VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK 12.4: Documentation for .NET developer
Classes Enumerations Interfaces SeeAlso
In This Topic
    Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.VisualTools.UserInteraction Namespace (Vintasoft.Imaging.UI)
    In This Topic
    Contains classes of visual tools, which perform interaction between user and interactive objects.
    ClassContains eight interaction points on bounding box.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms a ComboBox interactive object.
    ClassRepresents the composite interaction controller.
    ClassRepresents the composite interaction controller of an interactive object.
    ClassThe interaction area that used for building of interactive object on image viewer.
    ClassInteraction area of interactive object.
    ClassStores and manages settings for interaction areas of visual tool.
    ClassProvides a base class for interaction controllers.
    ClassProvides a base class for interaction controllers.
    ClassContains an event data of the user interactive object.
    ClassThe rounded interaction area.
    ClassThe rectangular interaction point which is a part of polygon or point-based object.
    ClassThe rectangular interaction point.
    ClassThe interaction area that covers the entire area of interactive object.
    ClassThe quadrangular interaction area of interactive object.
    ClassThe quadrangular non interactive area of interactive object used for highlighting border of interactive object.
    ClassAn interaction controller that handles interaction of object's bounding box area.
    ClassInteraction controller that allows to manage a point list of PathSelectionRegion object interactively.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms point-based interactive object using distortion transformation.
    ClassInteraction controller that builds a point-based interactive object using "freehand" style.
    ClassProvides an abstract base class for interaction controllers of point-based objects.
    ClassInteraction controller that builds a point-based interactive object by lines.
    ClassInteraction controller that builds an interactive object based on points using "moving".
    ClassInteraction controller that builds a point-based interactive object by points.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms point-based interactive object by points.
    ClassInteraction controller that builds a point-based interactive object using "rectangular" style.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms point-based interactive object using move/resize/rotate transformations.
    ClassInteraction controller that builds a rectangular interactive object.
    ClassRepresents an interaction controller that builds an interactive object by moving the object rectangle.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms rectangular interactive object.
    ClassThe rotation assistant area.
    ClassRotation interaction point.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms scrollable interactive object.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms slider-based annotation by slider points.
    ClassProvides a base class for the text editor controller.
    ClassInteraction controller that transforms text object.
    ClassProvides data for the TextBoxShowing, TextBoxShown, TextBoxClosing, TextBoxClosed and TextBoxUpdated events.
    ClassVisual tool that performs interaction between user and interactive objects.
    EnumerationSpecifies available actions that can occur with interaction area.
    EnumerationSpecifies available types of interaction areas.
    EnumerationSpecifies available building styles for rectangular objects.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of ComboBox interactive object.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of interaction controller.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of interactive object.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of point-based interactive object that supports points transformation.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of rectangular interactive object.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of scrollable interactive object.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of interactive object that supports adjusting some parameters using sliders.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of interaction controller, which supports moving of interactive object.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of interaction controller that supports rotation of interactive object.
    InterfaceDefines an interface of text interactive object.
    See Also