VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Shared Namespace / WebImageCollectionJS type / addFiles Methods / addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS[],function,function) Property
Syntax BrowserCompatibility SeeAlso
In This Topic
    addFiles(Vintasoft.Shared.WebFileInfoJS[],function,function) Method
    In This Topic
    Sends an asynchronous request to a server, gets information about images, which are stored in files on server, and adds images to the image collection. Function uses web service specified by WebServiceJS.defaultImageCollectionService property.
    var instance = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageCollectionJS();
    var value; // Type: any
    // Parameters
    var fileIds; // Type: WebFileInfoJS[]
    var successFunc; // Type: function
    var errorFunc; // Type: function
    value = instance.addFiles(fileIds, successFunc, errorFunc);
    function addFiles(
    An array of instances of WebFileInfoJS class.
    : WebFileInfoJS[],
    Function that will be executed if request is executed successfully.
    Here is function prototype "function __success(data)".
    The data parameter has the following properties:
    • files (object): Array of informations about images in image files. Information is object with following properties:
      • imageInfos (object): Information about images in image file.
      • isAuthenticationRequired (boolean): A value indicating whether current image file requres authentication.
    • images (object): An array of WebImageJS objects created using imageInfos property from all files.
    : Function,
    Function that will be executed if request is failed.
    Here is function prototype "function __error(data)".
    The data parameter can be:
    1. An object with following properties:
      • errorMessage (string): Error message.
      • blocked (boolean): Indicates that the requested action is blocked by another request.
      if exception is catched inside web service.
    2. Otherwise, jqXHR object.
    : Function
    ) : any;


    An array of instances of WebFileInfoJS class.
    Function that will be executed if request is executed successfully.
    Here is function prototype "function __success(data)".
    The data parameter has the following properties:
    • files (object): Array of informations about images in image files. Information is object with following properties:
      • imageInfos (object): Information about images in image file.
      • isAuthenticationRequired (boolean): A value indicating whether current image file requres authentication.
    • images (object): An array of WebImageJS objects created using imageInfos property from all files.
    Function that will be executed if request is failed.
    Here is function prototype "function __error(data)".
    The data parameter can be:
    1. An object with following properties:
      • errorMessage (string): Error message.
      • blocked (boolean): Indicates that the requested action is blocked by another request.
      if exception is catched inside web service.
    2. Otherwise, jqXHR object.
    Browser Compatibility
    See Also