VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI Namespace / WebFreeHandPolygonAnnotationViewJS type / get_FinishBuildingByDoubleMouseClick Property
Syntax BrowserCompatibility SeeAlso
In This Topic
    get_FinishBuildingByDoubleMouseClick Method
    In This Topic
    Gets a value indicating whether the annotation building must be finished when left mouse button is double clicked.
    var instance = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.UI.WebFreeHandPolygonAnnotationViewJS();
    var value; // Type: boolean
    value = instance.get_FinishBuildingByDoubleMouseClick();
    function get_FinishBuildingByDoubleMouseClick() : boolean;

    Return Value

    True - annotation building will be finished when left mouse button is double clicked; false - annotation building will be finished when left mouse button is released. Default value is True.
    Browser Compatibility
    See Also