VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageProcessing.DocCleanup.Web.Services Namespace / VintasoftImageProcessingDocCleanupWebService Class
Constructors Properties Methods SeeAlso
In This Topic
    VintasoftImageProcessingDocCleanupWebService Class Members
    In This Topic
    The following tables list the members exposed by VintasoftImageProcessingDocCleanupWebService.
    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance o f the class.
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets or sets a file identifier of the default CMYK ICC profile, which is used in CreateImageDecodingSettings(VintasoftImage,WebDecodingSettings) methods if WebDecodingSettings.isColorManagementEnabled == true.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing global resources.
    Public PropertyGets a cache manager that manages cache of image tiles.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing serialized documents.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the data storage that should be used for storing images.
    Public PropertyGets a cache manager that manages cache of thumbnails.
    Public Methods
    Public MethodReplaces color(s), defined as color sphere(s), in an image.
    Public MethodAutomatically inverts an image of document.
    Public MethodAutomatically inverts inverted text regions on an image.
    Public MethodAutomatically detects text orientation in a document image and rotates the image if necessary.
    Public MethodClears noise on the border of an image.
    Public MethodDetects and removes borders around an image.
    Public MethodClears color noise on an image.
    Public MethodDeskews an image, i.e. detects a correct position of a textual image.
    Public MethodDetects rotation angle of a document image and rotates it using the detected angle.
    Public MethodRemoves noise from an image.
    Public MethodCorrects perspective distortion of the document image.
    Public MethodDetects regions of various types of a document image.
    Public MethodRemoves (fills) horizontal dotted lines on document image automatically.
    Public MethodDetects rotation angle of a document image.
    Public MethodDetects rotation angle of an textual image.
    Public MethodDetects text orientation in a document image.
    Public MethodDetects regions of halftone of a black-white image.
    Public MethodDetects halftone regions and removes halftone on an image.
    Public MethodFills not filled hole punches (fills white circle inside hole punch by black color) on image automatically.
    Public MethodRemoves black hole punches (fills black hole punches by white color) on image automatically.
    Public MethodDetects image regions on a color document image.
    Public MethodChecks whether a document image is inverted.
    Public MethodRemoves (fills) lines on document image automatically (lines of forms, tables, underlining/strikethrough of text, noise).
    Public MethodExecutes typical sequence of image processing commands, which are necessary to prepare an image for optical character recognition.
    Public MethodClears halftone and improves text quality of a black-white image.
    Public MethodRemoves (fills) shapes on black-white document image.
    Public MethodApplies a smoothing effect to a 1 bit-per-pixel image.
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodCreates the decoding settings for the specified image and sets the decoding setting for image.
    Protected MethodCreates the rendering settings for the specified image and sets the rendering setting for image.
    Protected MethodDisposes the decoding settings of the specified image.
    Protected MethodDisposes the rendering settings of the specified image.
    Protected MethodReturns the default encoder, which must be used for saving the processed image.
    Protected MethodReturns the encoder for the specified image stream.
    Protected MethodDownloads image file from the specified URL and returns image as a Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage object.
    Protected MethodReturns the unique and safe file identifier (file name).
    Protected MethodInvoked when the image processing is finished.
    Protected MethodInvoked when the image processing is started.
    See Also