VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.0: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Twain Namespace / WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS type / clearAsync Property
Syntax Exceptions Remarks BrowserCompatibility SeeAlso
In This Topic
    clearAsync Method
    In This Topic
    Sends an asynchronous request to clear this image collection.
    var instance = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS(twainDeviceManager);
    var value; // Type: any
    // Parameters
    var successFunc; // Type: function
    var errorFunc; // Type: function
    value = instance.clearAsync(successFunc, errorFunc);
    function clearAsync(
    A function that will be executed if request is executed successfully. Function prototype: "successFunc(imageCollection)", where 'imageCollection' parameter is an instance of WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS class.
    : Function,
    A function that will be executed if request is failed. Function prototype: "errorFunc(imageCollection, errorMessage)", where 'imageCollection' parameter is an instance of WebAcquiredImageJS class, 'errorMessage' parameter is string that describes error.
    : Function
    ) : any;


    A function that will be executed if request is executed successfully. Function prototype: "successFunc(imageCollection)", where 'imageCollection' parameter is an instance of WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS class.
    A function that will be executed if request is failed. Function prototype: "errorFunc(imageCollection, errorMessage)", where 'imageCollection' parameter is an instance of WebAcquiredImageJS class, 'errorMessage' parameter is string that describes error.
    Thrown if image collection is not cleared.

    This function sends an asynchronous request to clear this image collection. If you want to use synchronous request instead of asynchronous request, please use WebAcquiredImageCollectionJS.clear function.

    Browser Compatibility
    See Also