VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.0: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Twain Namespace / WebTwainDeviceManagerInitSettingsJS type / get_TopMostUiWindow Property
Syntax BrowserCompatibility SeeAlso
In This Topic
    get_TopMostUiWindow Method
    In This Topic
    Gets a value indicating whether the TWAIN device UI window must be shown as a top most window.
    var instance = new Vintasoft.Twain.WebTwainDeviceManagerInitSettingsJS();
    var value; // Type: boolean
    value = instance.get_TopMostUiWindow();
    function get_TopMostUiWindow() : boolean;

    Return Value

    True - TWAIN device UI window must be shown as a top most window if parent window is NOT specified; otherwise, false.
    Browser Compatibility
    See Also