Mutiple Jpg image in Array is taking time with azure blob response

Questions, comments and suggestions concerning VintaSoft Imaging .NET SDK.

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Mutiple Jpg image in Array is taking time with azure blob response

Post by jwalit.katira »


In .NET core we have override CreateSessionDataStorage method to give response as blob stream , below is sample code

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protected override IDataStorage CreateSessionDataStorage(string sessionId)
    return new BlobDataStorage();

public class BlobDataStorage : IDataStorage
    public object GetItemCopy(string key)
         if (Contains(key))
            var blobclient = new BlobClient("UseDevelopmentStorage=true", "service",key);
            return blobclient.OpenRead();
            throw new Exception(string.Format("Data storage does not have image with identifier \"{0}\".", key));
the method GetImageFileInfo() is taking almost 1 min to response for 1260 array of jpg . if is is just JSON response cannot we some how give response directly

same method GetImageFileInfo() i override as as response stream from physical 1260 array of jpg file it is only take 3 sec

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protected override IDataStorage CreateSessionDataStorage(string sessionId)
    if (sessionId == null)
        if (IsEmptySessionSupported)
            sessionId = "";
            throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionId");

    string path = Path.Combine("C:\\Jwalit\\Sample Files\\JPEGNEW\\", sessionId);

    if (!Directory.Exists(path))

    return new StreamDataStorage(path);
can you please suggest

Jwalit katira
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Re: Mutiple Jpg image in Array is taking time with azure blob response

Post by Alex »

Hello Jwalit,

Please do the following test:
  • Create console application that creates BlobClient object and reads data from 1260 blobs. Run the application and measure the execution time.
  • Create console application that reads bytes from 1260 file streams. Run the application and measure the execution time.
I think as a result you will see that the second application works much faster.

If you want to improve performance of data storage, which loads data from blobs, I think you need to improve performance of blobs.

Best regards, Alexander
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