VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
In This Topic
    TIFF: How to add image collection to TIFF file?
    In This Topic
    Image collection can be added to TIFF file by several ways.

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to synchronously add non black-white images from image collection to TIFF file using TiffEncoder class:
    public void AddImagesToTiff(System.IO.Stream stream, Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images)
        // add images to TIFF file
        using (Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder encoder = 
            new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(false))
            // use LZW compression
            encoder.Settings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw;
            // add images to TIFF file
            encoder.SaveImages(images, stream);
    Public Sub AddImagesToTiff(stream As System.IO.Stream, images As Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection)
        ' add images to TIFF file
        Using encoder As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(False)
            ' use LZW compression
            encoder.Settings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw
            ' add images to TIFF file
            encoder.SaveImages(images, stream)
        End Using
    End Sub

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to synchronously add non black-white images from image collection to TIFF file using TiffFile class:
    public void AddImagesToTiff(System.IO.Stream stream, Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images)
        // open existing TIFF file
        using (Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffFile tiff = 
            new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffFile(stream))
            // use LZW compression
            tiff.Pages.EncoderSettings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw;
            // for each image in image collection
            for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; i++)
                // do not save black-white images to TIFF file
                if (images[i].BitsPerPixel == 1)
                // add image to TIFF file
                // save changes
    Public Sub AddImagesToTiff(stream As System.IO.Stream, images As Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection)
        ' open existing TIFF file
        Using tiff As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffFile(stream)
            ' use LZW compression
            tiff.Pages.EncoderSettings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw
            ' for each image in image collection
            For i As Integer = 0 To images.Count - 1
                ' do not save black-white images to TIFF file
                If images(i).BitsPerPixel = 1 Then
                    Continue For
                End If
                ' add image to TIFF file
                ' save changes
        End Using
    End Sub

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to synchronously add non black-white images from image collection to TIFF file using ImageCollection and TiffEncoder classes:
    public void AddImagesToTiff(System.IO.Stream stream, Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images)
        // add images to TIFF file
        Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder encoder = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(false);
        // use LZW compression
        encoder.Settings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw;
        // add images to TIFF file synchronously
        images.SaveSync(stream, encoder);
        // release resources used by encoder
    Public Sub AddImagesToTiff(stream As System.IO.Stream, images As Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection)
        ' add images to TIFF file
        Dim encoder As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(False)
        ' use LZW compression
        encoder.Settings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw
        ' add images to TIFF file synchronously
        images.SaveSync(stream, encoder)
        ' release resources used by encoder
    End Sub

    Here is C#/VB.NET code that shows how to asynchronously add non black-white images from image collection to TIFF file using ImageCollection and TiffEncoder classes:
    public void AddImagesToTiff(System.IO.Stream stream, Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection images)
        // add images to TIFF file
        Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder encoder = new Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(false);
        // use LZW compression
        encoder.Settings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw;
        // add images to TIFF file asynchronously
        images.SaveAsync(stream, encoder);
    Public Sub AddImagesToTiff(stream As System.IO.Stream, images As Vintasoft.Imaging.ImageCollection)
        ' add images to TIFF file
        Dim encoder As New Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.Encoders.TiffEncoder(False)
        ' use LZW compression
        encoder.Settings.Compression = Vintasoft.Imaging.Codecs.ImageFiles.Tiff.TiffCompression.Lzw
        ' add images to TIFF file asynchronously
        images.SaveAsync(stream, encoder)
    End Sub