| Name | Description |
  | ActionTypeIsGoTo3DView | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'GoTo3DView'. |
  | ActionTypeIsHide | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'Hide'. |
  | ActionTypeIsImportData | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'ImportData'. |
  | ActionTypeIsJavaScript | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'JavaScript'. |
  | ActionTypeIsLaunch | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'Launch'. |
  | ActionTypeIsMovie | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'Movie'. |
  | ActionTypeIsNOP | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'NOP'. |
  | ActionTypeIsRendition | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'Rendition'. |
  | ActionTypeIsResetForm | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'ResetForm'. |
  | ActionTypeIsSetOCGState | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'SetOCGState'. |
  | ActionTypeIsSetState | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'SetState'. |
  | ActionTypeIsSound | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'Sound'. |
  | ActionTypeIsTrans | Gets the trigger that is activated if action type is 'Trans'. |
  | Annotation3DSubtypeIsNotU3DOrIsNotPRC | Gets the trigger that is activated if Annotation is 3D annotation and 'Subtype' entry in a 3D stream dictionary is not 'U3D' or is not 'PRC'. |
  | AnnotationAppearanceContainsNotNormalStates | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation appearance contains not normal (N) states. |
  | AnnotationAppearanceNormalStateIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if widget annotation appearance Normal state is invalid. |
  | AnnotationAppearanceNormalStateIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation appearance Normal state is missing. |
  | AnnotationBlendingModeIsNotSpecifiedInPdf20 | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) blending mode is not specified in PDF 2.0. |
  | AnnotationContainsCAKeyWithValueOtherThan1 | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation dictionary contains CA key with a value other than 1.0. |
  | AnnotationFlagsEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation Flags entry ('F' key) is missing. |
  | AnnotationHasCEntryButPdfAOutputIntentProfileIsMissingOrNotRgb | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation has 'C' entry but PDF/A OutputIntent profile is missing or not RGB profile. |
  | AnnotationHasFlagsAndPrintFlagIsNotSet | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation has 'F' key and flag 'Print' is not set. |
  | AnnotationHasICEntryButPdfAOutputIntentProfileIsMissingOrNotRgb | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation has 'IC' entry but PDF/A OutputIntent profile is missing or not RGB profile. |
  | AnnotationHasNotPermittedAdditionalActionsPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation has 'AA' entry (additional actions) that has keys differs from: E, X, D, U, Fo, Bl. |
  | AnnotationHaveNotNormalBlendingMode | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation have blending mode that is not equal to 'Normal'. |
  | AnnotationHiddenFlagIsSet | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation flag 'Hidden' is set. |
  | AnnotationInvisibleFlagIsSet | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation flag 'Invisible' is set. |
  | AnnotationIsNotPopupAndFlagsEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation is not Popup annotation and Flags entry ('F' key) is missing. |
  | AnnotationNoViewFlagIsSet | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation flag 'NoView' is set. |
  | AnnotationPrintFlagIsNotSet | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation flag 'Print' is not set. |
  | AnnotationShallHaveAppearanceButAppearanceIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation appearance is missing, but annotation shall have appearance (size of Rect is not empty and is not Popup or Link annotation). |
  | AnnotationToggleNoViewFlagIsSet | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation flag 'NoView' is set. |
  | AnnotationTypeNotPermittedInPdfA1 | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation type is not permitted in PDF/A-1. |
  | AnnotationTypeNotPermittedInPdfA2 | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation type is not permitted in PDF/A-2. |
  | AnnotationTypeNotPermittedInPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation type is not permitted in PDF/A-4. |
  | AnnotationTypeNotPermittedInPdfA4e | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation type is not permitted in PDF/A-4e. |
  | AnnotationUsesTransparency | Gets the trigger that is activated if annotation uses transparency. |
  | ArrayElementCountGreaterThan8191 | Gets the trigger that is activated if array contains more than 8191 elements. |
  | AssociatedFileIsNotPresentInAssociatedFileList | Gets the trigger that is activated if associated file is not present in an associated file list. |
  | AuthorMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if Author property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | CidFontCidSetIsIncomplete | Gets the trigger that is activated if subset CID font has CIDSet that does not identify all CIDs, which are present in the font program and rendered in visible mode. |
  | CidFontCidSetIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if subset CID font does not contain CIDSet entry. |
  | CidFontCidSetIsWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if subset CID font has CIDSet that does not identify all CIDs, which are present in the font program. |
  | CidFontUsesCidGreaterThan65535 | Gets the trigger that is activated if CID font uses CID greater than 65535. |
  | ColorSpaceDictionaryRefersToInvalidColorSpace | Gets the trigger that is activated if color space dictionary refers to an invalid color space. |
  | ColorSpaceHasInvalidStructure | Gets the trigger that is activated if color space has invalid structure. |
  | CompositeFontCidAndCMapHasDifferentRegistryOrOrderingOrIncompatibleSupplement | Gets the trigger that is activated if composite font have CID and CMap that have incompatible CIDSystemInfo dictionaries. |
  | CompositeFontCidAndCMapIncompatible | Gets the trigger that is activated if composite font has CID and CMap that have incompatible CIDSystemInfo dictionaries. |
  | CompositeFontCMapIsUndefined | Gets the trigger that is activated if font is a composite font with custom CMap that is not defined. |
  | CompositeFontCMapUsesNotPredefinedCMap | Gets the trigger that is activated if font is a composite font with CMap that uses another CMap, that is not one of the predefined CMaps. |
  | CompositeFontCustomCMapIsNotEmbedded | Gets the trigger that is activated if font is a composite font with custom CMap that is not embedded. |
  | ContentStreamCommandUsesColorSpaceIncompatibleWithOutputIntent | Gets the trigger that is activated if content stream command uses colorspace incompatible with OutputIntent. |
  | ContentStreamNamedResourceIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if the content stream named resource is missing. |
  | ContentStreamOperatorIsNotDefinedInPdfReference | Gets the trigger that is activated if content stream operator is not defined in PDF reference. |
  | ContentStreamOperatorRiHasInvalidRenderingIntent | Gets the trigger that is activated if content stream operator 'ri' has invalid rendering intent. |
  | ContentStreamOperatorUsesOverprintControl | Gets the trigger that is activated if content stream operator uses overprinting. |
  | ContentStreamOperatorUsesTransferFunction | Gets the trigger that is activated if Content stream operator uses transfer function ('TR' or 'TR2' entry of graphics state parameters). |
  | ContentStreamResourceIsNotAssociatedWithResourcesOfContentTreeNode | Gets the trigger that is activated if named resource is not associated with resources of tree node. |
  | CreationDateMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if CreationDate property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | CreatorMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if Creator property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | DepthOfSaveGraphicsStateOperatorsGreaterThan28 | Gets the trigger that is activated if depth of graphics state nesting by q and Q operators greater than 28. |
  | DeviceNColorSpaceComponentCountGreaterThan32 | Gets the trigger that is activated if number of colorants or tint components in a DeviceN color space greater than 32. |
  | DeviceNColorSpaceComponentCountGreaterThan8 | Gets the trigger that is activated if number of colorants or tint components in a DeviceN color space greater than 8. |
  | DictionaryItemCountGreaterThan4095 | Gets the trigger that is activated if dictionary contains more than 4095 items. |
  | DigitalSignatureDoesNotCoverWholeDocument | Gets the trigger that is activated if digital signature does not cover the whole document. |
  | DigitalSignatureIsNotValid | Gets the trigger that is activated if digital signature is not valid. |
  | DigitalSignaturePKCS7BinaryDataObjectIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if digital signature PKCS#7 binary data object has invalid format. |
  | DocumentCatalogEmbeddedFilesIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog 'Name' dictionary not contains the 'EmbeddedFiles' key". |
  | DocumentCatalogHasAdditionalActions | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog dictionary contains the 'AA' key (additional actions). |
  | DocumentCatalogHasEmbeddedFiles | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog 'Name' dictionary contains the 'EmbeddedFiles' key". |
  | DocumentCatalogHasNeedsRenderingKey | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog has 'NeedsRendering' key. |
  | DocumentCatalogHasNotPermittedAdditionalActionsPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog has 'AA' entry (additional actions) that has keys differs from: E, X, D, U, Fo, Bl. |
  | DocumentCatalogHasOCProperties | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog contains the 'OCProperties' key. |
  | DocumentCatalogPermissionsHasDocMDPThatContainsUnallowedKeys | Gets the trigger that is activated if Permissions dictionary contains 'DocMDP' key and the Signature 'Reference' dictionary contains 'DigestLocation', 'DigestMethod' or 'DigestValue' keys. |
  | DocumentCatalogPermissionsHasKeysOtherThanUR3AndDocMDP | Gets the trigger that is activated if permissions dictionary contains keys other than 'UR3' and 'DocMDP'. |
  | DocumentCatalogTypeIsMissingOrWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog Type property is missing or wrong. |
  | DocumentCatalogVersionIsNot2x | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog Version property is not 2.x, where n: 0..9. |
  | DocumentDoesNotConformToPdfA1b | Gets the trigger that is activated if document does not conform to the PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1) specification. |
  | DocumentHasAlternatePresentations | Gets the trigger that is activated if document 'Name' dictionary has 'AlternatePresentations' key. |
  | DocumentHasCharacterReferencesNotdefGlyph | Gets the trigger that is activated if document has content stream that contains character that is mapped to the .notdef glyph. |
  | DocumentHasDigitalSignature | Gets the trigger that is activated if document has digital signature. |
  | DocumentHasDocumentLevelJavaScripts | Gets the trigger that is activated if document 'Name' dictionary has 'JavaScript' key. |
  | DocumentHasRequirements | Gets the trigger that is activated if document catalog dictionary has 'Requirements' key. |
  | DocumentInteractiveFormHasXFAKey | Gets the trigger that is activated if document interactive form has 'XFA' key. |
  | DocumentIsChanged | Gets the trigger that is activated if document is changed. |
  | DocumentMarkInformationIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if document mark information is missing. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA1a | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-1a. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA1b | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-1b. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA2a | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-2a. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA2b | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-2b. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA2u | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-2u. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA3a | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-3a. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA3b | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-3b. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA3u | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-3u. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-4. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA4e | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-4e. |
  | DocumentMetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA4f | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata does not conform to PDF/A-4f. |
  | DocumentMetadataIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata is missing. |
  | DocumentMetadataUsesStreamFilter | Gets the trigger that is activated if document metadata stream uses a filter. |
  | DocumentSeparationColorSpacesWithSameNameHaveNotEquivalentProperties | Gets the trigger that is activated if separation color spaces, which have the same name, have not equivalent TintTransform or AlternateSpace. |
  | DocumentSourceIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if document source is missing. |
  | DocumentStructureTreeRootIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if document structure tree root is missing. |
  | EmbeddedFileIsNotPdfDocument | Gets the trigger that is activated if embedded file is not PDF document. |
  | EmbeddedFileMimeTypeEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if embedded file has no MIME type entry ('Subtype' key). |
  | EmbeddedFileModDateIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if Embedded file has no ModDate entry in Params dictionary. |
  | EmbeddedFileParamsEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if embedded file has no MIME type entry ('Subtype' key). |
  | EmbeddedFontDoesNotContainAllNeededGlyphs | Gets the trigger that is activated if embedded font does not contain all needed glyphs. |
  | EmbeddedPdfDocumentDoesNotConformToPdfA1A2A4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if embedded PDF document does not conform to PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1). |
  | EmbeddedPdfDocumentDoesNotConformToPdfA1b | Gets the trigger that is activated if embedded PDF document does not conform to PDF/A-1b (ISO 19005-1). |
  | FileHasDataAfterLastEofMarker | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF file has data, which shall follow the last end-of-file marker. |
  | FileHeaderDoesNotOccurAtOffset0 | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF file header does not occur at byte offset 0 of the file. |
  | FileHeaderDoesNotOccurAtOffset0OrVersionGreaterThan17 | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF file header does not occur at byte offset 0 of the file, or it does not consist of '%PDF-1.n' followed by a single EOL marker, where n in range 0 to 7. |
  | FileHeaderDoesNotOccurAtOffset0OrVersionIsNot2x | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF file header does not occur at byte offset 0 of the file, or it does not consist of '%PDF-2.n' followed by a single EOL marker, where n in range 0 to 9. |
  | FileHeaderNotFollowedByFourBinaryChars | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF file header does not followed by comment with at least 4 binary characters. |
  | FileSpecificationDictionaryAFRelationshipEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if file specification dictionary for an embedded file does not contain 'AFRelationship' key. |
  | FileSpecificationDictionaryContainsEfAndNotContainsDescEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if file specification dictionary for an embedded file does not contain the 'Desc' key. |
  | FileSpecificationDictionaryContainsEfAndNotContainsFAndUfEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if file specification dictionary for an embedded file does not contain the 'F' or 'UF' keys. |
  | FileSpecificationDictionaryContainsEfEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if file specification dictionary contains the 'EF' key. |
  | FileTrailerContainsEncryptEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if file trailer contains 'Encrypt' entry. |
  | FileTrailerContainsInfoEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if File trailer contains 'Info' entry and 'PieceInfo' entry missing in the document or 'Info' contains key differs from 'ModDate'. |
  | FileTrailerIDEntryIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if file trailer ID entry is invalid. |
  | FileTrailerIDEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if file trailer ID entry is missing. |
  | FileUsesCompressedObjectStreams | Gets the trigger that is activated if document uses compressed object streams. |
  | FileUsesCrossReferenceStreams | Gets the trigger that is activated if cross-reference information stored in a cross-reference stream. |
  | FontHasCharacterReferencesNotdefGlyph | Gets the trigger that is activated if font has character that are mapped to the .notdef glyph. |
  | FontHasUsedCharacterWithoutUnicodeValueA1a | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF Font has used character without Unicode value according to PDF/A-1a specification. |
  | FontHasUsedCharacterWithoutUnicodeValueA2a | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font has used character without Unicode value according to PDF/A-2a specification. |
  | FontHasVisibleCharactersWithInappropriateUnicodeValue | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font has visible characters, which use inappropriate Unicode Value. |
  | FontHasVisibleCharactersWithUnicodeValueFromUnicodePuaRange | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font has visible characters, which use Unicode value from Unicode Private Use Area. |
  | FontHasVisibleCharactersWithZeroUnicodeValue | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font has visible characters, which use zero Unicode Value. |
  | FontProgramOfVisibleFontIsNotEmbedded | Gets the trigger that is activated if font program of visible PDF font is not embedded in PDF document. |
  | FontTypeIsOpenType | Gets the trigger that is activated if font type is OpenType. |
  | FontWidthInfoMismatch | Gets the trigger that is activated if glyph width info in PDF does not match width info in embedded font. |
  | FontWModeValuesAreInconsistent | Gets the trigger that is activated if composite font's WMode entry in a CMap dictionary is not equal to WMode entry in a CMap stream. |
  | FormFieldDoesNotHaveAppearanceDictionary | Gets the trigger that is activated if form field does not have appearance dictionary '(AP' entry). |
  | FormFieldHasActivationAction | Gets the trigger that is activated if form field has activation action ('A' entry). |
  | FormFieldHasAdditionalActions | Gets the trigger that is activated if form field has additional actions ('AA' entry). |
  | FormXObjectBBoxEntryIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if Form XObject BBox entry is missing. |
  | FormXObjectHasOpiProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if form XObject has 'OPI' key. |
  | FormXObjectHasPSProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if form XObject has 'PS' key. |
  | FormXObjectHasRefProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if form XObject has 'Ref' key. |
  | FormXObjectHasSubtype2PropertyWithValuePS | Gets the trigger that is activated if PostScript XObject (form 'Subtype2' property) is detected. |
  | FormXObjectHasSubtypePropertyWithValuePS | Gets the trigger that is activated if PostScript XObject (form 'Subtype' property) is detected. |
  | FormXObjectHasTransparencyGroup | Gets the trigger that is activated if Form XObject has transparency group. |
  | FormXObjectSubtypeIsMissingOrWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if form resource Subtype property is missing or wrong. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersBlendingModeIsNotSpecifiedInPdf17 | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) blending mode is not specified in PDF 1.7. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersBlendingModeIsNotSpecifiedInPdf20 | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) blending mode is not specified in PDF 2.0. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersContainHtoKey | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters contain 'HTO' key. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersContainHtpKey | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters contain 'HTP' key. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersContainTransferFunction | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) contain transfer function (TR or TR2 property with a value other than Default). |
  | GraphicsStateParametersHalftoneContainsHalftoneNameKey | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) halftone dictionary contains 'HalftoneName' key. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersHalftoneTypeNotIs1Or5 | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) halftone dictionary has 'HalftoneType' entry that value is not 1 or 5. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersHaveNonStrokingAlphaConstant | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) have non-stroking alpha constant ('ca') with value different from 1.0 |
  | GraphicsStateParametersHaveNotNormalBlendingMode | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) have blending mode that is not equal to 'Normal' or 'Compatible'. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersHaveSoftMask | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) have soft mask. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersHaveStrokingAlphaConstant | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) have stroking alpha constant ('CA') with value different from 1.0. |
  | GraphicsStateParametersRenderingIntentIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if graphics state parameters (ExtGState) rendering intent is invalid. |
  | HexadecimalStringIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if hexadecimal string has invalid syntax. |
  | ICCBasedColorSpaceUsesCMYKDestProfileAndProfileIdenticalToPDFAOutputIntent | Gets the trigger that is activated if an ICCBased colour space is used where the profile is a CMYK destination profile and is identical to that in the current PDF/A OutputIntent or the current transparency blending colorspace. |
  | ICCBasedColorSpaceUsesCMYKDestProfileAndProfileIdenticalToTransparencyBlendingColorSpace | Gets the trigger that is activated if an ICCBased colour space is used where the profile is a CMYK destination profile and is identical to that in the current PDF/A OutputIntent or the current transparency blending colorspace. |
  | IccColorSpaceProfileInContentDoesNotConformToPdf14 | Gets the trigger that is activated if ICC Profile is not supported in PDF 1.4 reference (content stream resources). |
  | IccColorSpaceProfileInContentIsNotSupportsInPdf17 | Gets the trigger that is activated if ICC Profile is not supported in PDF 1.7 reference (content stream resources). |
  | IccColorSpaceProfileInContentIsNotSupportsInPdf20 | Gets the trigger that is activated if ICC Profile is not supported in PDF 2.0 reference (content stream resources). |
  | ImageInterpolationUsed | Gets the trigger that is activated if image interpolation is to be performed. |
  | ImageRenderingIntentIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if image rendering intent is invalid. |
  | ImageResourceHasAlternatesProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if image resource has 'Alternates' key. |
  | ImageResourceHasOpiProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if image resource has 'OPI' key. |
  | ImageResourceHasSMaskProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if image resource has soft mask ('SMask' key). |
  | ImageResourceRefersToInvalidColorSpace | Gets the trigger that is activated if image resource refers to an invalid color space. |
  | IndirectObjectCountGreaterThan8388607 | Gets the trigger that is activated if number of indirect objects in a PDF file is greater than 8388607. |
  | IndirectObjectEndobjKeywordNotFollowedEol | Gets the trigger that is activated if indirect object 'ENDOBJ' keyword is not followed by EOL marker. |
  | IndirectObjectEndobjKeywordNotPrecededEol | Gets the trigger that is activated if indirect object 'endobj' keyword is not preceded by EOL marker. |
  | IndirectObjectGenerationAndObjKeywordUsesImproperSeparator | Gets the trigger that is activated if object generation and 'obj' keyword are not separated by single white-space. |
  | IndirectObjectNumberAndGenerationUsesImproperSeparator | Gets the trigger that is activated if indirect object number and generation number are not separated by single white-space. |
  | IndirectObjectNumberNotPrecededEol | Gets the trigger that is activated if indirect object number is not preceded by an EOL marker. |
  | IndirectObjectObjKeywordNotFollowedEol | Gets the trigger that is activated if indirect object 'obj' keyword is not followed by EOL marker. |
  | InlineImageUsesJpeg2000Compression | Gets the trigger that is activated if inline image uses JPEG2000 compression. |
  | IntegerNumberTooHigh | Gets the trigger that is activated if integer number is out of range (greater than 2147483647). |
  | IntegerNumberTooLow | Gets the trigger that is activated if integer number is out of range (less than -2147483648). |
  | Jpeg2000DataBitsPerChannelGreaterThan38 | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 data bit-depth per channel is greater than 38. |
  | Jpeg2000DataEnumeratedColorSpace19Used | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 enumerated color space 19 (CIEJab) is used. |
  | Jpeg2000DataHasDifferentBitDepthOfColorChannels | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 data has different bit-depth of color channels. |
  | Jpeg2000DataHasSeveralColorSpaceSpecificationWithApproxFieldValue1 | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 data has more than 1 color space specification and several color space specifications have value 1 in the APPROX field. |
  | Jpeg2000DataPreferredColorSpaceSpecificationMethodEntryIsNot1Or2Or3 | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 data preferred color space specification METH entry is not 1 or 2 or 3. |
  | Jpeg2000DataSpecifiedColorSpaceSpecificationUsesIccProfileAndIccProfileDoesNotConformToPdf17 | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 data specified color space specification uses an ICC profile and that profile does not conform to the requirements of PDF 1.7. |
  | Jpeg2000DataSpecifiedColorSpaceSpecificationUsesIccProfileAndIccProfileDoesNotConformToPdf20 | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 data specified color space specification uses an ICC profile and that profile does not conform to the requirements of PDF 2.0. |
  | Jpeg2000ImageResourceColorComponentCountDoesNotMatchColorComponentCountInJpeg2000Data | Gets the trigger that is activated if number of color channels in the JPEG2000 data does not match the number of components in the color space. |
  | Jpeg2000ImageResourceColorComponentCountInJpeg2000DataIsNot1Or3Or4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if number of color channels in the JPEG2000 data is not 1 or 3 or 4. |
  | Jpeg2000ImageResourceHeightDoesNotMatchCorrespondingHeightInJpeg2000Data | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 image resource height does not match the corresponding height value in the JPEG2000 data. |
  | Jpeg2000ImageResourceIsNotJPXBaseline | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 image resource is not JPX baseline. |
  | Jpeg2000ImageResourceSizeDoesNotMatchCorrespondingSizeInJpeg2000Data | Gets the trigger that is activated if image resource width or height does not match the corresponding size value in the JPEG2000 data. |
  | Jpeg2000ImageResourceWidthDoesNotMatchCorrespondingWidthInJpeg2000Data | Gets the trigger that is activated if JPEG2000 image resource width does not match the corresponding width value in the JPEG2000 data. |
  | KeywordsMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if Keywords property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | MarkedContentPropertiesActualTextHasUnicodeValueFromUnicodePuaRange | Gets the trigger that is activated if the ActualText entry of the Structure Element contains PUA values. |
  | MarkInformationMarkedPropertyIsNotTrue | Gets the trigger that is activated if Mark Information Marked property is not set to true. |
  | MetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA2b | Gets the trigger that is activated if metadata resource does not conform to PDF/A-2b. |
  | MetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA3b | Gets the trigger that is activated if metadata resource does not conform to PDF/A-3b. |
  | MetadataDoesNotConformToPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if metadata resource does not conform to PDF/A-4. |
  | MetadataDoesNotConformToXmp | Gets the trigger that is activated if metadata does not conform to XMP. |
  | MetadataUsesStreamFilter | Gets the trigger that is activated if metadata stream uses a filter. |
  | ModificationDateMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if ModificationDate property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | NamedActionHasNonstandardName | Gets the trigger that is activated if named action has name that is not one of the standard names. |
  | NameIsInvalidUTF8CharacterSequence | Gets the trigger that is activated if name is invalid UTF-8 character sequence. |
  | NameObjectLengthGreaterThan127 | Gets the trigger that is activated if name contains more than 127 bytes. |
  | NeedAppearancesFlagIsTrue | Gets the trigger that is activated if 'NeedAppearances' flag of the interactive form dictionary is present and is set to true. |
  | NonSymbolicTrueTypeFontDoesNotUseMacRomanOrWinAnsiEncoding | Gets the trigger that is activated if non-symbolic TrueType font does not use MacRoman or WinAnsi encoding. |
  | NonSymbolicTrueTypeFontHasDifferencesWithNamesOutOfAdobeGlyphList | Gets the trigger that is activated if non-symbolic TrueType font has Differences with glyph names out of Adobe Glyph List. |
  | NonSymbolicTrueTypeFontHasEncodingDifferences | Gets the trigger that is activated if non-symbolic TrueType font has Differences entry in Encoding dictionary. |
  | NonSymbolicTrueTypeFontWithDifferencesDoesNotHaveMsUnicodeCmap | Gets the trigger that is activated if non-symbolic TrueType font has Differences with glyph names out of Adobe Glyph List. |
  | OptionalContentConfigurationContainsUsageApplicationDictionaries | Gets the trigger that is activated if optional content configuration has 'AS' entry (usage application dictionaries). |
  | OptionalContentConfigurationOrderDoesNotContainAllOCGsOfDocument | Gets the trigger that is activated if optional content configuration Order property does not contain references to all OCGs in the document. |
  | OptionalContentPropertiesHaveNotUniqueConfigurationNames | Gets the trigger that is activated if configurations of optional content properties names are not unique. |
  | OutputIntentsUseDifferentDestinationProfiles | Gets the trigger that is activated if document output intents refer to the different ICC profile resources. |
  | OverprintModeIs1WhenIccBasedCmykColorSpaceAndOverprintControlUsed | Gets the trigger that is activated if overprint mode is one (1) and an ICCBased CMYK color space is used and overprinting for stroke or fill or both is set to true. |
  | PageBoundariesSizeGreaterThan14400 | Gets the trigger that is activated if size of any of the page boundaries is greater than 14 400 units. |
  | PageBoundariesSizeLessThan3 | Gets the trigger that is activated if size of any of the page boundaries is less than 3 units. |
  | PageHasAdditionalActions | Gets the trigger that is activated if page dictionary contain the 'AA' key (additional actions). |
  | PageHasNotPermittedAdditionalActionsPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if page has 'AA' entry (additional actions) that has keys differs from: E, X, D, U, Fo, Bl. |
  | PageHasPresStepsEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if page dictionary contains 'PresSteps' entry. |
  | PageHasTransparencyGroup | Gets the trigger that is activated if page has transparency group. |
  | PageTypeIsMissingOrWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if page Type property is missing or wrong. |
  | PageUsesTransparency | Gets the trigger that is activated if page uses transparency. |
  | PageUsesTransparencyAndPdfAOutputIntentIsNotSpecified | Gets the trigger that is activated if page uses transparency and document does not contain a PDF/A OutputIntent or page Group key is missing or attribute dictionary CS entry whose value used as the default blending colour space is missing. |
  | PdfAOutputIntentDestProfileIsCorrupt | Gets the trigger that is activated if ICC profile of PDF/A OutputIntent is corrupt. |
  | PdfAOutputIntentDestProfileIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if ICC profile of PDF/A OutputIntent is missing. |
  | PdfAOutputIntentDestProfileIsNotSupportedInPdf14 | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/A Output intent dest profile is not supported in PDF 1.4. |
  | PdfAOutputIntentDestProfileIsNotSupportedInPdfA2 | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/A Output intent dest profile is not supported in PDF/A-2. |
  | PdfAOutputIntentDestProfileIsNotSupportedInPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/A Output intent dest profile is not supported in PDF/A-4. |
  | PdfAOutputIntentIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/A OutputIntent is missing. |
  | PdfFontAndEmbeddedFontHasDifferentFontType | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font and embedded font has different font type. |
  | PdfFontIsBad | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font is bad. |
  | PdfFontNameIsBad | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF font is bad. |
  | PdfXOutputIntentContainsDestOutputProfileRefKey | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/X Output intent dest profile contains 'DestOutputProfileRef' key. |
  | ProducerMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if Producer property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | RealNumberCloserToZeroThan1d175eM38Negative | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too small (closer to zero than -1.175*10^-38). |
  | RealNumberCloserToZeroThan1d175eM38Positive | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too small (closer to zero than 1.175*10^-38). |
  | RealNumberGreaterThan32767 | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too high (greater than 32767). |
  | RealNumberGreaterThan3d403e38 | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too high (greater than 3.403*10^38). |
  | RealNumberLessThanMinus32767 | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too low (less than -32767). |
  | RealNumberLessThanMinus3d403e38 | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too low (less than -3.403*10^38). |
  | RealNumberTooSmallNegative | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too small (closer to zero than -1/65536). |
  | RealNumberTooSmallPositive | Gets the trigger that is activated if real number is too small (closer to zero than 1/65536). |
  | SpotColorIsUsedInDeviceNColorSpaceButNotDefinedInColorants | Gets the trigger that is activated if spot color is used in DeviceN color space, but is not defined in 'Colorants' dictionary. |
  | StreamEndstreamKeywordNotPrecededEol | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream 'endstream' keyword is not preceded by an EOL marker. |
  | StreamKeywordNotFollowedCRLFOrLF | Gets the trigger that is activated if indirect object 'stream' keyword is not followed by CRLF or LF marker. |
  | StreamLengthPropertyIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream 'Length' key value does not match the number of bytes. |
  | StreamRefersToExternalContent | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream refers to the external content. |
  | StreamUsesJpeg2000Compression | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream uses JPEG2000 compression. |
  | StreamUsesLzwCompression | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream uses LZW compression. |
  | StreamUsesUnsupportedCompressionInPdfA2b | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream uses compression that is incompatible with PDF/A-2b. |
  | StreamUsesUnsupportedCompressionInPdfA4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if stream uses compression that is incompatible with PDF/A-4. |
  | StringObjectLengthGreaterThan32767 | Gets the trigger that is activated if string contains more than 32767 bytes. |
  | StringObjectLengthGreaterThan65535 | Gets the trigger that is activated if string contains more than 65535 bytes. |
  | StructureElementActualTextHasUnicodeValueFromUnicodePuaRange | Gets the trigger that is activated if the ActualText entry of the Structure Element contains PUA values. |
  | StructureElementStructureTypeIsNotStandardPdfA1 | Gets the trigger that is activated if Structure Element structure type is not standard type (PDF 1.4). |
  | StructureElementStructureTypeIsNotStandardPdfA2 | Gets the trigger that is activated if Structure Element structure type is not standard type (PDF 1.7). |
  | StructureElementTypeIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if Structure Element 'Type' entry is missing. |
  | SubjectMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if Subject property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | SymbolicTrueTypeFontDoesNotHaveExactlyOneEncodingTable | Gets the trigger that is activated if symbolic TrueType font does not have exactly one encoding in cmap table. |
  | SymbolicTrueTypeFontDoesNotHaveExactlyOneEncodingTableAndNoMsSymbol | Gets the trigger that is activated if symbolic TrueType font does not have exactly one encoding in cmap table and no Microsoft Symbol encoding. |
  | SymbolicTrueTypeFontHasEncoding | Gets the trigger that is activated if symbolic TrueType font has Encoding entry. |
  | TitleMismatchBetweenXmpAndDocumentInfo | Gets the trigger that is activated if Title property mismatch exists between XMP metadata and Document Info. |
  | TransparencyGroupAttributesColorSpaceIncompatibleWithPdfAOutputIntent | Gets the trigger that is activated if color space of transparency group attributes incompatible with PDF/A rendering intent. |
  | Type1FontCharSetIsWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if the font is a Type 1 font with CharSet entry and CharSet does not list character names of all glyphs, which are present in the font program. |
  | Type1FontCharSetMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if the font is a Type1 font that does not contain CharSet entry. |
  | Type2CidFontCidToGidMapIsMissing | Gets the trigger that is activated if Type2 CID font has incorrect or missing CIDToGIDMap. |
  | WidgetAnnotationHasAdditionalActions | Gets the trigger that is activated if widget annotation has 'AA' entry (additional actions). |
  | XmpMetadataDoesNotHavePdfAEntry | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/A entry of XMP metadata is missing. |
  | XmpMetadataExtensionSchemaDescriptionIsNotValid | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP metadata has embedded extension schema description with errors. |
  | XmpMetadataHeaderHasBytesAttribute | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP metadata has 'bytes' attribute. |
  | XmpMetadataHeaderHasEncodingAttribute | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP metadata has 'encoding' attribute. |
  | XmpMetadataIsBad | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP metadata is bad. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotA | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is not equal to A. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotAOrB | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is neither A nor B. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotAOrU | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is neither A nor U. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotBUOrA | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is not equal to B, U or A. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotE | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is not equal to E. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotEOrF | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is not equal to E or F. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformanceIsNotF | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is missing or is not equal to F. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaConformancePropertyIsPresent | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is present. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaHasNoConformanceProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is missing. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaHasNoPartProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:part property of XMP metadata is missing. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaHasNoRevisionProperty | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:rev property of XMP metadata is missing. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaPartIsNot1 | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:part property of XMP metadata is not equal to 1. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaPartIsNot2 | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:part property of XMP metadata is not equal to 2. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaPartIsNot3 | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:part property of XMP metadata is not equal to 3. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaPartIsNot4 | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:part property of XMP metadata is not equal to 4. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaPrefixIsWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if PDF/A identification schema in XMP metadata does not use 'pdfaid' prefix. |
  | XmpMetadataPdfAIdentificationSchemaRevisionIsWrong | Gets the trigger that is activated if pdfaid:conformance property of XMP metadata is neither 202n, where n: 0..9. |
  | XmpMetadataSchemaIsNotDefined | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP property uses schema that is not defined. |
  | XmpPropertyIsNotDefinedInSchema | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP property is not defined in corresponding schema definition. |
  | XmpPropertyValueDoesNotMatchDefinition | Gets the trigger that is activated if XMP property value does not match property definition. |
  | XrefMainTrailerIdAndLinearizationInfoTrailerIdIsMismatch | Gets the trigger that is activated if in a linearized file the ID keyword presents in both the first page trailer and the last trailer dictionaries and the value of both instances are different. |
  | XrefTableCorrupt | Gets the trigger that is activated if cross reference table is corrupt. |
  | XrefTableHeaderIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if cross reference table 'xref' keyword and the subsection header are not separated by a single EOL marker. |
  | XrefTableSubsectionHeaderIsInvalid | Gets the trigger that is activated if in a cross reference subsection header the starting object number and the range not separated by a single SPACE character. |