PDF file Linearized

Questions, comments and suggestions concerning VintaSoft PDF .NET Plug-in.

Moderator: Alex

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PDF file Linearized

Post by freddy.maitre »

Is there a way to know if a PDF file is Linearized (Fast Web View) ?
And also is it possible to save a PDF file as Linearized ?
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Re: PDF file Linearized

Post by Alex »

Hi Freddy,
Is there a way to know if a PDF file is Linearized (Fast Web View) ?
You can check that PDF document is linearized using the following code:

Code: Select all

public static bool HasLinearizationInfo(Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.PdfDocument document)
    bool result;
    if (Vintasoft.Imaging.Pdf.Processing.Analyzers.PdfAnalyzers.PdfFileHasLinearizationInfo.TryAnalyze(document, out result))
        return result;
    return false;
And also is it possible to save a PDF file as Linearized ?
Current version does not allow to create linearized PDF documents. We plan to add this feature in future. Unfortunately, I cannot give you the exact date.

Best regards, Alexander
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Re: PDF file Linearized

Post by satish.trivedi »

Is there any update on PDF file Linearized?
Is there any option to load big pdf in Streaming, like if there are 10 pages in pdf, it will start showing once first page is loaded and so on?
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Re: PDF file Linearized

Post by Alex »


VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK still cannot create linearized PDF documents. This feature is in our to-do list.

Best regards, Alexander
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:26 am

Re: PDF file Linearized

Post by satish.trivedi »

Thanks Alex for your quick response.

Is there any option to load big size pdf in Streaming (Linearized pdf)?
Like if there are 100 pages in pdf file, it should start showing once first page is loaded and so on?
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Re: PDF file Linearized

Post by Alex »


The Vintasoft ImageViewer control displays PDF page right after page is ready for viewing - this is the default behaviour.

Please run VintaSoft Document Viewer Demo ("[SdkInstallPath]\VintaSoft\Imaging .NET v12.2\Bin\DotNet4\AnyCPU\DocumentViewerDemo.exe"), open your PDF document and see how image viewer displays your PDF document.

Let me know if you will have any question or problem.

Best regards, Alexander
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