Name | Description | |
ChangeColorsToBlackWhite | Changes the palette colors to the black and white colors. | |
Clone | Creates a new Palette that is a copy of the current instance. | |
ConvertToBlackWhiteColors | Converts a bitonal palette to a black-white or white-black palette. | |
ConvertToGrayColors | Converts the palette colors to gray colors. | |
CreateBlackWhitePalette | Creates a standard black-white palette, i.e. black is zero. | |
CreateGrayscalePalette | Overloaded. Creates grayscale palette with specified color count. | |
CreateInvertedBlackWhitePalette | Creates an inverted black-white palette, i.e. white is zero. | |
CreateInvertedGrayscalePalette | Creates an inverted grayscale palette with specified color count. | |
Equals | Returns a value indicating whether two Palette instances are equal. | |
FindColorIndex | Finds the index of specified color in this Palette. | |
GetActualPixelFormat | Returns actual pixel format if pixel format does not correspond to this palette. | |
GetAsArray | Overloaded. Returns colors of the palette as array of ARGB values. | |
GetColor | Returns the color of specified item of palette. | |
GetFirstTransparentColorIndex | Returns index of the first transparent color in palette. | |
GetGrayPalleteColors | Returns an array that contains colors for grayscale pallete. | |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this Palette. | |
GetNearestColorIndex | Returns index of palette color, which is nearest to the specified color. | |
Invert | Inverts the palette. | |
SetBlackWhitePalette | Converts this palette to the black-white palette. | |
SetColor | Sets the color of specified item of palette. | |
SetColors | Sets the colors of palette. | |
SetGrayscalePalette | Converts this palette to a grayscale palette with specified color count. | |
SetInvertedBlackWhitePalette | Converts this palette to the inverted black-white palette. | |
SetNewColorsCore | Sets new colors in palette without raising of Changed event. | |
Union | Returns an array of colors that represents the union of two palettes. |