image viewer space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| getScrollPosition | Returns the scroll position in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| invalidate | Invalidates the specified region of image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| renderImages | Sends a request for asynchronous rendering of tiles of the specified images. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| scrollTo | Scrolls the image viewer to the specified point on image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| scrollToAnnotation | Scrolls to the annotation in viewer. |
| scrollToImagePoint | Scrolls the image viewer to the specified point on image viewer and tries to center the specified point in the viewer if possible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_AnnotationInteractionMode | Sets the interaction mode that defines how user can interact with annotations. |
| set_CanMoveAnnotationsBetweenImages | Sets a value indicating whether annotations can be moved between images in multipage display mode. |
| set_CenterImage | Sets a value indicating whether the image is centered in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ChangeFocusedImageWhenScrolling | Sets a value indicating whether image viewer should change the focused image when viewer is scrolling. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ContextMenuFunc | Sets a handler for "contextmenu" event of the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_DisableAnnotationDeserialization | Sets a value indicating whether viewer must load annotations from the server-side. |
| set_DisplayMode | Sets current display mode of image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_FocusedImageAppearance | Sets the appearance of the focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_FocusedIndex | Sets the index of focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_HScroll | Sets a value indicating whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ImageAnchor | Sets the anchor style of the image in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ImageAppearance | Sets the appearance of the image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ImageCacheManager | Sets the image cache manager of viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ImageSizeMode | Sets a value indicating how an image is positioned within the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_LoadAnnotationsOnlyForDisplayedImages | Sets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for displayed images. |
| set_LoadAnnotationsOnlyForVisibleImages | Sets a value indicating whether the viewer must load annotation collections only for visible images. |
| set_MasterViewer | Sets the main (master) viewer for the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_MaxGetImageInfoCount | Sets the maximum count of items, which can be processed by 1 "GetImageInfo" request. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_MultipageDisplayImagePadding | Sets the image padding in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_MultipageDisplayLayoutDirection | Sets the images layout direction in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_MultipageDisplayMode | Sets the multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_MultipageDisplayRowCount | Sets the count of displayed images in row or column in multipage display mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ProgressImage | Sets an image which should be used for animating image loading. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_RenderingSettings | Sets the rendering settings of this image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ResizeTimeout | Sets the timeout, in milliseconds, which are used for resizing content in the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_SyncCacheWithImages | Sets a value indicating whether viewer must synchronize the image cache with image collection state. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_TilesFormat | Sets a format in which the viewer want to receive image tiles. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_TileSize | Sets the image tile size in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_UseCache | Sets a value indicating whether rendered image tiles must be saved in cache on server. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_UseImageAppearancesInSinglePageMode | Sets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use the image appearances only in single-page mode. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_UseVectorRendering | Sets a value indicating whether the image viewer must use vector rendering for vector documents. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_VectorContentBackgroundColor | Sets a CSS-color that is used for filling page when image viewer renders page using vector rendering. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_ViewRotationAngle | Sets the rotation angle, in degrees, for all images in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_VisualTool | Sets the current visual tool of the viewer. |
| set_VScroll | Sets a value indicating whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| set_Zoom | Sets the image zoom in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| setCustomViewRotationAngle | Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| setFocusedIndexAsync | Sets the index of focused image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| setFocusedIndexByLocation | Changes the FocusedIndex property to the index of image, which is located in specified point. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| setTileSize | Sets the image tile size in the viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromControlToDip | Transforms point from coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch). |
| transformPointFromControlToImage | Transforms point from coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to an image coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromControlToScreen | Transforms point from the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to the browser (screen) coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromControlToViewer | Transforms point from the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromDipToControl | Transforms point from the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch) to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. |
| transformPointFromDipToViewer | Transforms point from the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch) to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. |
| transformPointFromImageToControl | Transforms point from an image coordinate space to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromImageToViewer | Transforms point from the image coordinate space to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromScreenToControl | Transforms point from the browser (screen) coordinate space to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromScreenToViewer | Transforms point from the browser (screen) coordinate space to the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromViewerToControl | Transforms point from the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the coordinate space of visible area of the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromViewerToDip | Transforms point from coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the device-independent pixels (1/96th inch). |
| transformPointFromViewerToImage | Transforms point from the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the image coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| transformPointFromViewerToScreen | Transforms point from the coordinate space of client area of the image viewer to the browser (screen) coordinate space. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| update | Updates the image viewer. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |
| zoomToRectangle | Zooms the viewer to the specified rectangle of current image. (Inherited from WebImageViewerJS) |