type | Description |
WebBoundingBoxPointsJS | Contains eight interaction points on bounding box. |
WebCompositeVisualToolJS | Represents a visual tool which combines behaviour of several visual tools. |
WebDocumentNavigationToolJS | Represents a visual tool that allows to display and execute actions (links, navigation, ...) of an image in image viewer. |
WebHighlightObjectJS | Defines an image region, which should be highlighted in the image viewer. |
WebHighlightObjectsJS | Defines image regions, which should be highlighted in the image viewer. |
WebHighlightToolJS | Represents a visual tool that allows to highlight several image regions in the image viewer. |
WebInteractionAreaJS | An interaction area of interactive object. |
WebInteractionPointJS | The interaction point. |
WebInteractiveObjectCollectionJS | Represents a collection of interactive objects of specified type. |
WebInteractiveObjectJS | Defines an interactive object. |
WebMagnifierToolJS | Represents a visual tool that allows to magnify an image region in image viewer. |
WebMultiRectangularSelectionToolJS | Represents a visual tool that allows to select an image region, which consists from multiple rectangles, in image viewer. |
WebObjectMoveAreaJS | The interaction area that covers the entire area of interactive object. |
WebPanToolJS | Represents a visual tool for panning an image in image viewer. |
WebPolygonInteractionPointJS | The interaction point which is a part of polygon or point-based object. |
WebRectangularAreaJS | A rectangular interaction area. |
WebRectangularMoveAreaJS | A rectangular interaction area that can be moved. |
WebRectangularSelectionAreaJS | Represents a rectangular non interactive area of interactive object, which is used for highlighting of interactive object. |
WebRectangularSelectionCollectionJS | Represents a collection of rectangular selections (collection of instances of WebRectangularSelectionJS class). |
WebRectangularSelectionJS | Represents the rectangular selection on image in image viewer. |
WebRectangularSelectionToolJS | Represents a visual tool for selecting a rectangular image region in image viewer. |
WebResizeInteractionPointJS | The interaction point that allows to resize an interactive object. |
WebRotationInteractionPointJS | The interaction point that allows to rotate an interactive object. |
WebTextInteractionAreaJS | An interaction controller that transforms text object. |
WebTextSelectionToolJS | Represents a visual tool that allows to select text on image. |
WebVisualToolFabricJS | Provides the ability to create the visual tool by the visual tool type. |
WebVisualToolJS | Provides an abstract base class for visual tools such as the WebMagnifierToolJS or WebPanToolJS. |
WebZoomSelectionToolJS | Represents a visual tool for zooming of image region in image viewer. |
WebZoomToolJS | Represents a visual tool for zooming of image in image viewer. |