VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.5: Documentation for .NET developer
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    JBIG2: How to reach the best results at encoding?
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    How to reach the best performance at encoding?

    The best perfomance can be reached if

    How to reach the best compression at encoding?

    The best lossless compression can be reached if
    The best lossy compression can be reached if

    What influence has the symbol dictionary on the file size and encoding speed?

    Generally, the bigger dictionary size the better compression and slower encoding speed. It's not recommended to set symbol dictionary size less than 200 or larger than 10000.

    What advantages and disadvantages have both MMR and Arithmetic coding?

    Arithmetic coding has about 1.4 times better compression, but is about 2.5 times slower than MMR.

    When the 'random-access' file organization should be used?

    Only if you are sure that the third-party JBIG2 decoder is optimized to work with such file organization.