VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Twain Namespace / WebAcquiredImageJS type
In This Topic
    WebAcquiredImageJS Class Methods
    In This Topic
    For a list of all methods of this type, see WebAcquiredImageJS.
    Public MethodChanges brightness of image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to change brightness of image.
    Public MethodChanges contrast of image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to change contrast of image.
    Public MethodCrops an image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to crop an image.
    Public MethodDeskews an image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to deskew an image.
    Public MethodDespeckles an image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to despeckle an image.
    Public MethodDetects border of image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to detect border of image.
    Public MethodGets an image bit count.
    Public MethodGets a compression of image data.
    Public MethodGets an image height in pixels.
    Public MethodGets an image identifier.
    Public MethodGets an image pixel type.
    Public MethodGets an image samples per pixel.
    Public MethodGets an image width in pixels.
    Public MethodGets a horizontal resolution of image.
    Public MethodGets a vertical resolution of image.
    Public MethodReturns image as a base64-string.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to get an image as a base64-string.
    Public MethodInverts an image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to invert an image.
    Public MethodReturns a value indicating whether an image is blank.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to check whether an image is blank.
    Public MethodResizes canvas of image.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to resize canvas of image.
    Public MethodOverloaded. Rotates an image with automatic detection of border color.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to rotate an image.
    See Also