
Questions, comments and suggestions concerning VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK.

Moderator: Alex

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Post by Hans7711 »

Hi Alex,

an important issue for my project is to set and get image addesses of scanner Kodeak i5850. With following code:

Dim kodakImageAddressEnabledCap As Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceCapability = device.Capabilities.Find(CUShort(Vintasoft.Twain.KodakDeviceCapabilityId.Kodak_ImageAddressEnabled))

I get "nothing" for kodakImageAddressEnabledCap

The example, I found:
Dim kodakUltrasonicDetectionCap As Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceCapability = device.Capabilities.Find(CUShort(Vintasoft.Twain.KodakDeviceCapabilityId.Kodak_UltrasonicSensitivity))

I get a value for kodakUltrasonicDetectionCap -> "{Id=32807, Name=Kodak_UltrasonicSensitivity}"

Would it be possible to give me a hint, how get access to the image address in order to set it by CAP. Thank you.

Sincerely, Hans
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Re: KodakDeviceCapabilityId.Kodak_ImageAddressEnabled

Post by Alex »

Hi Hans,

You can get a list of capabilities, which are supported by TWAIN device, using the Device.Capabilities property.

Please check if Kodak_ImageAddressEnabled (0x8016) capability is supported by your Kodak scanner.

Best regards, Alexander
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