Version 12.1 of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

News and announcements from VintaSoft.

Moderator: Alex

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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that allows to edit values of interactive fields in PDF document.
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Posts: 2339
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Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Improved the algorithm that verifies PDF/A document.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in UserInteractionVisualTool and WpfUserInteractionVisualTool classes.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added new method - PdfPage.RemoveRotation, which rotates content of PDF page and sets PdfPage.Rotate property to 0.
    • Added new property - PdfPageRotateOrthogonallyCommand.UseRotateProperty, which rotates PDF page without changing of PdfPage.Rotate property.
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Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in PdfPage.RotateContentOrthogonaly method.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in WpfPanTool visual tool. Now visual tool works correctly even when scrolls are disabled in WPF image viewer.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Improved the algorithm that restores damaged PDF documents.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to change mouse cursors for actions in DicomViewerTool visual tool.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Office .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Improved the algorithm that layouts elements in paragraph of DOCX document.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in PdfImageResource.SetImage method.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in the DicomViewerTool visual tool when tool is used in composition of visual tools.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Improved the algorithm that extracts text from document. Now algorithm provides better results for text with dropcap characters.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that renders text symbol using graphic pattern.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Improved the algorithm that detects rotation angle of image (GetRotationAngleCommand class).
  • Web development
    • Added WebImageViewerJS.set_ChangeFocusedImageWhenScrolling function, which allows to enable/disable changing of focused image in web image viewer while viewer scrolling.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to render the graphics pattern FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft DICOM .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Fixed the bug in algorithm that loads data of overlay image from DICOM file.
Site Admin
Posts: 2339
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:21 pm

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

Post by Alex »

Version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK has been released.

What's new in this version of VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK:
  • .NET development
    • Added the ability to specify anchor for thumbnails in WinForms and WPF thumbnail viewer (ThumbnailViewer.ThumbnailsAnchor and WpfThumbnailViewer.ThumbnailsAnchor properties).

What's new in this version of VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in:
  • .NET development
    • Added the support for TrueType collections (TTC) in CID (Type0) fonts.
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