VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 14.0: Documentation for .NET developer
Vintasoft.Imaging.Annotation.Dicom Namespace / DicomTextAnnotationData Class
Constructors Properties Methods Events SeeAlso
In This Topic
    DicomTextAnnotationData Class Members
    In This Topic
    The following tables list the members exposed by DicomTextAnnotationData.
    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the class.
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets or sets the anchor point.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the anchor point unit of measure.
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether anchor point is visible.
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation border is visible. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the bottom-right point of annotation.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the horizontal justification of text.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the top-left point of annotation.
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be mirrored. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be moved. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the size of annotation can be changed.
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be rotated. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation can be selected. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the annotation comment. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets information about the user who created the annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the creation time of the annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the background brush of annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets the Graphic Layer of annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets the unique System.Guid associated with the annotation. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether this annotation has not empty bounding box.
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored horizontally. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets intent of the annotation. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether the annotation is disposed. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether the annotation data is initializing. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is visible. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the location, in device-independent pixels (1/96th inch), of annotation in the image space.
    Public PropertyGets or sets information about the user who modified the annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the last time this annotation was modified. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the name of annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the style of the annotation's outline. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets the Referenced Image of annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether the annotation is resizeable. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether the annotation is rotatable.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the current amount of rotation, in degrees, for this annotation.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the size, in device-independent pixels (1/96th inch), of the annotation.
    Public PropertyGets or sets style of text.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the tooltip associated with the annotation. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the text of annotation.
    Public PropertyGets or sets the units of measure.
    Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether the annotation is mirrored vertically. (Inherited from DicomAnnotationData)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodSignals the AnnotationData that initialization is starting. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public MethodChanges the unit of measure of DICOM annotation and recalculates all properties, which are dependent from unit of measure.
    Public MethodCreates a new DicomTextAnnotationData that is a copy of the current instance.
    Public MethodCopies current DicomTextAnnotationData to the target DicomTextAnnotationData
    Public MethodSignals the AnnotationData that initialization is complete. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Returns a bounding box of annotation. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public MethodReturns the annotation center coordinates relative to the Location property without regard to rotation. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public MethodReturns the annotation location in image coordinate system, in device-independent pixels (1/96th inch), without regard to rotation. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public MethodPopulates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
    Public MethodReturns the string representation of this object. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public MethodApplies a transformation to the annotation. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodOverloaded. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the annotation and optionally releases the managed resources.
    Protected MethodAllows an annotation to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the annotation is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Protected MethodRaises the PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Protected MethodRaises the PropertyChanging event. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public Events
    Public EventOccurs when the annotation data property is changed. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    Public EventOccurs when the annotation data property is changing. (Inherited from AnnotationData)
    See Also