VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
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    VintaSoft JPEG2000 .NET Plug-in: Overview
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    JPEG2000 is an image compression standard for сolor and grayscale images. It is suitable for both lossless and lossy compression. JPEG2000 compression compresses color and grayscale image more effectively than JPEG compression.

    Now the JPEG2000 compression is very popular in PDF documents: most of image scanners generate PDF documents with JPEG2000 images, many PDF editors use JPEG2000 compression decoder and encoder, all PDF compressors use JPEG2000 compression viewer and encoder. Also JPEG2000 files are popular.

    VintaSoft JPEG2000 .NET Plug-in is the add-on for VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK, which allows to decode and encode JPEG2000 images.

    Plug-in features

    Development and Deployment requirements