VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 15.1: Documentation for Web developer
Vintasoft.Twain Namespace / WebTwainDeviceManagerJS type
Constructors SeeAlso
In This Topic
    WebTwainDeviceManagerJS Class Members
    In This Topic
    The following tables list the members exposed by WebTwainDeviceManagerJS.
    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorOverloaded. Initializes a new instance of the WebTwainDeviceManagerJS class.
    Public MethodCloses TWAIN/SANE device manager.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to close TWAIN/SANE device manager.
    Public MethodFinds TWAIN/SANE device by device name.
    Public MethodGets the default TWAIN/SANE device.
    Public MethodGets a list of TWAIN/SANE devices installed in the system.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether the device manager is opened.
    Public MethodGets a value indicating whether TWAIN 2.x Data Source Manager should be used.
    Public MethodGets the device, which is opened in device manager.
    Public MethodGets version of VintaSoft Web TWAIN API.
    Public MethodGets version of VintaSoft Web TWAIN service.
    Public MethodGets the identifier of TWAIN session.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to get a list of TWAIN/SANE devices installed in the system.
    Public MethodOpens TWAIN/SANE device manager.
    Public MethodSends an asynchronous request to open TWAIN/SANE device manager.
    See Also