VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK: API changes in version 14.0
In This Topic
API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.dll
Changed classes:
Added properties
public static Vintasoft.Imaging. CollectionChangeEventArgs <T> Clear { get ; }
Represents a static instance of the CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> class for CollectionChangeActionType.Clear action. |
public static Vintasoft.Imaging. CollectionChangeEventArgs <T> ClearAndAddItems { get ; }
Represents a static instance of the CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> class for CollectionChangeActionType.ClearAndAddItems action. |
public static Vintasoft.Imaging. CollectionChangeEventArgs <T> ReorderItems { get ; }
Represents a static instance of the CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> class for CollectionChangeActionType.ReorderItems action. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs. AvailableCodecs
Added methods
public static Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs. Codec GetCodecWithEncoderByExtension(string)
Returns codec with encoder for specified file extension. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. XlsxDocumentLayoutSettings
Added properties
public System. Nullable < int > WorksheetIndex { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the index of worksheet that should be layouted. |
public string WorksheetName { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the name of worksheet that should be layouted. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing. RasterDrawingEngine
Added methods
public void ResumeRendering(bool)
Resumes the rendering. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Text. TextRegionLine
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Imaging. RegionF SelectionHoverRegion { get ; }
Gets a selection hover RegionF region of this line. |
API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.dll
Changed classes:
Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. ImageViewerBase
Added properties
public bool IsFastScrollingEnabled { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fast scrolling is enabled in image viewer. |
Added methods
public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(int)
Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer. |
public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage)
Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer. |
public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(int)
Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer. |
public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage)
Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer. |
public void RotateViewClockwise()
Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees clockwise. |
public void RotateViewCounterClockwise()
Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees counterclockwise. |
public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(int, int)
Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer. |
public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage, int)
Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftControl
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Primitives. VintasoftRect ClientRectangle { get ; }
Gets the client size, in surface space, of the control. |
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor CrossCursor { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the cross cursor. |
Added methods
public void DoMouseLeave(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftControlEventArgs)
Does the OnMouseLeave(VintasoftControlEventArgs) method. |
Added events
public event System. EventHandler <Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftControlEventArgs > MouseLeave
Occurs when mouse leaves the control. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools. TextOverlayTool
Added properties
public Vintasoft.Imaging. PaddingF Padding { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the padding in Vintasoft.Imaging.UnitOfMeasure.Pixels . |
Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction. InteractionEventArgs
Renamed properties
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction. IInteractiveObject IntercativeObject { get ; }
public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction. IInteractiveObject InteractiveObject { get ; }
Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.WinForms. WinFormsScrollableControl
Added properties
public System.Windows.Forms. Cursor CrossCursor { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the cross cursor. |
API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.dll
Changed classes:
Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI. WpfImageViewer
Added properties
public bool IsScrollingOnMouseWheelEnabled { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether image viewer must be scrolled when mouse wheel is scrolling. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI. WpfImageViewerBase
Added properties
public bool IsFastScrollingEnabled { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fast scrolling is enabled in image viewer. |
Added methods
public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(int)
Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer. |
public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage)
Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer. |
public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(int)
Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer. |
public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage)
Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer. |
public void RotateViewClockwise()
Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees clockwise. |
public void RotateViewCounterClockwise()
Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees counterclockwise. |
public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(int, int)
Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer. |
public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage, int)
Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer. |
Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools. WpfTextOverlayTool
Added properties
public System.Windows. Thickness Padding { get ; set ; }
Gets or sets the padding in Vintasoft.Imaging.UnitOfMeasure.Pixels . |