VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    Changing visual appearance of interaction points of annotations in WinForms
    In This Topic
    In Author mode the interaction between user and annotations is performed using interaction controllers. Each interaction controller consists from a set of interaction areas (resizing points, points of polygon, rotation point, rotation assistant, etc).

    SDK provides the helper-class AnnotationInteractionAreaAppearanceManager, which allows to change the visual appearance settings of interaction areas of visual tool derived from UserInteractionVisualTool class.

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to change radius of interaction points (resizing points, points of polygon, rotation point) used by user for interaction with annotations:
    public MainForm()
        Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaAppearanceManager appearanceManager = 
            new Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaAppearanceManager();
        appearanceManager.VisualTool = annotationViewer1.AnnotationVisualTool;
        // set distance from annotation to rotation point
        appearanceManager.RotationPointDistance = 30;
        // set radius of rotation point
        appearanceManager.RotationPointRadius = 10;
        // set radius of resize point
        appearanceManager.ResizePointsRadius = 10;
        // set radius of polygon point
        appearanceManager.PolygonPointRadius = 8;
    Public Sub New()
        Dim appearanceManager As New Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction.InteractionAreaAppearanceManager()
        appearanceManager.VisualTool = annotationViewer1.AnnotationVisualTool
        ' set distance from annotation to rotation point
        appearanceManager.RotationPointDistance = 30
        ' set radius of rotation point
        appearanceManager.RotationPointRadius = 10
        ' set radius of resize point
        appearanceManager.ResizePointsRadius = 10
        ' set radius of polygon point
        appearanceManager.PolygonPointRadius = 8
    End Sub