VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    Save image collection
    In This Topic
    ImageCollection.SaveSync method can be used for synchronous saving of image collection to a file or stream.

    ImageCollection.SaveAsync method can be used for asynchronous saving of image collection to a file or stream.

    Here is a list of supported image encoders:

    Encoder passed as a method parameter defines saving parameters: save image with annotations, save to the same source, copy TIFF tags, copy EXIF data and much more.

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to add images to an existing TIFF file synchronously:
    Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection();
    // add images to an existing TIFF file
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder encoder = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(false);
    images.SaveSync("mydocument.tif", encoder);
    Dim images As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection()
    ' add images to an existing TIFF file
    Dim encoder As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(False)
    images.SaveSync("mydocument.tif", encoder)

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to open TIFF file, rotate the second page of TIFF file and save changes in TIFF file:
    // open TIFF file
    System.IO.FileStream fStream = new System.IO.FileStream(
        "multipage.tif", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite);
    Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection();
    // rotate the second page of TIFF file
    // save changes to TIFF file
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder encoder = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder();
    encoder.SaveAndSwitchSource = true;
    images.SaveSync(fStream, encoder);
    ' open TIFF file
    Dim fStream As New System.IO.FileStream("multipage.tif", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)
    Dim images As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection()
    ' rotate the second page of TIFF file
    ' save changes to TIFF file
    Dim encoder As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder()
    encoder.SaveAndSwitchSource = True
    images.SaveSync(fStream, encoder)

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to add images to a new PDF document asynchronously:
    // ...
    Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection();
    // create new PDF document
    Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.PdfEncoder encoder = 
        new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.PdfEncoder(true);
    encoder.Settings.DocumentAuthor = "VintaSoft Ltd.";
    encoder.Settings.DocumentTitle = "My document title.";
    encoder.Settings.DocumentCreator = "VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK";
    encoder.Settings.DocumentCreationDate = System.DateTime.Now;
    images.SaveAsync("mydocument.pdf", encoder);
    // ...
    ' ...
    Dim images As New Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection()
    ' create new PDF document
    Dim encoder As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.PdfEncoder(True)
    encoder.Settings.DocumentAuthor = "VintaSoft Ltd."
    encoder.Settings.DocumentTitle = "My document title."
    encoder.Settings.DocumentCreator = "VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK"
    encoder.Settings.DocumentCreationDate = System.DateTime.Now
    images.SaveAsync("mydocument.pdf", encoder)
    ' ...


    ImageCollection.ImageCollectionSaving event occurs before image collection is saving.

    For each image of image collection:
    ImageCollection.ImageCollectionSavingFinished event occurs the image collection saving process is finished.

    ImageCollection.ImageCollectionSaved event occurs when the image collection is successfully saved.

    All events of the Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection class are not thread-safe.