In This Topic
AnnotationData class is intended for storing the base information about annotation. The complete information about annotation is stored in a class derived from
AnnotationData class.
Annotations, derived from
AnnotationData class, are divided into 3 types:
Annotations based on rectangle (derived from RectangleAnnotationData class):
Annotations based on collection of points (derived from LineAnnotationDataBase class):
- LineAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays a line.
- LinesAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays lines.
- PolygonAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays a polygon.
- RulerAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays the single line and the length of line.
- RulersAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays a series of lines and the total length of lines.
- AngleAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays two lines, the angle between them and the total length of lines.
- LeaderLineAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays a leader line.
Composite annotations (derived from CompositeAnnotationData class). These annotations are combining several annotations of any type.
- FreeTextAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays an editable text area and a leader polyline used for pointing on the image.
- GroupAnnotationData - holds information about the annotation that displays a group of annotations.
Annotation location
AnnotationData.Location property allows to get/set the annotation location.
Location of rectangle-based annotation always matches with center of annotation's rectangle.
Location of points-based annotation by default matches with its first point, unless the coordinates of the first point are changed.
Location is specified and stored in the image coordinate system with the beginning in the left upper corner.Unit of measure is 1 DIP (Device Independent Pixel) which equal 1/96 inch.
Annotation size
AnnotationData.Size property allows to get/set the annotation size.
Size is specified and stored in the image coordinate system with the beginning in the left upper corner.Unit of measure is 1 DIP (Device Independent Pixel) which equal 1/96 inch.
Annotation rotation angle and center of rotation
AnnotationData.Rotation property allows to get/set the annotation rotation in degrees.
Rotation center of annotation is the point in the image coordinate system, in regard to which the annotation is rotated when value of
AnnotationData.Rotation property is changed.
The rotation center of any annotation can be calculated as follows:
Annotation's rotation angle is the deviation angle from normal non-rotated state of annotation.It is specified and stored in degrees. Rotation angle has positive value when annotation is rotating clockwise and negative when counterclockwise.
Annotation bounding rectangle
The bounding rectangle of annotation is the minimum rectangle, which includes the annotation in whole and which sides are parallels to the image sides.
For rectangle-based annotation the bounding rectangle is the minimum rectangle, which includes all vertices of annotation's rectangle and its center always matches with center of annotation's rectangle.
For points-based annotation the bounding rectangle is the minimum rectangle, which includes all annotation's points.
AnnotationData.GetBoundingBox method calculates a bounding box of annotation.
Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to check if the annotation is inside the image boundaries:
bool IsAnnotationInsideImage(
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData annotation,
Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage image)
// get the bounding box
System.Drawing.RectangleF boundingBox = annotation.GetBoundingBox();
// calculate image size in device independent pixels
float imageWidthInDips = image.Width * 96f / (float)image.Resolution.Horizontal;
float imageHeightInDips = image.Height * 96f / (float)image.Resolution.Vertical;
System.Drawing.RectangleF imageRect =
new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, imageWidthInDips, imageHeightInDips);
// check if image rectangle contains the bounding box
return imageRect.Contains(boundingBox);
Private Function IsAnnotationInsideImage(annotation As Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData, image As Vintasoft.Imaging.VintasoftImage) As Boolean
' get the bounding box
Dim boundingBox As System.Drawing.RectangleF = annotation.GetBoundingBox()
' calculate image size in device independent pixels
Dim imageWidthInDips As Single = image.Width * 96F / CSng(image.Resolution.Horizontal)
Dim imageHeightInDips As Single = image.Height * 96F / CSng(image.Resolution.Vertical)
Dim imageRect As New System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, imageWidthInDips, imageHeightInDips)
' check if image rectangle contains the bounding box
Return imageRect.Contains(boundingBox)
End Function
AnnotationData.GetBoundingBox(PointF location, SizeF size, float rotation)" method calculates the bounding box that annotation would have with location, size and rotation parameters passed as arguments of method.
Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to restrict the rotation angle of annotation to prevent it from overrunning the boundaries of the specified area:
System.Drawing.RectangleF _boundingArea;
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData _annotation;
void SubscribeOnPropertyChanging()
_annotation.PropertyChanging +=
new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Imaging.ObjectPropertyChangingEventArgs>(annotation_PropertyChanging);
void annotation_PropertyChanging(object sender, Vintasoft.Imaging.ObjectPropertyChangingEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Rotation")
System.Drawing.RectangleF boundingBox = _annotation.GetBoundingBox(
_annotation.Location, _annotation.Size, (float)e.NewValue);
if (!_boundingArea.Contains(boundingBox))
e.Cancel = true;
Private _boundingArea As System.Drawing.RectangleF
Private _annotation As Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData
Private Sub SubscribeOnPropertyChanging()
AddHandler _annotation.PropertyChanging, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Imaging.ObjectPropertyChangingEventArgs)(AddressOf annotation_PropertyChanging)
End Sub
Private Sub annotation_PropertyChanging(sender As Object, e As Vintasoft.Imaging.ObjectPropertyChangingEventArgs)
If e.PropertyName = "Rotation" Then
Dim boundingBox As System.Drawing.RectangleF = _annotation.GetBoundingBox(_annotation.Location, _annotation.Size, CSng(e.NewValue))
If Not _boundingArea.Contains(boundingBox) Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Annotation properties
AnnotationData class contains a set of properties divided into following groups:
- information about annotation: AnnotationData.Guid, AnnotationData.Name
- date-time/author/changes: AnnotationData.CreationTime, AnnotationData.ModifiedTime, AnnotationData.CreatedBy, AnnotationData.ModifiedBy
- location/size/rotation: AnnotationData.Location, AnnotationData.Size, AnnotationData.Rotation
- visual appearance: AnnotationData.Border, AnnotationData.Outline, AnnotationData.FillBrush, AnnotationData.ToolTip
- visibility: AnnotationData.IsVisible
- transforms: AnnotationData.HorizontalMirrored, AnnotationData.VerticalMirrored, AnnotationData.Resizeable, AnnotationData.Rotatable, AnnotationData.CanMove, AnnotationData.CanRotate, AnnotationData.CanResize, AnnotationData.CanMirror
Classes, which are derived from
AnnotationData class, have additional properties, which specify annotation data. For example, the
LineAnnotationDataBase class has Points property, which contains information about points of annotation.
Add comments to the annotation
Each annotation can be commented. The
AnnotationData.Comment property returns the root comment for annotation (an instance of
AnnotationComment class). The
AnnotationComment.Replies property returns the comment collection (an instance of
CommentCollection class), which contains replies to the comment.
Monitor changes in annotation properties
AnnotationData class provides events, which allow to monitor changes in annotation properties:
Load and save annotation
AnnotationData class implements ISerializable interface. This allows to load/save annotations using any formatter, which implements IFormatter interface.
Initialize the annotation properties
AnnotationData class implements ISupportInitialize interface.
AnnotationData.BeginInit method allows to start initialization of annotation properties. The
AnnotationData.BeginInit raises the
AnnotationData.PropertyChanged event with the following properties: PropertyName="IsInitializing", NewValue=True.
AnnotationData.EndInit method allows to stop initialization of annotation properties. The
AnnotationData.BeginInit raises the
AnnotationData.PropertyChanged event with the following properties: PropertyName="IsInitializing", NewValue=False.
AnnotationData.BeginInit and
AnnotationData.EndInit methods just generate additional
AnnotationData.PropertyChanged events and does not change logic of calling
AnnotationData.PropertyChanging and
AnnotationData.PropertyChanged events of annotation.
AnnotationData.BeginInit and
AnnotationData.EndInit methods can be nested.
Clone annotation
AnnotationData class implements ICloneable interface.
Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to clone single annotation from a collection and add cloned annotation into the same collection:
void CloneAndAdd(Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationDataCollection annotationCollection, int index)
// clone annotation at specified index
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData clonedAnnotation =
// add cloned annotation to the end of the collection
Private Sub CloneAndAdd(annotationCollection As Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationDataCollection, index As Integer)
' clone annotation at specified index
Dim clonedAnnotation As Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData = DirectCast(annotationCollection(index).Clone(), Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.AnnotationData)
' add cloned annotation to the end of the collection
End Sub
Annotation collection
AnnotationDataCollection class is a collection of instances of
AnnotationData class. The
AnnotationDataCollection class provides the ability to add, remove, rearrange, sort elements, convert
AnnotationData elements to array, subscribe to property changing/change events of each annotation.