VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Shared Namespace / WebImageJS type / renderTile Property
Syntax Exceptions BrowserCompatibility SeeAlso
In This Topic
    renderTile Method
    In This Topic
    Sends an asynchronous request for rendering of image tile.
    var instance = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS(imageSource, pageIndex);
    var value; // Type: object
    // Parameters
    var tileRenderingSettings; // Type: object
    var successFunc; // Type: function
    var errorFunc; // Type: function
    value = instance.renderTile(tileRenderingSettings, successFunc, errorFunc);
    function renderTile(
    Settings for rendering of image tile.
    An object with following properties:
    • x (number): X coordinate of tile on source image (X coordinate without scale). Required parameter.
    • y (number): Y coordinate of tile on source image (Y coordinate without scale). Required parameter.
    • width (number): The width, in pixels, of scaled tile. Required parameter.
    • height (number): The height, in pixels, of scaled tile. Required parameter.
    • scale (object): The scale (horizontal and vertical) of image tile. Supported values: 0.1 - 10%, 1 - 100%, etc. Optional parameter, default value is {x:1,y:1}.
    • useCache (boolean): Value indicating whether rendered image tile must be saved on server. Optional parameter, default value is true.
    • format (object): An instance of WebImageTypeEnumJS class that defines a format in which an image tile must be returned. Optional parameter, default value is WebImageTypeEnumJS.Url.
    • renderingSettings (object): WebRenderingSettingsJS object. Optional parameter, default value is WebImageJS.get_RenderingSettings of image.
    • decodingSettings (object): WebDecodingSettingsJS object. Optional parameter, default value is WebImageJS.get_DecodingSettings of image.
    : object,
    Function that will be executed if request is executed successfully.
    Here is function prototype "function __success(data)".
    The data parameter has the following properties:
    • fileId (string): Image file identifier.
    • pos (object): Tile position on source image.
    • size (object): Tile size.
    • useCache (boolean): Indicates that the rendered image tile is saved on server.
    • scale (object): The scale (horizontal and vertical) of image tile.
    • image (object): An instance of WebImageJS class that represents the source image.
    : Function,
    Function that will be executed if request is failed.
    Here is function prototype "function __error(data)".
    The data parameter can be:
    1. An object with following properties:
      • errorMessage (string): Error message.
      • blocked (boolean): Indicates that the requested action is blocked by another request.
      if exception is catched inside web service.
    2. Otherwise, jqXHR object.
    : Function
    ) : object;


    Settings for rendering of image tile.
    An object with following properties:
    • x (number): X coordinate of tile on source image (X coordinate without scale). Required parameter.
    • y (number): Y coordinate of tile on source image (Y coordinate without scale). Required parameter.
    • width (number): The width, in pixels, of scaled tile. Required parameter.
    • height (number): The height, in pixels, of scaled tile. Required parameter.
    • scale (object): The scale (horizontal and vertical) of image tile. Supported values: 0.1 - 10%, 1 - 100%, etc. Optional parameter, default value is {x:1,y:1}.
    • useCache (boolean): Value indicating whether rendered image tile must be saved on server. Optional parameter, default value is true.
    • format (object): An instance of WebImageTypeEnumJS class that defines a format in which an image tile must be returned. Optional parameter, default value is WebImageTypeEnumJS.Url.
    • renderingSettings (object): WebRenderingSettingsJS object. Optional parameter, default value is WebImageJS.get_RenderingSettings of image.
    • decodingSettings (object): WebDecodingSettingsJS object. Optional parameter, default value is WebImageJS.get_DecodingSettings of image.
    Function that will be executed if request is executed successfully.
    Here is function prototype "function __success(data)".
    The data parameter has the following properties:
    • fileId (string): Image file identifier.
    • pos (object): Tile position on source image.
    • size (object): Tile size.
    • useCache (boolean): Indicates that the rendered image tile is saved on server.
    • scale (object): The scale (horizontal and vertical) of image tile.
    • image (object): An instance of WebImageJS class that represents the source image.
    Function that will be executed if request is failed.
    Here is function prototype "function __error(data)".
    The data parameter can be:
    1. An object with following properties:
      • errorMessage (string): Error message.
      • blocked (boolean): Indicates that the requested action is blocked by another request.
      if exception is catched inside web service.
    2. Otherwise, jqXHR object.

    Return Value

    Request object.
    Thrown if arguments have wrong types.
    Thrown if tile has coordinates outside the image.
    Browser Compatibility
    See Also