VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
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    VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK: API changes in version 14.0
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    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.dll

    Changed classes:

    Added properties
    public static Vintasoft.Imaging. CollectionChangeEventArgs <T> Clear { get ; } Represents a static instance of the CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> class for CollectionChangeActionType.Clear action.
    public static Vintasoft.Imaging. CollectionChangeEventArgs <T> ClearAndAddItems { get ; } Represents a static instance of the CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> class for CollectionChangeActionType.ClearAndAddItems action.
    public static Vintasoft.Imaging. CollectionChangeEventArgs <T> ReorderItems { get ; } Represents a static instance of the CollectionChangeEventArgs<T> class for CollectionChangeActionType.ReorderItems action.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs. AvailableCodecs
    Added methods
    public static Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs. Codec GetCodecWithEncoderByExtension(string) Returns codec with encoder for specified file extension.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Decoders. XlsxDocumentLayoutSettings
    Added properties
    public System. Nullable < int > WorksheetIndex { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the index of worksheet that should be layouted.
    public string WorksheetName { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the name of worksheet that should be layouted.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Drawing. RasterDrawingEngine
    Added methods
    public void ResumeRendering(bool) Resumes the rendering.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Text. TextRegionLine
    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging. RegionF SelectionHoverRegion { get ; } Gets a selection hover RegionF region of this line.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.dll

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. ImageViewerBase
    Added properties
    public bool IsFastScrollingEnabled { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fast scrolling is enabled in image viewer.
    Added methods
    public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(int) Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer.
    public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage) Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer.
    public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(int) Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer.
    public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage) Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer.
    public void RotateViewClockwise() Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees clockwise.
    public void RotateViewCounterClockwise() Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(int, int) Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer.
    public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage, int) Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftControl
    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Primitives. VintasoftRect ClientRectangle { get ; } Gets the client size, in surface space, of the control.
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftCursor CrossCursor { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the cross cursor.
    Added methods
    public void DoMouseLeave(Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftControlEventArgs) Does the OnMouseLeave(VintasoftControlEventArgs) method.
    Added events
    public event System. EventHandler <Vintasoft.Imaging.UI. VintasoftControlEventArgs > MouseLeave Occurs when mouse leaves the control.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools. TextOverlayTool
    Added properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging. PaddingF Padding { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the padding in Vintasoft.Imaging.UnitOfMeasure.Pixels .

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction. InteractionEventArgs
    Renamed properties
    public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction. IInteractiveObject IntercativeObject { get ; } public Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction. IInteractiveObject InteractiveObject { get ; }

    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.WinForms. WinFormsScrollableControl
    Added properties
    public System.Windows.Forms. Cursor CrossCursor { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the cross cursor.

    API changes in Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.dll

    Changed classes:

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI. WpfImageViewer
    Added properties
    public bool IsScrollingOnMouseWheelEnabled { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether image viewer must be scrolled when mouse wheel is scrolling.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI. WpfImageViewerBase
    Added properties
    public bool IsFastScrollingEnabled { get ; set ; } Gets or sets a value indicating whether the fast scrolling is enabled in image viewer.
    Added methods
    public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(int) Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer.
    public int GetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage) Returns the custom rotation angle for single image in image viewer.
    public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(int) Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer.
    public int GetImageViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage) Returns the rotation angle of image view for specified image in image viewer.
    public void RotateViewClockwise() Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees clockwise.
    public void RotateViewCounterClockwise() Rotates an image in the image viewer by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(int, int) Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer.
    public void SetCustomViewRotationAngle(Vintasoft.Imaging. VintasoftImage, int) Sets the custom rotation angle, in degrees, for single image in image viewer.

    Vintasoft.Imaging.Wpf.UI.VisualTools. WpfTextOverlayTool
    Added properties
    public System.Windows. Thickness Padding { get ; set ; } Gets or sets the padding in Vintasoft.Imaging.UnitOfMeasure.Pixels .