In This Topic
Important: Old Vintasoft.Twain.dll assembly is renamed into Vintasoft.WinTwain.dll assembly. New Vintasoft.Twain.dll assembly is cross-platform assembly that does not depend from System.Drawing.Common library.
Now the SDK has 3 versions of .NET assemblies:
- Vintasoft.Twain.dll - .NET assembly that can be used in .NET application for Windows and Linux. This assembly uses drawing primitives from Vintasoft.Shared library.
- Vintasoft.WinTwain.dll - .NET assembly that can be used in .NET application for Windows. This assembly uses drawing primitives from System.Drawing.Common library.
- Vintasoft.WpfTwain.dll - .NET assembly that can be used in WPF application for Windows. This assembly uses drawing primitives from WPF library.
Now VintasoftTwainService.exe does not depend from System.Drawing.Common library.
API changes in Vintasoft.WinTwain.dll (Vintasoft.Twain.dll in previous versions)
Removed classes:
public class Vintasoft.WinTwain.ImageEncoders.TwainGifEncoderSettings
The SDK cannot save scanned images to a GIF file starting from version 14.0. |
Changed classes:
Added properties
public static Vintasoft.WinTwain.OsPlatform OsPlatform { get ; }
Gets the OS platform. |
Removed constructors
public DeviceManager(IntPtr parentFormHandle)
Use constructor "DeviceManager(System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke parentFormInvoker, IntPtr parentFormHandle)" instead. |
public DeviceManager(IntPtr parentFormHandle, CountryCode country, LanguageType language)
Use constructor "DeviceManager(System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke parentFormInvoker, IntPtr parentFormHandle, CountryCode country, LanguageType language)" instead. |
New enumerations:
public enum Vintasoft.WinTwain.OsPlatform
Specifies available OS paltforms. |
API changes in Vintasoft.WpfTwain.dll
Removed classes:
public class Vintasoft.WpfTwain.ImageEncoders.TwainGifEncoderSettings
The SDK cannot save scanned images to a GIF file starting from version 14.0. |
Changed classes:
Added properties
public static Vintasoft.WpfTwain.OsPlatform OsPlatform { get ; }
Gets the OS platform. |
New enumerations:
public enum Vintasoft.WpfTwain.OsPlatform
Specifies available OS paltforms. |